Why are we still doing shit like go to Ariana Grande concerts or fight over desert in the Middle East? We should make interstellar ships by now... this will not end well.
EmDrive - why are we not using it to fly to the stars?
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Space doesn't exist.
Science is the kike religion custom made for the gullible and good goy, such as yourself Mohammed.
Your shitpost is too high density.
Get out of my country, luddite scum
Why not do both? They're not interchangeable
It still hasn't been proven to work. Most posts about it, and people trying to test this shit in their own settings have no idea what they're doing.
I really hope I didn't hurt your feelings, CIS scum like me can't control that sometimes.
Maybe these safe spaces can consul your fragile psyche.
EMDrive is a hoax.
I followed the discussion on plebbit's EMdrive for a while
it's a complete shitshow. People are frothing up trying to make this thing out of their own microwaves and some copper sheet, despite having no instrument able to measure the miniscule thrust that would be produced. The scientists behind it haven't ruled it out, but haven't strengthened the case either.
even if it did work we have fucking ion propulsion which is just as good for those purposes up to a point
Inshallah this is islamaphobic and racist behead those that insult the prophet mohammad (pbuh)
Cause i has literally zero thrust
Because average brain capacity of modern youth is only sufficient to enjoy Ariana Grande's music. And the reason for that is for the most part the lack of incentive in education.
We need to reform the education and start making STEM grades as the only factor for passing/failing the year. If you fail twice - you go to the school for retards to be prepared as a menial jobs worker in your later life.
The arts and shit like that should be minimized and only supported as an extracurricular activity. Those who want to study them seriously as SCIENCE should do it at specialized schools where similarly strict grading is applied.
The shit and clear water mixed became a shitty water, we need to start separating them again, instead of stirring it more. Separate stupid from smart and help the smart develop.
more hope in space elevator
>We need to reform the education and start making STEM grades as the only factor for passing/failing the year.
I 100% agree. People who are good in STEM should be the new rock stars and school should be principally about STEM.
Humanity is not an endgame race. Have you heard about the great filter? We are living in the last era of mankind. This is our pinnacle. What you see right now.
Smartphones, wars with dunecoons, an internet full of pornography and normie attention whores.
This is it. The best that "we" could do. Enjoy, faggot.
1. We don't actually know how or why it works yet
2. It still takes energy to produce thrust, and its energy:thrust ratio is so low that we would literally need city-sized amounts of matter to power it to the point that a craft would be travelling at appreciable speeds.
hi edgelord
It doesn't work. Thunderfoot, who does good science vids when he's not being a cuck, already debunked it.
Incorrect on the energy:thrust part as it claims to be propellantless, thats why its controversial.
Because it doesn't work. It's almost certainly some thermal effect like the Pioneer anomaly.
If electromagnetic waves could propel, your smart phone would be halfway to Neptune by now.
(((Space men))) won't let you use ether physics. Kind of like when you use a cloudbuster, UFOs get way too interested.
>why are we not using it to fly to the stars?
It didn't work.
The thrust it produced was either an error in the measurement or far below anything useful.
Aside from the fact that it seems to contradict many of our current physical theories it is entirely useless, the thrust it produced (even if you believe the optimistic measurements) is completely useless, might as well power a space ship with a small fan.
No, it generates thrust without the use of propellant, that's the whole point about it and why it's special. It still requires energy to generate thrust though, however it does it.
The em drive is snake oil tier bullshit. Total fraud
em drive doesn't work.
>meme drive
So let me get this straight... all the 14 year old girls who went to the Ariana Grande concert should have been home that night doing their part to advance theoretical physics... right?
It's not easy user.
See, military's got all this tech they can't disclose.
Now scientists weren't finding any of that shit.
So they introduce a device that apparently works on magic™ and give it to the scientific community to chew on, expecting actual findings.
The goal is to make it appear like we came up with this stuff.
kill thyself
In all seriousness, it's because there's no profit in it (while the other things are very lucrative). If developing the EM drive was the best way to make money, we'd already have it.
Isn't it, even in theory, so slow it's only really viable for shit like satellites or long term probes?
>implying a breakaway anglo-amerinazi spacefaring civilization doesnt exist
>implying suppressed UFO tech doesnt exist
Gary McKinnon muh nigga
Time for Mexican technology to step in and take us to the stars. We need to switch our research money over to the Alcubierre Drive.
If spacenazis exist, why do (((you))) still exist?
There are plans to test it on a satellite IIRC. All NASA and third party tests have confirmed that it's producing thrust, but not sure how. It could still be a measurement anomaly or some unexpected phenomenon.
But we do not fully understand our universe and perhaps this is something new. It's worth a try.
to fight the good fight and destroy spacenazis on earth
Wait, that implies (((you))) have technology to fight against spacefaring civilizations.
reactionless thrusters are good for sneaky business.
the Urim and Thummim
the Golem
the Arōn Ha'brēt (the Ark)
the ẖošen
the kabalah
and talmud
spacenazis are you even trying?
propellent less station keeping is very lucrative, do you realise the number of aerospace/military contracts you'd get with that?
It needs to be tested and you can make a fucking ship that depends on this till we figure out how it works. Next step is getting one into space and proving it.
Better question is why aren't we using Emdrive to produce infinite green clean energy from nothing? I wonder who can be behind the stopping of Emdrive...
Its best tested legit it really needs to be tested in space. Most people think it doesnt violate the laws its just something is happening we dont understand yet. Really needs to get into space and tested.
Inb4 morbidly obese man builds world's first spaceship in his mother's basement
He didnt debunk anything. But he talks about the best idea for why its not really going to work.
I feel like this is how super conductivity was discovered. It violated everything we knew about physics until we eventually had to create quantum mechanics to explain it.
Because all our taxes and resources go to finance parasites
>Aside from the fact that it seems to contradict many of our current physical theories
That seems pretty fucking important you goat fucker retard.
>Why are we still doing shit like go to Ariana Grande concerts or fight over desert in the Middle East?
>urim and thummum
Get out of my Alchemy. We will win.
>t. I watched some unscientific emotional thundercuck rambling on youtube. who cares that actual scientist are researching and testing it for years and right now
Quantum mechanics weren't created to explain superconductivity you simpleton.
Dumb christfag poster.
nigger the point of em drives is to not use propellants
screencapped and reported to german authorities. you are walking a thin line hans.
i don't know about emdrive. however.
this seems relevant
>perpetuating the Jews are easily butthurt and can't handle a joke and pursue legal action instead of just shrugging it off like a normal human being stereotype.
You disgusting anti semite. I'm reporting you to the ADL.
Its a figure of speech you simpleton. Go back to Mexico.
The Great Filter could be any number of things and may already be behind us.
What if the jews are "the filter"???
You are mentally ill
Because it doesn't work!
Im pretty sure this thing doesn't work at all. Don get me wrong, I have been very enthusiastic about it I have spend hours upon hours studying it and as far as I can tell it is a wild goose chase driven partly by aging scientists who never got their big breakthrough, schizos, scammers and imbiciles.
its funny how the only people who advocate this nonsense are the ones who dont understand it
almost like science-SJWs
That would imply that on any planet or moon where life arises, so do Jews.
We should use it to create a planet of only white, only blacks, etc and let's see how well those planets perform after 100 years of development
Worse yet, it is people who don't even attempt to understand it.
No one uderstands how it works. Because it doesn't work. All thrust they ever measured was because of their setup. As soon as anyone tried to run it from a battery in a vacuum all thrust anomalies dissapeared.
Inefficient and trash
Radical centrist explains it:
further context
Explain to me why people don't like this? Everything I've ever heard about EMDrive is freakin tasty.
Cause it is proven bullshit
Its basically shooting a gun in space and expecting the gun to move at the speed of the bullet, while the bullet remains motionless,
science yes
THIS IS Sup Forums not SCIENCE
Space isn't what they tell us moron. The Earth is flat. Look up videos of Fake NASA feeds on YouTube. It's a giant larp done in a pool with a CGI screen.
Bubbles in space, fake delay. Look it up. The earth is not what they tell us.
Yes, the world would be a better place and they would still be alive.
I bet you watch amazingatheist too you fucking faggot
>Bubbles in space
Tell me about this one.
It's fucking Tesla, 2017.
>World is introduced to science beyond their current level of comprehension
>Big name with deep pockets has alternate science that is marketable
>science gets squashed, filed away and forgotten about
Tesla had solved the inverse square field energy issue with induction through resonate frequency, and Edison paid the night guard to burn down his lab.
Citation please, because that is actually the complete opposite of what I've been seeing and hearing.
They've tested every possible way they can think of and they're still getting anomalous force. There's been plans to put an EMdrive into orbit to test it for real for months now.
It is absolutely nothing at all like that you idiot.
First to address the statement "it can't work it violates the laws of physic"
"The laws of physics are only 'laws' because nobody's figured out how to break them yet"
- Capt. Montgomery Scott (Star Trek)
This is the truest statement about the so called "laws of physics" I have ever come across.
Even IF the Em-drive breaks said laws it just means we need to create new physics to explain it.
Second To address the testing and claims that EM-drive doesn't work.
If it did not work
then Chinese and Russian space agencies wouldn't be placing it on all of their newest satellites.
Both have already tested it in orbit,
proved that it works,
and made statements to the fact.
NASA has also tested it.
both on ground and in orbit
and confirmed that it does produce thrust in the micro newton range.
Even with this small amount of thrust
(with it being constant)
would allow us to travel to the moon within hours
and Mars within days.
Far faster than even the newest
and fastest Ion propulsion drives out there.
The general public are the ones having issues with accepting it as a working device.
This is due to the scientific community be change from an "experimental" industry
to a "theoretical" industry.
Ever since the mid fifties every scientific field that leads to any type of engineering is
being held back because the people in power want a working theory before they will apply
the tech.
Even if the tech is proven to work.
We do not have scientists who experiment first
and theorize after anymore.
Nowadays it's theorize first
and experiment second
Which is the wrong way to practice science if you ask me.
This is just one of them. There are a lot of these videos.
The fake delay one is the kicker. Cringeworthy to watch.
Assuming it's genuine, the odds of us having accidentally invented the most efficient form of it is infinitesimal.
We don't know how efficient it would be
We don't know how large it can be scaled up
That's why it's being tested and people are trying to figure out how/if it actually works
thunderfoot is a contrarian retard who doesn't know fuckall about anything he talks about
>and confirmed that it does produce thrust in the micro newton range.
>Even with this small amount of thrust
>(with it being constant)
>would allow us to travel to the moon within hours
This thingermajig you guys are talking about, it produces free ACCELERATION not just velocity? Like the things it propels FOR FREE aren't just going slow, but like going slow at first and then getting faster and faster and faster and faster and fasterer and fasterer ans fasterer all for free somehow?
I'm misunderstand this, right?
>DURRR it doesnt work because its beyond my applied science highschool pyhsics comprehension, muh laws of physics, nevermind thats not the how laws in physics and science in general work which is ironical for someone with as much of a stick in his ass bitching all day about pseudoscience
>DURRR lifting cars on earth with garage kit prototypes is not feasible according to my pointless layman calculations
>DURRR listen to me ranting about completely irrelevant media hype over half the length of this video
Only retarded and out of touch morons would cite the thundercuck video on this topic. Its just trash that debunked and busting absolutely nothing.
It's a constant thrust, it doesn't push once and then you coast
>Only retarded and out of touch morons would cite the thundercuck video on this topic.
On any topic. He is 100% a fucking idiot.
Because it doesn't actually work you dumb fucking bill nye fan fuck-yeah-science tier redditor goy.
Also this
The "EM drive" is a scam.
If those were bubbles from air tanks or whatever because it's all filmed underwater, wouldn't the bubbles all float in the same direction directly to the "surface", and not take any different or curvy paths? Also, they're all so far away you can't actually tell if they're bubbles, just little dots. Looks more like random debris.
Nah sometimes he gets his broken clock moments like solar fucking roadways i.e. when shits too obvious to fail or hes just parrotting others..
>Even with this small amount of thrust
>(with it being constant)
>would allow us to travel to the moon within hours
Fuck no. The current ion drives we have often have burn times of several hours just make minor adjustments to the orbit.
Going to the moon on an ion drive would take you days, and the EM drive is several orders of magnitude weaker.
The great thing about it is you're basically got infinite dV (assuming you've got PV panels), but the thrust is so ridiculously weak that it will most likely never be used on anything bigger then tiny satellites.
China is way ahead now.