What do you think of Richard Spencer
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Faggot and a cuck
i don't
i think he's a Globalist puppet of the Deep State.
He's probably smarter than Sup Forums on average post-Reddit invasion
he's saying global political party which is much different than global sovereignty, but why even both replying to you since you won't change your wrong first impression
>he's saying global political party which is much different than global sovereignty
Metrosexual cuck who can't defend himself. If this is whom Sup Forums stormfags hold us their standard-bearer for the longevity of the white race, then fucking kek.
>every advocate for whites is a Jewish plant
Do you see how this belief can lead to difficulties?
How come they let you use the government computer?
Obvious retard
Pale degenerate muslim nigger
Naturally, like any Trump supporter
yes, global political party and organizational structure for white people to campaign is different than global sovereignty for elite bankers
Why is hanging out with Laura Bush?
what does a global party do if not try to achieve sovereignty? Don't be so naive
you don't have to be Jewish to be a Globalist. Although Jewish friends certainly helps, just ask Trump
Literally an FBI agent
Shit debater, gay voice, gay haircut. Even if he isn't a CIA plant he isn't a good representative of the identitarian movement.
Dammit Dick Spencer were tired of you making these damn threads about yourself. We think you're a faggot that needs 1934 treatment
you are so self critical
> identitarian
faggot identity politics for the white SJW
Nigger/woman tier bullshit. Economics is all that matters
suck my dick bitch
did he hang out or did he get a picture with her? Anyone who's ever gone to a fundraiser or townhall has pictures with politicians
Truer words have not been spoken
Economics is just as materialistic as white identity friendo.
I think you need a better proxy CIA
That's true but economics is more easily reasoned with lefties than race.
>muh over/under representation
>muh genders rights
>muh culture values that EVERYONE has to adhere to
>muh state to solidify all this
sickening desu
I'm sure the economy won't be affected once the USA has turned into Brazil 2.0
sovereignty for the white race is absolutely necessary; we shouldn't destroy our individual identities just like a sovereign UK didn't erase welshmen/scotsmen/englishmen, but it's also a pretty terrible strategic decision to stay fractured and divided into a hundred different tiny factions when our enemies view us and hate us simply as White. But something like the EU in its current state is completely unsalvageable
Sup Forums these days is much similar to the US post Marxism.
2 years ago Sup Forums would have loved the man.
These days, you're talking to Reddit and paid shills when you post on Sup Forums
This place is not the WN hub it used to be. Do not let anything on this piece of shit board influence your thoughts or opinions about the trends in the WN community.
Sup Forums is fucking dead mate.
120% controlled opposition
I'm not sure what you are getting at. Economics is king nigga. Why argue race and stupid identity politics when you can take the route of economics to get the same outcome?
White identity is based on economic factors friendo, it has changed many times in history, from the tribes to the free medieval city, to feudalism, to checked feudalism, to liberal democracy, you honestly think that is going to stay the same for ever?
The material conditions created the identity that goes on top of it.
Humans have consistently adapted to their environments and not the other way around. That is evolution.
What would you call "white identity"? Becuase for half the population that means white guilt. So....? Only YOUR white identity is the correct white identity or what?
Ultimately its all bullshit, which snowflake identity you have just doesn't fucking matter if you're broke and so is your whole family
economics is nothing compared to biology
I'm sure the USA wouldn't have been turned into Brazil 2.0 had it not spent the majority of the last 100 years systematically toppling popular governments all around the world for their oil and finance buddies
At least racial identity is based on something real, not some made up mental condition like transgender asexuality. False equivalency.
Sup Forums is not a white nationalist hugbox you retard
some are redditors, many are legitimate shills who have as many proxies as they want.
No it is not absolutely necessary. Sovereignty should be in the hands of local communities, people should control their own services. Centralisation is fucking incredibly inefficient unless its voluntary.
Nigga, we prop your ass up too. If anything you should be glad america is the world police. What if was someone else not so Anglo?
no, it's a white nationalist hurtbox
Because two years ago it was a bloody uphill battle against the leftist faggots.
He only came out of the woodwork once this 'alt right' boogeyman shit started happening, he's just profiting off the current political climate, insincere and not authentic.
Spencer was never loved here and he's barely even liked by Stormfags
The definition of a forced meme
That is exactly what I am saying this post was satirical
These are all things the white and black SJW both spout about.
and yet perfectly good "Aryan" men die poor and addicted to meth day in day out because they were born in a shitty neighbourhood.
>At least racial identity is based on something real, not some made up mental condition like transgender asexuality.
I never said anything about transgender asexuality so LOL that would then accuse me of false equivalence.
And as i have just shown
What would you call "white identity"? Becuase for half the population that means white guilt. So....? Only YOUR white identity is the correct white identity or what?
It isn't based on anything real at all Mr Snowflake man
Its muh feelings, your white identity is just how you interpret your own identity, it is not universal and certainly not an objective truth.
You're talking about ideology, I'm taking about the on-the-ground reality of 2017. Ideals of libertarianism or even statelessness aren't particularly realistic when our homes are being flooded with tens of millions of low IQ highly fertile 3rd world brown people.
> If anything you should be glad america is the world police.
Burger, you realise ISIS all met in US prison in Iraq yes, camp Buqqa? You know of that place? Google it. You know Saudi business interests funded the whole thing and both UK AND US sold them the arms to do it.
US playing world police is the cause of terrorism every time.
Taliban? Formerly the Mujihadeen, funded by the CIA in order to fight the soviets.
Great, how is that policy going how is Afghanistan? Oh.. the US is littered with Afghan heroin now despite INCREASED US military presence.... oh how did that happen?
Don't be coy, by "snowflake" identity you're clearly referencing the 54 or so genders that tumblr makes up everyday.
What the fuck is an Aryan?
I do know that high IQ 100% northern european men who have never tried meth die affluent in Brazil everyday, but it still Brazil, and always will be Brazil, because the average IQ of a nation is more closely and consistently positively correlated to quality of life, civic cohesiveness, and economic prosperity than any other statistic.
Opposition to Multiculturalism leftism and politically correct thought is the foundation of Sup Forums, which usually bleeds into a faint support of WN ideals
What's all this talk about identity? Primates are driven to secure the existence and maximize the chances of reproductive success for their progeny. Nature doesn't give a shit about your identity.
>Ideals of libertarianism or even statelessness aren't particularly realistic when our homes are being flooded with tens of millions of low IQ highly fertile 3rd world brown people.
Directly because of things capitalist nation states have done.
Capitalism created the world we live in, now we are seeing the effects. Of course you would leave Libya for europe, you would be a fucking retard not to. LIBYA SUCKS COCK. We made it suck EVEN MORE COCKS and broke down our main border, the plug into europe, thanks Hillary, thanks liberals, thanks capitalism
I am referencing SJW of both the Tumblr and the Redditard Magafag and the Stormcunt variety. All are retarded SJW
Does this post have a tangental relationships to what I was taking about?
Capitalism is a tool, if it stops working or to find a better one you toss it in the garbage.
Of course it's rational for Libyans to want to enter the home nations of northern europeans, as it is rational for us to sink the boats before they reach our shores.
>I do know that high IQ 100% northern european men who have never tried meth die affluent in Brazil everyday,
Did you just shoot some meth? This makes absolutely no sense at all.
How is this an argument? White people don't become succesfull automatically, they are held back by economic conditions, even if they have strong biology. This is abundantly clear in the mass poverty among white europeans, which is MORE predominant that wealth.
>because the average IQ of a nation is more closely and consistently positively correlated to quality of life, civic cohesiveness, and economic prosperity than any other statistic.
How do you think a nation comes to have a high average IQ you retard... economic factors, material conditions.
You can only see surface things. You are a basic bitch. You've got to look at WHY and HOW not just WHAT and WHERE
>What's all this talk about identity?
how about, you started talking about the need for white identity, and I'm debunking it.
Is this news?
and I'm saying, you are going to have to go on sinking boats, if you don't cut the globalist wars, its really very simple. You destroy a mans house and livelyhood, he goes somewhere else to seek that house and livelyhood.
It is quite simply puerile to suggest that making mess doesn't require cleaning up
and make no mistake you do not benefit from these wars, they benefit arms manufacturers and high finance, and this inflates your currency and drives up the cost of living for you, while your brothers and cousins go abroad and take the bullets.
I never even used the word identity, what are you talking about
meh thought you were the other guy. In any case, all the talk about identity is clear, read the posts????
A LARPing attention whore. Greg Johnson is better than this cunt at virtually everything.
This post is non-sensical, bordering on incoherence. In what ways do white nationalists supportive of ethnic cleansing fight for the concept of "Social Justice"?
Japan today is about 98% Japanese. If I went up to a Japanese man and told him that over the next 50 years, I would be flooding his country with enough tens of millions of arabs, south asians, mestizos, africans, and mulattos that at the end of those 50 years, ethnically Japanese people would make up 49% of the population, and he responded "No thank you", would he now be an SJW?
if you read them, you will see I agree, Identity is nothing, material conditions are everything, nature indeed does not give a shit about your or my identity
(((Dick Spencer))) a man famous for getting punched in the face.
>has soy in his ID
>calls someone a faggot
He's an idiot like most of Sup Forums but also an attention seeker.
You sound like shills.
Spencer releases all of his financial statements when it comes to his organization and the "profits" he racks in. He was making much more money before he started committing professional suicide by coming out with his unpopular ideas.
>Spencer was never loved here and he's barely even liked by Stormfags
This shows how new you are. Spencer and Woes were both liked here. Now they are magically both hated, with constant streams of photoshopped images of them attempting to ridicule them by shaping their heads like cones, or making them much fatter than they are.
It's OBVIOUS that there is money in this on the part of shills. It's always the same people posting the same images EVERY DAY. Literally every single day. And strangely enough, noone here seems to have valid points to make against him. I still haven't heard a single one.
>and he's barely even liked by Stormfags
The Identitarian movement is degrees larger than Sup Forums and Stormfront combined, (in the US alone).
The difference between Sup Forumsacks and Stormfags compared to average Alt-Righters is staggering, both in terms of accomplishment and individual worth. The Alt-Right is recruiting en masse.
I live in a relatively small Swiss city, and we have a local Identitarian community that I've been part of for a while. We meet up every single week, in a rented hall. Our numbers have almost tripled in the last year alone. Barely any of us know of Stormfront, and maybe 50% know about Sup Forums, but nearly 100% of us know Richard Spencer..
The reality is that you are literal autistic kids, useful idiots who simply don't know about the serious WN movements due to you being scrawny, pasty little fags with enough estrogen to be considered trans. Start lifting weights, start reading books and start networking with REAL fucking people in your area, not some anonymous shitskins larping as White
>. In what ways do white nationalists supportive of ethnic cleansing fight for the concept of "Social Justice"?
Because you have ALL of the same talking points,
your politics is based on identity and cultural values, i.e social BS rather than economics and material conditions. So you are the same.
You are both flawed, because you can't change the social conditions without changing the economic conditions, because the social conditions are pegged to the economic ones
>The Identitarian movement
Indeed, identity politics ranges from Identity Europa to Black Lives matter.
Retards who can't into economics and so shout about identity. That is identity politics.
What wars has Sweden declared? Which 3rd world countries has Ireland invaded?
Of course I oppose senseless wars, but they are not the problem in and of themselves. Who cares wether or not he is seeking a house? There will always be war, there will always be primate groups seeking additional resources. The problem only comes when our government leave the door open to those violent, low IQ brown 3rd worlders fleeing the societies that people with their genetic material are capable of creating. Close the door, shoot anyone who tries to open it, and the problem is solved. The US was founded on the laws and principal that only whites were eligible to gain citizenship; reinstate that rule, close the borders, and wether there is one war in he 3rd world or 100 is irrelevant to white demographics.
Economics is the least of our problems now, considering our well fed and flabby population.
You're either a very bad shill, or clinically diagnosable as mentally retarded. Or just simply not white.
>the social conditions are pegged to the economic ones
This is marxist pseudoscience and I feel sorry for you if you genuinely believe it.
He's a Jew and he was recently married to a Jew.
>How do you think a nation comes to have a high average IQ you retard... economic factors, material conditions.
A nation with a high average IQ has organism with a high average IQ. IQ is between 75-80% inheritable, economic factors have no more than a tiny impact on it, as dozens of analyses such as the Minnesota Twins experiment repeatedly show.
Sub-Saharan Africans, for example, are a hominid sub-species that is pure homo-sapiens. Compare this Europeans and Asias, who are a subspecies that is the result of hybridization between homo-sapiens and neanderthals. Neanderthals had larger cranial capacities 40,000 years ago then modern humans with modern nutrition do today. Modern Europeans and Asians have between 2 and 4% neanderthal admixture; sub-saharan africans have 0. Compared to such a fundamental and massive biological difference, economic factors are quite minor.
>What wars has Sweden declared?
You don't have to declare war to be a globalist user, come on, actual troops are but one small facet
Sweden is third largest exporter of arms per capita. Where do you think these arms are going?
>Which 3rd world countries has Ireland invaded?
You talking North or South? Because if its North its part of the UK and I don't have to explain,
and if its south, just look at how offshore accounts all route through the tax haven southern Ireland.
Without tricks of banking (capital) such as this, the rest of the system does not stand.
The Irish are just as complicit.
all ad homs no arguments and I'm as white they come, with Norman heritage.
>literally muh feels
You keep talking about identity, a term that I have never used once. It's is biology that matters; identity, like economics and society, are reflections of genetic realities.
Controlled opposition cuck manlette that got dressed down in a globo gym by a fat little troll (((professa))).
Oh, and those fucking moobs. Either Risperdal or weed.
Manlet who's muh white supremacy hurts any movement in Europe where there are legitimate white ethnostates
>economic factors have no more than a tiny impact on it,
Utter rubbish. Why are so many whites living in poverty if this is the case?
>"all ad homs no arguments"
>Literally made no arguments himself
>a term that I have never used once.
you entered a conversation about identity in order to tell me that you haven't talked about identity. I was talking to someone else you fucking autist. Are you really that retarded?
>Indeed, identity politics ranges from Identity Europa to Black Lives matter.
Was my argument
to which you responded
>You're either a very bad shill, or clinically diagnosable as mentally retarded. Or just simply not white.
which is a bunch of ad homs.
Wow this place has really sunk low low low
he has bigger titties than me and I almost weigh 300 pounds
IQ is distributed on a bell curve; the nature of the "average" is that half of the population is below it.
Cock sucker
Doesn't matter if he's white or defend the right wing values, he still likes dick
You're retarded because you're pretending that biology doesn't exist. Actually you're not retarded, you're some breed of brown mystery meat whose parents fled to britain.
>the entire striving your civilisation's existence depends on is "muh feels" and the only thing that matters is the soulless transfer of capital through the markets where men barter
Only thing you need to know is pic related.
yes but half of whites didn't used to be poor. That is something that has developed historically. They became poor, how so if biology was the factor and not economics, the biology has changed little, the economics have changed a lot
>Indeed, identity politics ranges from Identity Europa to Black Lives matter.
If you genuinely believe you have a point, you're quite literally a retard.
What you are saying, is LITERALLY equivalent to this:
>Indeed, political movements ranges from Maoist Communism to American Republicanism.
Grammatical errors included.
Your "argument" is not a fucking argument.
>You're retarded because you're pretending that biology doesn't exist.
show me where I said that.
>Actually you're not retarded, you're some breed of brown mystery meat whose parents fled to britain.
bunch of ad homs= retarded.
t.fans of Evola
>bunch of ad homs= retarded.
You really don't see why people are calling you retarded, huh?