I've talked to a number from brazil, norway and france, and they were some of the most kind / interesting people I've talked to, none of the coldness / material expectations / status climbing a good number of girls have here
Why do you hate western girls?
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It's just a meme, virgins who imagine that Asian chicks would be more loyal since they will stay with you as long as you provide them with cash. Most people complaining about western girls have a problem with girls in general, but blame western girls since they want to deflect the issue from the true cause, which is themselves.
Because they're all having sexual relations with black men. How can I compete?
this desu
was talking to a norwegian qt, and she's pretty much my dream gf
And going by some of their stories, it seems like many western guys use them as the main goal, and threaten to leave them for "backup" girls
with such a premise, how exactly can Sup Forums ask them to not date other guys outside of europe/america like me?
This is bullshit. Asian culture and their brains are far more advanced than the monkey blacks and neanderthal whites. Whites have crazy high divorce rates, they might as well be niggers.
Uncultured pink swine, pops out babies to get that alimony money. Snow niggers.
familial culture is a very human thing, with enough subtlety you could convince your partner even in this modern era.
For example, in southern european and american nations, there is still a tradition of putting family first
They usually are interested in non-white dick so there's your reason.
>have a problem with girls in general
Western girls aren't really girls. You realise this when you travel to countries without feminism or this cultural marxist shit that is accepted as 'normal' in the west.
The great thing about Western women is that most of them won't have kids because they spent their 20s experimenting and fucking around with trash. So, this cancerous group will be gone in a generation.
All of them over 60% white
I unironically met an aussie girl that said she liked my dick, but was too ashamed to show her tits
>was talking to a norwegian qt, and she's pretty much my dream gf
Good luck with that. Scandinavian girls almost never go for foreigners, contrary to popular memes. Especially not east asians.
im no where near going to europe anyway unless I actually join interpol, but it's nice to see there are grills like that
i havent spoken to a girl outside of my family in about 10 years. i still think girls are great but damn i really dont want to get played by some girl with alterior motives (im pretty naive when it comes to girls because of no experience). im also a virgin and want to find a virgin myself.
am i dreaming?
Nah they whore around at the first cock they see. Whites are inhuman animals.
Women in general are the niggers of gender and will soon be obsolete. Artificial wombs and robowaifus are the future.
fucking retarded nip
I'm not surprised, the girls here are massively into gooks. I see AMWF relationships all the time in Sydney.
At least these empowered, feminist cunts aren't our problem anymore.
there are still conservative women out there
but as mentioned we'll be replaced by AI soon enough anyway
I don't. You shouldn't believe everything you read on Sup Forums. Do you also go to /r9k/ for your daily dose of understanding about the real world? Well, the /r9k/ robots are on Sup Forums too, and frankly they often appear on many other parts of this Zimbabwean biological weapon producing board.
Depends on which group of whites. They are most definitely not equal.
I mean, the screencaps used to make me feel bad and angry about it, but actually talking to girls outside of my crappy social circle proved me wrong
It's just i'm so godamned unlucky that I've been around so many materialistic fags in my life I guess
They overwhelmingly vote for the left. They vote with their feelings. They created the welfare state.
>It's just i'm so godamned unlucky that I've been around so many materialistic fags in my life I guess
>I've talked to a number from brazil, norway and france, and they were some of the most kind / interesting people I've talked to, none of the coldness / material expectations / status climbing a good number of girls have here
you must understand that you average European guy is a complete degenerate who lacks manliness instead indulging in feminine tendencies no taking responsibility, commiting adultery being afraid of having family.
When these men use women(best example RooshV) they screw up psyche not only to whores but good girls too ,who think that they are loved afterwards turning them into whores.
Basically if an 18 year old man tells you he doesn't want kids and family he must be castrated and we are done ,same goes for women!
Like now that I think about it, so many of my classes had fags that only gave a damn about if you got an iphone, if you had the money to fit in, social ranking, and if you watched the latest reality tv shows etc etc
It's just so soul crushing, everyone just wants to wave their E-penis around who is the best LOL/CSGO/Money-burning faggot out there, although it might just be because I live in probably the most materialistic nation on earth
Most people who hate western women are MGTOW betas
>It's just so soul crushing, everyone just wants to wave their E-penis around who is the best LOL/CSGO/Money-burning faggot out there, although it might just be because I live in probably the most materialistic nation on earth
I understand you we have Russian diaspora(not exclusive to Russian though they are just majority) that ate commie values as bread and after fall of USSR they exchanged them for materialism.
There are still many people who don't have families due to this reason, because their parents were commies and raised them shit.
This is why I'm dating a bit "uglier" grill for this place standards. I'm not looker myself but really I have gotten so sick of this vapidness so I'll hopefully be just happy with a girl that can cook, play instrument and is fit.
wish you luck senpai
social media made them whores
i don't hate all western women, just most white ones. Asians, Latinas, even Niggers are decent. Western white women are defective.
i should go over there and wave my credit card and bbc around so i can grab a honey
Singapore girls are fine.. just check for an Adams apple.. fool me once!
>i really dont want to get played by some girl with alterior motives
Just bring absolutely nothing to the table, that way you don't have to be paranoid about her having an ulterior motive. Don't have money, education, material possessions, or ambition, that way if she's interested you know it's for you and nothing else.
>and want to find a virgin
won't happen sorry friend
If you're white and white chicks are picking non-white guys over you then you're probably just unattractive.
Thank you for your input mgtow beta
Great advice. Women love men who have nothing most of all.
Sorry. Women all have an ulterior motive.They do not love in the same way men do. Relationships with women are basically transactional in nature.
Now I know some bitter cunt is going to come and tell me how wrong I am, well done for having literally zero self awareness.
Get back to me when you've been with a guy for 15 years who is less attractive than you, shorter than you, earns less than you and who is less intelligent than you too.