What is going to happen when a generation of men-hating women hit menopause without having a husband, children, or a family?
This is the Spinster (aka "cat-lady") question. Gen X and Millennials will have a huge number of them
What is going to happen when a generation of men-hating women hit menopause without having a husband, children, or a family?
This is the Spinster (aka "cat-lady") question. Gen X and Millennials will have a huge number of them
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Suicide, cats or lesbian partnerships.
they're going to blame beta males, who will apologize.
They will dedicate themselves to revenge and wreak havoc on society and its institutions. Already you can see this happening with female politicians, and so on.
it is still somehow going to be my fault,
so fuck them
im content to work on my car, got to work, save money, play video games, and jerk off/fuck hookers
>What is going to happen?
I will laugh my ass off.
Who will then proceed to fuck them and have stillborn children.
Fulfill my mature woman fetish
It's already happening, see them all the time in public talking to themselves, desperately trying to make eye contact
I'm just waiting for the artificial womb for my future children
Old single women are pretty happy on average. Contrast with old single men who have one of the hughest suicide rates. Jokes on us bro.
Are those states on old single people who have been married?
Because old single divorced men having a very high suicide rate makes complete sense.
Politics get more extreme an adversarial
Society will become the surrogate child
Oh shit. That's an idea that needs to be developed.
They exaggerate problems like Munchausen-by-proxy
They deliberately hurt society to have something to whine about- like a crazy mom who shaves her kid's head and says they have cancer so they can get attention
I guess they get get charged 600$ to snake a drain and 500$ to frame a door.
There's no difference between a spinster and an ugly woman
Their genes will die out with them leaving redpilled women to fill the population back up. Things will get better with the alpha generation because more conservative women are having kids right now.
Probably try to pass laws to make it illegal for men to date anyone more than 5 years younger.
Because it's creepy/predatory
They marry betas
>What is going to happen when a generation of men-hating women hit menopause without having a husband, children, or a family?
they'll triple-down on their bullshit until it's time to quadruple-down.
They will vote for policies that make sure Western civilization is completely destroyed.
Don't worry guys. I'll fuck them while you all play video games, jerk off to feminine penis, and complain.
Taking one for the team....
But it does matter. Just because this particular research team didn't break it down (divorce status) doesn't mean it doesn't matter. We know from other research that divorced men have vastly higher rates. So much that they raise the overall rate in the "single" cohort.
>>No stats or figures provided, "bros", happy women content not stir the shit pot as their ovaries dry up.
Womyn detected
>wanting aged well-done roastie
All yours
the tax payer will support them as they ask for more and more money until their shortcoming death
They have no children, others do.
Natural selection is beautiful.
I work with one. She is a professional victim, who blames everyone around her for her failures. 55+ years old and her greatest goal in life is to see other people fired, hiding behind cabinets and server racks and recording "incriminating evidence" on her phone whenever she decides that the people around her aren't doing her job well enough. Of course, she doesn't see the irony when she doesn't get her work done.
So basically, this x100.
They are gonna join Isis in hopes of maybe getting raped once in a while. The rest will suicide bomb themselves. Srsly tho, this is going to be the most unhappy generation of women ever. Their mere presence will redpill the young chicks about the sexual marketplace.
Yep, most of these women are around 25 now. Give it 5 more years and their fertility will plummet and less and less of them will actually procreate. The world will be a better place in 10-15 years.
I've seen this too. The common personality trait is that they're completely devoid of self-awareness. This one roastie I work with constantly bitches and shuts people down and is completely baffled why she keeps getting passed over for promotions.
Yep it already started with anti-prostitution laws in erstwhile free countries like Canada and France. Expect it to spread.
daily reminder that stay at home daughters will solve all of our problems youtube.com
And Gloria Steinem and Germaine Greer are exacting revenge on society for their own stupid decisions
I'm fucking college sluts too Jason.
Thats intresting. Also really depressing.
Lots of sex with me
The depressing world of divorcee dating. Also, being short-term sugar mamas for ghetto black boy toys.
Samson option. They'll vote open-borders parties to bring the White race - that rejected them - crashing down. Like Merkel is doing.
You know that bitch got into hospital work to marry a doctor. Too bad it didn't work out. I bet she was taking it from the nigger orderlies and that's why the docs didn't want her.
>Having relationships with women that were passed over.
Better to die alone.
What are you talking about mate? Most the chicks I know around my age are already collecting child support from some poor stupid fuck.
Like another user said, I'm going to take one for the team, if they stay satisfied then they won't try to wreck society.
>Germaine Greer
Shes getting her own revenge now.
>Germaine Greer says feminism is ageist and the aged care sector is under attack
>Feminism, like the media, was ageist and focused on young women of reproductive age in relationships to the exclusion of children and the elderly, Greer said.
Also the left has turned on her.
>Germaine Greer defends views on transgender issues amid calls for cancellation of feminism lecture
She said transwomen (or freaks) were misogynist.
There's something hot about frumpy womyn like her. Very squeezable bewbies and I'd probably lick her asshole as well.
they will fight in the Colosseum with black people
I warned you. Don't say it was a surprise.
What would it take to actually end women's suffrage once it's already been established?
Invest in anti deppresants and cat toys companies
Societal collapse.
Nothing. There were plenty of spinsters after WWII and it was fucking nothing.
tbqh, all old catlady spinsters should be hanged on DOTR. White women who refused to have children are utterly worthless.
memeing aside I know a man who has no waifu or girlfriend and is well into his 50s. He goes to church and has lots of family friends and a good community to support him, but he still lacks something and its quite sad. He basically just works on the farm all the time must be lonely. Luckily he has a good community or else he would be left all alone, but not everyone is lucky like that, and its not surprising old single men blow their brains out at a higher rate. With no community support.
and dildo companies
Violence. There is no peaceful resolution.
like everything else, white men will be blamed
>What is going to happen when a generation of men-hating women hit menopause without having a husband, children, or a family?
The same thing that is happening now, just at an accelerating rate.
>woman is dried up
>kids left the house years ago
>didn't gave her any grandkids
>husband is at work all day
>no outlet to fulfill her biological programming
Get ready for more of the same.
>societal collapse
society would get better.
these women contribute nothing.
>(((Gloria Steinem)))
Yeah, it's because of that, right?
Lots of old women without families to care for them dying quickly from falling down stairs, alcoholism, and shit.
More and more social welfare programs.
>Old single women are pretty happy on average.
And what portion of those old single women are actually just women that decided to divorce their husbands because they got bored and the money dried up?
It's also that they redirect their natural motherly instinct in a pathological way. Since they have no kids, they end up taking up SJW causes and treat things like "refugees" as surrogate children to take care of. And by that I mean they go around advocating to invite and take care of the entire 3rd world.
>be me
>get out of common law relationship a few years ago
>move in with an old female friend from way back in high school.
>she's pretty much arriving at le spinster meme now.
>she literally can't bring herself to carry dishes to a fucking dishwasher.
>spends nearly all of her time with her ass glued in a chair playing vidya.
>while ignoring her pets who would probably die from lack of attention if I didn't care about them.
>the only time she'll ever clean at all is if she is having company
>hasn't lifted a finger to help with yard work or shoveling snow in the last 3 years.
>Always calling in sick to work for dumb shit, ruining entire daily plans of mine. Because I don't like to clean while she's around because then she'll start on some dumb shit household project that doesn't need doing and get all uppity unless I drop everything I was doing and help her.
>has the gull to frequently criticize me.
>"user you drink too much".
>Yeah well you'd drink too.
>Le why don't men want me trope
>constantly ordering take out and shit and then complaining about not having a lot of money
>yet If not for her I would probably go weeks and sometimes months on end without talking to another human being out of a professional environment.
There's your independent woman.
Iv had girlfriends that wernt so great and Iv got one now that is actually high teir. Having tried both I realise I'd be happier single than if I settled. Even in the very long term.
men whose wives die first are far more happy than women whose husbands die first.
>I bet she was taking it from the nigger
oh look another americuck projection. life must be hard if you imaginating black dicks in white chicks all day long
i predict the craziest ones will be the ones who couldve had a kid but had 5 abortions instead because "womens rights haha"
they fucked their womb now they cant produce any eggs, or keep having miscarriages, eventually their cuck husband kills himself because she will blame him.
then she participates in screaming at men, and eventually steals someones kid. or sexually assaults some young boy so he can "get a taste of his own medicine"
and thats the future of feminism.
Maybe we'll see more equality in suicide rates. The best thing about third wave feminism is they're now watching as the second wave feminists die alone in their homes full of cats. No family, few/no friends, sometimes not even cats. They just wither away into their chairs with no one knowing.
They'll spend all their time blaming men, hoarding cats, & shopping.....
Your lefties are quite reasonable. Iv had people tell me that abortion should be legal but screening for, and aborting children with serious abnormalities should be illegal.
>expecting logical consistency out of a wombend
>only ugly unpopular girls vote
I work in healthcare with a lot of "career women". These cunts are absolute fucking cancer.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard some woman pull the "lol that's why I could NEVER have kids! omg no way I'd be able to take care of them! I'd just fuck them up bullshit"
Motherfucker, an unbroken chain of thousands of human ancestors were able to rub their genitals together to produce you, and somehow having kids is too daunting a challenge? You're a fucking ATTENDING PHYSICIAN for fucks sake, and you can't feed and clothe a child?
I do honestly feel bad for a lot of these women. I don't blame them. I blame the ZOG-controlled society that brainwashed them into thinking that being a mother is the worst thing on earth, and that the best thing to be is a childless career woman. But regardless of who's at fault, we're having a huge problem of all these spinsters. And more every year.
And they're the women that will be running our schools and churches and forcing their own bullshit propaganda on the next generation.
This is a tough thread to read. You guys are hitting the mark and I don't know whether to laugh or shudder. I'm married with two kids and my wife puts up with a lot of this from her childless co-workers. I work at a university and those academic bitches fit this profile perfectly.
Btw, kids are hard work but totally worth it.
Unmarried, childless women are already demanding maternity leave style packages
Western women devoid of self awareness? Western women can't go 10 minutes without looking in a mirror. Feminists are just really insecure women who think look like disgusting pigs so they let themselves go and try to normalize their disgusting pig look as the new beauty standard so they will feel better about themselves. If you really want to red pill a feminist, smile at her while she is yelling at you then tell her she is so cute when she is mad. She will fall in love with you and attempt to make herself look cute again.
I believe I have come up with a solution.
Female communities. Not too big, but tight neighborhoods built by similar minded females. Everyone has their own house/apartment, own money and primary responsibility of your own kids, but you always have the support of other women within arm length of you at all times. You are never alone, you can always receive help and emotional support and you generally gain back the sense of community we've lost somewhere along the way. I firmly believe that we people deep down grave such form of interacting.
>women can't stand each others
This is a meme but yeah, not everyone gets along with each other's. That's why your own community should be build with your nearest female friends. People you know already and get along with.
And if you wanna bring up the traditional gender roles card here - well that kind of life was in fact the norm once in the human history. Even in Ancient Greece men discussed philosophy together and practiced sodomy with each other's. Women were for reproducing and women took care of the kids together within communities.
he probably very content
THIS perkele
Looks interesting. I read it later.
>what is going to happen
dont care, it isn't my problem.
>childless women are already demanding maternity leave style packages
Bullshit. Evidence where? No clickbait articles allowed.
enjoy your STDs
your lonely loveless life
your slavery to your stupidest basest desires
It's unimaginable
You will regret it if you do. You would deny nature
>tell her she is so cute when she is mad. She will fall in love with you and attempt to make herself look cute again
by yelling at me? no thanks
this is beautiful