Honestly, you still support this faggot larper? He's now attacking the golden one (is there anyone he hasn't attacked)? He believes only blonde people are European, he literally lives on welfare and not even the welfare of his own people, but that of the French! Also he looks about 70 years old! WTF!
When is he going to die?
He and the golden one are both pathetic faggots desu.
Fuck Christian and his larping ass.
Varg is based af
That picture makes me cringe every time.
And does he really live on welfare? What the fuck, I didn't know that.
he lives on welfare in France. you cannot make this shit up
if he's truly 100% norwegian, where's his strong nordic jaw?
Just stop calling him Varg and call him by jis birth name Kristian.
Maximum butthurt.
he doesn't actually look nordic. he looks like a rape baby
He lives there because the Norwegian state still seizes all the money generated by the sale of Burzum crap, where they can. He's a huge faggot.
He is at least 25% sami.
He doesn't live on welfare, he lives off his Burzum money and off the RPG thing he made.
Sure does.
He also moved to France and married a French woman while refusing to integrate into French culture.
He directly contradicts himself
Did you known that while in prison, instead of saving up all his burzum money that he accumulated without needing to use any he gave it to neo-nazi groups. What a good goy.
His gay board game that nobody bought?
>hating on varg
are you a nigger? your flag suggests so
Welfare recipient
He is pro-welfare because his wife is probably on welfare.
he is not on welfare. Im sorry, achmed
Varg > Golden One
literally nothing wrong with living on welfare in modern day france.
or are you interested in working so that niggers can buy expensive clothes and choes, iphones and jewelery?
He's pro-welfare because of his philosophy of not delaying the collapse.
autist here
fuck varg and fuck his autist wife
He obviously reveives child support for his 80 children.
why is that kike?
he cant even support a family. lazy as fuck
varg is right.
varg would be fine if he wasnt shitting on half of europe because he thinks they are arab rapebabies and not true europeans. if he wanted to larp in the woods and live like a vikang thats fine (just dont burn down anything).
He pays pretty much zero taxes because his income is so low and he have so many children.
He have no running water I believe and his electricity comes from solar panels.
I don't really think he needs welfare. But maybe he gets some, it wouldn't go against any of his philosophies anyway so whatever.
"...born (((Kristian))) Vikernes..."
this settles it. Kristian's paganism is totally a "DAD!" thing
ITT: City/suburb wagecuck faggots on their lunch break look down on someone attempting to live as self sustainable as possible in nature while raising a family
Get back to work nigger, all that pointless shit you own won't buy itself
And failing
>it's okay to live off welfare when you're white
You are what it's wrong with the right wing. You are basically just a racial leftist.
How is he failing? That shit doesn't just happen overnight.
>literally burnt churches and killed a man
I don't get this larp meme anymore.
Isn't "integration" is the most important thing with you guys?Why is he even not bothering learning or somehow making a living?How come he is different than ahmed or muhammad?Just another fucking parasite
He's a damned hero and has done more to secure a future for our people then sad virgin faggots like you ever will.
Good thing he moved to France, fits the fag well
It's immediately become a way for bedroom bound neets to feel less shame for their impotent, sedentary rage. It's lame to take action, so I'm the fucking coolest.
Why is Varg even a thing at all? Why do people give a fuck what he does or says?
I have heard he has justified beastiality? is it true?
Do you really think you can stop my pagan ethnostate?
I will STOP you degenerates from watching porn.
We will FORCE you to become pagan.
His life and videos are cozy.
We all dream of having a big white family living in the country where we grow our own food and homeschool our kids.
You should look beyond some of the crazy things he says like white people never created a civilization and things like that.
He's the King of NEETs
>implying im right wing.
thats where you are wrong jew.
Ill leech as long as this system either gets replaced or collapses.
>You should look beyond some of the crazy things he says
How can you not think this adorable? How can you not want to strive for your own version of this?
He lives there because of muh ancestors he believes the world is gonna collapse and he just wants to speed it up so we no longer have to endure this shit any longer.
The only way to destroy the welfare state is by bombarding it to just an extent the government is forced to stop handing out welfare. That is why Rand lived much of her life on welfare. It is the only way to dismantle to welfare state.
>tfw no big family to take into the woods to climb and play in the forest
>tfw no son that can explain the nature of the european man in under a minute
Well, he was partially right, many Greek or Italian people are as dark skinned as Turks, Lebanese or Algerian.
Greek football team. How many of them could pass as rapefugees?
Turkish national team
To me they look similar to Greeks.
And genetically they are very close.
Many Italians, Spaniards or Greeks are no lighter
I like Varg as much as the next guy, but his latest tantrums about hair colour have been really mind-boggling. How dense does he have to be not to realise that DNA is 'plastic' to the environment? That you can be a pure European and not look like a Nazi poster boy?
>inb4 nigger
Green eyes, brown hair here. If that makes me a nigger, then be it lmao.
One day user, just keep working towards it
He gets butt hurt if you question his bullshit
That is because the slavs and the Greeks bleached them
I need to go to prison for about half my life first
it's the only way
Would you like your female relatives to date darker skinned Europeans?
The ottomans raped byzantium.
fuck off, subhuman nordick
Yeah... I've seen quite some ginger or blondish Turks.
I bet majority of Turks got more Greek/Roman blood than Asian admixture, even though they want to admit, they're mostly islamised Greeks
Turks are mostly islamised Greeks
Byzantium was raping Arabs and Persians and Turkish breeds for one thousand years until their "western brothers" fucked them over and then let em get conquered by the Ottomans
>He's pro-welfare because of his philosophy of not delaying the collapse.
I wonder how many mudshits also justify leeching off another society as their "philosophy"
varg is the gayest shit on here
kek, my brother isn't white nor European because he isn't blonde
I wonder if Varg is still white now that he's a balding pensioner?
Isn't he like 40 or something
Pretty early to get white hair