Aus/pol/ - glass a yank cunt edition vb2.0

>Chinese investors pull out of Melbourne apartment market

>Scott Morrison accused of hiding important household finance figures

>Australia's nuclear family could become a minority.

> Superannuation funds owned by big banks have underperformed, report says

>'One down, many to go': Peter Dutton celebrates axing of Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied's show but says ABC has 'fundamental problems' and more staff need to be purged

>'We have a large number of Muslims that are extremists here': Australian Islamic leaders clash over Manchester terrorist atrocity in fiery Sunrise debate - as one holds up an Al-Qaeda flag he bought in MELBOURNE

Yesterdays thread: →

Dickcord: gg/RgSvKQZ

Poll: Will the property bubble ever collapse or is that a meme?

Other urls found in this thread:


gettin too fuckin cold cunts, summer can't come back sooner

I like the cold tbqh.

Daily reminder OP is white.

Racism has no place. I dream of a day where Sydney can be the economic jewel of the pacific - a rival to Singapore. A place where all the people of the South Pacific and indeed the world live, congregate and do business. Prejudice based on race, sex, religion or any other metric is cowardice and exists only to divide.

>tfw parents are making me pay rent now

How do I up my cenno student allowance? Aren't you paid more if you live by yourself? Does having to pay rent fall under this definition?

Myself loved the australian woman because they loved myself when I stay

Australia is not real. It's a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It's a coverup for one of the greatest mass murders in history, made by one of the most prominent empires.

Australia does not exist. All things you call "proof" are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world. Your Australian friends? They're all actors and computer generated personas, part of the plot to trick the world.

If you think you've ever been to Australia, you're terribly wrong. The plane pilots are all in on this, and have in all actuality only flown you to islands close nearby - or in some cases, parts of South America, where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Australians.

Australia is one of the biggest hoaxes ever created, and you have all been tricked.

Make sure to spread the world - Australia is not real. It's a codeword for the cold blooded murder of more than a hundred thousand people, and it is not okay. We will not, accept this.

You won't get any work when you gat out, mate
You'll be a 24 tear old with no qualifications

I've met OP, he's the whitest guy I've ever met. I even insisted he didn't go outside, in case he gets skin cancer and dies. If that happens, who would make the based AUSPOL threads?

Please tell me Africans are the reason the Chinese are pulling out of Melbourne.

I hope it ends up 90% Africans and they rape everyone in your family

jokes on you the islands are in the space where ''finland'' exists

You do realise that Singapore now puts their own people first, right?

>white australians bow to Aboriginals
>In contact with the rainbow serpent
>Possess boomerang throwing abilities
>Control arnhem land with an iron but fair stick
>Own bark huts & billabongs globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient Abo blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Abodgrad will be be the first city)
>rob 99% of liquor stores in Darwin
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be half breed abo qt babbys
>Abos said to have 15+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in the dream times.
>Ancient rock drawings tell of wicked WHOITE FULLA British settlers who will descend upon Australia and will bring an era of tyrannical enlightenment and unprecedentedly evil technological progress with them
>They own Abobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Abobots inside you right now
>The abos are in regular communication with tribal elder FLUBBAWUBBAJUBBANOONGA, forwarding the word of the rainbow serpent to the Yolnu tribe. Who do you think set up the meeting between benelong & governor phillip? (First meeting between Abos and outside world in over 40,000 years) and arranged the british leader’s first trip to hobart in history literally a few days later to the Abo bunker in van diemens land?
>They learned fluent Pitjantjatjara in under a week
>NT state government entrust their petrol reserves with the Abos. There’s no VB for sale in darwin after 10 o'clock unless yer a white fella.
>The abos are about 40,000 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base abo currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of the dreamtimes and space from NANA'S HEADGASKET GONE BANG to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings?

You do realise that your responding to bait, you fuckwit?

You can apply for rent assistance, if its over $150 a week, you will get the maximum extra of $130 per fortnight ontop of your normal NEETbux.

t. NEETpro.

tfw wrong image

Speak the queens english or fuck off cunt.

>Where the police rule with an iron fist and the elderly live in cages and drug users are hung and LGBT individuals are illegal and jailed.

Sounds neat actually.

Yeah, nah, fuck off GOOK.

ill go n kill meself now cunts. on a side note heres some grouse aussie music for you poofters to enjoy

the queens english is not normal to be the english??

I'm from a town called Moruya. I moved to the big smoke over the coat hanger looking for a spot to settle down. Now I find myself in Kuringai and working in the cbd. The fabulous cultural and economic vision I see for Sydney is shown to me in doses daily.

>ill go n kill meself now cunts.


I'm getting 292 a fortnight but my parents are asking for 130 a week. How much can I get extra?

The Taiwanese are a mysterious people.

i think there are 2 Sup Forumsacks in my uni course.

I know you're here, Evan.

You misspelled everyone.

Density is the enemy. Australians should all live on the land.

guys that maxmillion lefty guy in mellbourne monash stalkerspace is yelling at me

But then his parents have to put that on their taxes which might meme their own taxes up.

Yell back. Call him a bigot and a cultural imperialist.

I think the mortgage rate went up 0.05% today. Police are going to be attending domestics and hangings all night in Castle Hill.

hey gay cunts

Maybe like $100 extra, you'll have to apply for rent assist, fill out the forms and show them proof and stuff, it's an absolute cunt of a thing, best bet is to head down the cenno office and explain it to them.

Daily reminder this thread is full of pozzed neg-holes.

Daily reminder I could do a back flip and knock anyone of you blobs into fucking orbit with my nutsack to ya forehead.

Surrey Hills?

49/mtf dtf here. Show me ur boipussi and I'll score some anal nitrate.


daily dose recieved

aye luv

yeah i know you post here just didn't want to acknowledge you cause your a spastic queermo cunt

You're fucking insane moving to Sydney from a lovely little town like Moruya.

Can I still get it even if I'm still living with my parents? Or is it only if you've moved out?

The dairy went under, there wasn't much choice for me. The folks were taken care of so they enjoyed their twilight at home.

anyone else wish they grew up in the 70's / 80's here? looks fucking comfy as fuck.

You can get it, it would be classified as paying board rather than rent though.

BRW rich list came out today, 4 out of the top 5 are jews. One of them (High Rise Harry - Meriton) wants an Australia of 80m and has bragged about controlling the level of immigration into the country. Another, Frank Lowy, is a former RBA board member, jewish guerilla, and involved in the Mossad 911 plot (search: Frank Lowy 911).

If you want to know why Australia's immigration levels are one the highest in the OECD, why we have historically low interest rates, and don't seem to care about the Chinese buying everything in sight... this is why.

Only everyday. My dad showed my some footage of him playing some footy at manly oval in the early 70s. Looked so fucking comfy. I am so envious I never got to experience peak Australia.

Harry Triguboff is an absolute cunt, he needs to be strung up from a coolabah tree.

Yes, we know this.
However, the (((mainstream media))) will never cover (((this story))) and the country will be fucked like the rest of the west.

Daily reminder your father isn't really your father.

Daily reminder that if you were born in Sydney between 1993-1998, there is a significant chance that I am your father. I have since transitioned, though, so call me mum.

You need to be 18 to post here

You are saying I go towards that nation is or is not true?

it means you can't write english for shit and should fuck off you gook cunt.

this is the image you were after

nothing but foreigners buying the new unit blocks and aparments
> child care now has indian and chinese staff who dont speak english well and just stand around aimlessly

you fuckingmother

>tfw not an autfailian

I am understanding current message, however I not understanding explanation about OK?

yeh thats not going to fucking happen, sydney is nearly on its last legs. If it went this far back from recent and relativley recent decades, while still making no progress on issues that have existed since then, like no centralised, proper transport network, I don't see much of a future for it.

Sydney is an empty, cavernous, nihilistic shit hole. Property developers have taken over too. In the near future everything in the inner city will be those new shoebox apartment developments, with all the shops and things inside the buildings, and only residents will have access. Lock out laws had a ripple effect to all areas of the hospitality and entertainment industry/economy in the cbd and inner city, delivering a permanent, fatal blow, a last nail in the coffin for culture in the area. The developments and "business parks" will be everywhere too, they all look identical, theyre all ugly, go look on youtube for the city of sydney's plans for the future, they show you exactly what they want to turn every area in sydney into.

Western sydney is just chernobyl tier fuck ugly and depressing. Even in american ghettoes, you don't find suburbs and housing of such poor quality. Its eastern europe/ex-soviet bloc tier

who's parents would charge them rent when they're under 18? tha fuck

Mine did. You had it easy cunt.

Where can I read about this?

Discovered the other day that Poo Peeland has it's own version of The Pooject

>he wasn't kicked out at 17 years old.
no wonder you millennials are so entitled.

I>nstead of the traditional Aussie family of mum, dad, kids living in a 3-bedroom house in the suburbs, society will become more diverse and the economy flourish, says Salt. That means the fabled favorite breakfast of urban millennials could be in hot demand well into the next decade as young Aussies spend their cash on travel and restaurants instead of having babies.

>With more singles and couples, you’ve actually got higher workforce participation, which would then probably make us a richer society: more household wealth, more household income which is then not shared with as many children,'' said Salt. ``The household wealth that is generated can then be spent on what Australians would say is a better quality of life -- education, travel, restaurants, housing for example.''

not having children means your legacy dies your culture dies, and this is a good thing.

very informing thankyou
was reading about meriton recently

>you’ve actually got higher workforce participation, which would then probably make us a richer society

These people don't even understand basic concepts like supply and demand. No wonder this country is going down the shitter.

>he wasn't sold into prostitution at 12 by parents that lost it all on 2up.

Gen Xers, sheesh.

You're just not familiar with the lexicon. 'Society' and 'Economy' mean 'my immediate circle' and 'employers' personal wealth'.

white millennials are living it up right now . 40 years from now it'll be grandchildren of shitskins/asians taking care of them.

take the bushpill today, anons

More people need to wake up to the likes of (((Harry Triguboff))). He's literally killing us. He says Sydney doesn't have enough concrete, and has too much parkland. He sas there should be Chinese-style apartments on every inch of Australia.

I left home as soon as i turned 18. I payed board for two years.

>While such trends may raise long-term fears of a shrinking population and slower economic growth, Salt doesn't think that will happen in Australia. He's confident that the nation's strong level of immigration and capacity for growth will ensure ``a growing and developed nation for another 30 years and probably beyond.''
fucking cunts will sell us down the fucking river, nevermind, they'll all be dead then, as long as the economy doesn't crash before they can live out their fucking retirement nevermind the loss of social cohesion, economic depression and breakdown of society we're all in for

fuck i hate these cunts

>lives in an area infamous for men and boys hanging out for anonymous gay secks and selling their asses to be pounded since at least the 1800's
>tries to solicit a stranger in a random Sup Forums thread

Nah I prefer the modern Straya - where everything is soulless, regulated to death and overflowing with Pajeet Patel's and Wong-Bang Chins.

>tries to solicit a stranger in a random Sup Forums thread

You need to work every angle in this digitized transformative sexual economy, bb.

stayed at mertion recently
magazine inside was in chinese

change baka to baka

what's going on in here

sorry s m h


lol happens too much here


Thanks doc

I have a good talking with a good friends

>(((Triguboff))) was asked, "But might rents fall in Sydney and Brisbane when all the new apartments are completed in the next two years?"
>(((He))) responded, "Then (((I))) will bring in more migrants."

echo me geckos

What is a mistress?

>mericlaps trying to attentionwhore itt
feels good, mate


When are white men going to stand up and defend their country from these islamic invaders? your daughters, wives, mothers and friends are being raped and slaughtered by these 3rd world shitkins, and all you do is whine about how white women won't fuck you, whilst you racemix with gooks. Grow a spine, or don't act suprised when you become a minority in your once proud nation. I don't feel safe anymore, and I don't even go out that often.

It's why our property market must be destroyed completely. Scorch earth the pajeets,chinks and jews. Only those who care about the country will remain... at least that's my hope.

>When are white men going to stand up

I would have, but I transitioned. It's Brucella now.

>I don't feel safe anymore, and I don't even go out that often.
Then step up and defend your country of Islamic invaders you pathetic hypocrite.

Mate they DON'T CARE.
>Millennials need to get it through there fucking head. BABY BOOMERS DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THEM.
Ask Gen X; who are still fighting 70 year gold-bricking boomers with 3 different pensions and 400k in super for jobs.
Nothing will stop their liberalism, their cuckservatisim or stop them selling the place. They love money and 'feeling' good about themselves too much. Besides the MSM backs every play the fuckwits make.

pls don't glass me

Avocado on toast man Bernard Salt, he says shit like this all the time. He's not even a demographer, just a paid shill for KPMG.

you aren't a women

I can't, I love and support my husband in his political endeavors, but he's only one man.