wtf do I do? I know it's anti-white propaganda and probably a trash movie overall, should I just pretend I don't care or should I try to show her how it's garbage?
GF wants to watch this "Get Out" movie
Go watch it with her and then tell her you want to watch her get BLACKED in front of yours eyes. Then lick the bull's cum out of her pussy!
It's not even anti white it's a good movie.
It's anti jew, actually and is developed in MKuktra
Not anti-white but it's basically a metaphor for what slavery was like for the first slaves from Africa. It was scarier than you think.
Redpilled,not developed
Doesn't it more make fun of white liberals and their fascination and obsession with blacks and how 'cool' they think blacks are?
Please. Africa is a piece of shit hellhole, slavery was the best thing that ever happened to niggers.
yes, yes.....get that goy to give us hes money and get hes girl blacked
It's a good movie. You should watch it you racist cunt.
Watch it with her and point out its anti-white nature throughout, perhaps throw in some facts about crime statistics while you're at it. Once it's been seen it can't be unseen
watch this kino instead
Are you fucking retarded? Or did you just not watch the movie?
The movie is anti race mixing. The only race mixing that goes on ends in death and pain.
>paying for movies
the twist is that the white people want to be black people
pull your head out your arse and watch the shitty movie with your cunt girlfriend
Nailed it.
The movie is a comedy,anyone who takes it as liberal propiganda is fucking dillusional.
Nah the twist is that rich Jews worship the black physique and implant their brains into black bodies
I thought it was also sort of a metaphor for the fetishization of blacks that develops from liberal kowtowing also
how is this movie anti-jew
when jordan peele is married to a jewess?
Imagine living every day in your comfy tribe eating bananas all day and praying to your gods when suddenly some traders decide you are just the kind of genes they need to do manual labor for almost zero pay and want to force you to do their bidding for the rest of your natural life.
uhhh, tell her "no thats shit" and take her somewhere else and do something else instead?
like duh?
>It's not even anti white it's a good movie.
Ah, yes, accept interracial relationships as completely normal.
The differences are skin deep, and they're beautiful!
When your daughter comes home with a black man, he has the same chance of being a sincere, good person.
It would be racist to expect the woman in the movie to have a white boyfriend.
And finally, caring about race only proves you're a racist - this is a good movie and you should see it for the content. Don't mind our subtle race-mixing acceptance agenda. The actors only happen to be different races. Pay attention to the movie and not the skin color of the actors, you racist.
When the Jewish family brainwashed people and transplants brains, I'd say that was pretty anti jew.
that's exactly what I said
the white people want to be black people
>anti race mix
Yes it is, good old goy
You haven't even seen the movie. Fucking retard
Yeah possibly. Hadn't thought of it
Master you didn't watch the movie and I can tell. The movie is anti race mixing ffs the movies main message is to black people and the message is literally
>don't fuck around with them white girls
It's funny as fuck that you think it's some Nigger dick in white chick porno
>I haven't seen the movie but someone told me there's an interracial couple and the bad guys are white, so I'm projecting.
Just tell her you don't want to watch it, and explain why. If she doesn't listen to you then she shouldn't be your gf.
The best thing about this movie is that it turns whites into monsters. It's good to remind blacks why they're afraid of whites in the first place.
You aren't from here are you
It's a good thriller. If you like thrillers you'll like this.
neither are you going by how easy that was
Just watch the movie OP, sperging out and going full Sup Forums will make you look petty (even if you are in the right). Watch the movie with her and point anything that is absurd or stupid.
>looool let me call this movie Jewish even though I haven't watched it
The main villain is a hook nosed kike who uses mkuktra techniques on a group of whites to get them to worship niggers
Get a better gf. My wife had no interest in that shit and even said " they need to stop importing muslims" after the news of the recent bombing in manchester.
The gals are out there, just have to stop dating bimbos.
Have you seen it?
it doesn't end good.
Sure white people are the villains in this movie, but it's not pro mix race, that's not the message.
It's more of a dig at the well meaning white liberals, who aren't even aware of how racist they are.
Just ask: "Do you wanna watch that movie where they transplant withe people's brains into nigger bodies? Oh, sorry honey I didn't mean to spoil it for you."
I watched it , it's a pretty good movie actually. And not anti white at all
>British education
Incoherent sentence mate
If you can't find something better to watch then it's your own fault. Impress her with something.
Try the Hateful 8.
tell her its a really fucking dumb with no pot points in it and weak characters of colour (just say weak characters pots)
It's a great thriller. I don't even care about the undertones.
Rape her to teach her a lesson
The parts with the big nogs literally saying shit like "AYOOOOO MUHFUGGA DON'T FUCK WITH DEM WHITE GIRLS STICK WITH YOUR OWN KIND"
Is a good message for niggers. Essentially telling them "let whitey be whitey"
Fuck off, the majority of people consider jews to be white. I personally don't think so but most people do. The trailer for the movie made it obvious it's just some anti white male, race mixing propaganda piece
Most racist movie I've seen. Mostly anti-black desu.
>not having the mental capacity to know what he means anyway
Tell her your thoughts
It's anti-white propaganda, why does every relationship in media have to be interracial. Tell her you don't like it because it's forced down everyone's throats and you've had enough of watching movies like that.
If she says "but that's not the point of the movie!!" then tell her that it's exactly the point, it's a subtle hint that these relationships are normal and you shouldn't even think twice about them. If she likes you OP she won't push the issue much further.
This tbqh.
Stop being a bitch ass nigga
It's anti liberal, watch it m8.
It's not even anti white male, I'm not a fucking kike dumb nigger, if it was anti white male I would have been the first to say so
the movie is about white people wanting to be black because blacks are physically superior. also nobody in the film is portrayed as jewish
I thought it was a boring, predictable B-movie.
I thought this movie was hilarious, watched it with my bro.
Had a real good laugh at it.
its good, it makes fun of libshits.
>who aren't even aware of how racist they are.
So basiclly it's like: fucking whites are racist no matter what?
It's just a crappy version of The Stepford Wives, go watch that.
Say no.
You should teach her that blacks are inferior subhumans and that supporting that filth is absolutely degenerate.
I bet you let her listen to rap music too dont you, cuck?
It's anti left
Watch the movie then go "wow, that was really racist." And just carry on with your day.
>liberal kike rather is not portrayed as Jewish
Also, the white people don't want to be like blacks in the movie, did you not see the parts with the bingo brainwashing? The kike dad was hypnotizing the group of whites with pictures of niggers, a game of bingo, and classical music. That was the whole point of the movie. Both the whites and the blacks were equally see hypnotism, only the main family (liberal kikes) were in control
But interracial couples are completely normal.
You have to be a special kind of edgy teenager to deny that.
Quit being such a sperg. It's not that bad, and it's really not THAT anti-white. It's actually sort of anti-racemixing.
Is this true? I hate movies but I would actually watch that.
Is your ideology so fragile that a simple film will trigger you to uncomfortable levels ? Don't be a faggot just watch it.
nobody is portrayed as jewish
watch it and just call out obvious cuck anti white shit before it happens
when she starts to marvel at it or ask if you have watched before, play it off as pessimism considering everything seems to be "anti white" today or something
you can watch it before hand to preplan this if you're not confident and competent
Finns control the WORLD!
>buuhuuu if i watch the movie my gf might get influenced and be fucked by a black guy
Hahahahha PUSSY
Considering your mentality she already gets fucked by countless other dudes
>GF wants to
right there
kick that shit to the curb
gf isnt supposed to want anything but please you
otherwize she's a stupid cunt who's abusing you, period
or rather you are 100% responsible for her bitchy behavior
by enabling her
by being a stupid betacuck pushover
so either prepare your anus for jamal or learn to tame that bitch
hell i could even have started by just
say what? gf? are you happy to be a puppyboy?
where have you left your balls?
You've just described the life of a pet, and they are pretty damn lucky tbqh fampai
Just explain to her that the (((White))) family in the movie is actually a Jewish family. It all makes sense at that point.
i'm sure you're a hit with the ladies m8
It's actually pretty good. It is more an indictment of white liberals who fawn over groids than anything else.
They where sold by other black's mate. We learnt this in fucking middle school
the funny thing is, he obviously knows what you're talking about, and you sound like a whiteknight incel
Yes. It isn't until like 1/2 through the movie that you realize "oh shit, it's deeper than muh white people" , then the mkultra shit starts
Pull the cunt out of your shitty girlfriend and become a serial killer.
Yup, this is what the movie is about. Liberal's love of niggers is more racist than your most fervent stormfag's hatred of them.
>hateful 8
>watching anything made by Tarantino, the ultimate nigger fetishist, after Kill Bill
What I do in situations like this is say I don't want to watch it because the plot will be so predictable. She'll say "no it isn't".
So I'll say "they probably will do this, then the main character will do that".
She'll say "no, this is different."
Then we watch the movie and it's just like I say. After 2-3 times of this she starts to wonder "how do you know all this stuff? I bet you just read on Wikipedia ".
(You can, but if you're really red pulled you don't have to).
At that point you can start teaching her about tropes, patterns, messages in film. Then she'll start to see it. Now you have a red pilled gf.
>ebil wypipo make the black man white
>he din even du nothin
>definitely not anti-racist I mean anti-white
>it's a good movie, buy a ticket goy
>just give it a chance you RACISTS
Hmm really makes me ____.
Exactly. Now imagine some traders from a foreign land buying you from your slavers and giving you a free trip to a more developed country to do easier work under better conditions and with more benefits.
Bro there's nothing gay about Sam Jackson forcing some white boi to suck his dick
It's a legit good movie and has some funny b movie comfy tropes in it.
It's plot is so far fetched and removed from reality it has more in common with the twilight zone.
>Physically superior
lmao, yeah right. Because that's bullshit
the producer of Get Out is a jew too.
Exactly. Now imagine yer rottin in an English prison an one day you an yer mates get thrown in a sloop, tossed about in the ocean a right good bit for a handful a fortnights before gettin' chucked on a beach on another big island. Right maybe yer not in Britain anymore but look on the bright side, ya got the 'ole place to yerself but for some wonky birds, 'ow much trouble could they be?
Most were already enslaved by african/arab-muslim slavers, or were prisoners of war in a tribal clash. Then sold to Europeans.
It's not as anti white as I assumed. Read the Wikipedia summary.
It's basically critical of how white liberal culture fetishises blacks and actually sort of advocates that blacks should segregate themselves.
hahha thanks
well... since you are not white it would be perfect for you mestizoboy
Not a stormfag or racist but you are wrong