Got 'em :^)

Got 'em :^)

Other urls found in this thread:

>3 counts of assualt with a deadly weapon
He's fucked



May niggers culturally enrich his anus in prison.



His name was Eric Clanton and he is an American patriot.

now he can shank it out with the Aryan Brotherhood I wonder how many minutes he lasts

>that Sup Forums will find you video on the news site


The best part is the $200k bail. That means unless his commie faggot friends can get $20k, he's going to sit in jail until his trial date.

Weaponized autism wins again

I think he can liquidate assets and have enough money to delay gettng p0zzed, for a time.

Good going Sup Forums, you just got an innocent man arrested. All he tried to do was kill /r/the_donald posters. Eric Clapton did nothing wrong.

"Don't look at me cracka. Pick up the soap white boi!

A lot of these guys are actually funded by open society(soros) type groups, interesting to see who posts his bail,maybe a follow the money route that leads to the same guys who were busing in violent gang niggers

>His work in political philosophy … centers on mass incarceration and the prison system

Do you think he'll at least take solace in the fact that he's boosting the white demographic in prisons?

His parents are loaded

We'll find out soon whether they've disowned him

Did he do any damage to people that will be permanent?

> implying he doesn't already have AIDs

user these antifags are the scummiest bottom of the barrel filth on earth. Drug addicts, faggots, trannies, all that shit.

why do people always take selfies of themselves

kek, probably

Who else is going to take a selfie for you?


It took them this long to arrest him?!

>“His work in political philosophy … centers on mass incarceration and the prison system,”
>“He is currently exploring restorative justice from an anti-authoritarian perspective.”

The funny thing is that he was big on "community punishment" with his personal ethics.

Sup Forums literally punished him; there's no way the police would have moved as quickly or harshly if there wasn't such a big uproar.

post yfw when the Aryan Brotherhood pushes his shit in

nice birb

The dude required staples in his head, so it's at least physically altering.

Probably grievous bodily harm.

lmao the fucking redditards

>he is an American patriot

Leftists need to be gassed

How do antifa fare in prison?

They get redpilled and become neo-nazis to survive against minorities.



what jail?

>hes fucked
>he will be prosecuted in California
>he is not fucked
he'll probably get a medal of honor from the judge

Well being anti white they are not welcome in the aryan brotherhood. Being white themselves means they are automatically disqualified from any latin or black gangs. Best case scenario? Hes pretty enough to be a bitch for protection. Or if he is slimy enough he can claim he was bashing the anti fash to get into the brotherhood.

>big on "community punishment" with his personal ethics.

That's funny cuz I'm usually not big on mob style justice but thought it was entirely appropriate here.

Is anyone else stoked that an antifag is finally going to prison to see what niggers are actually like firsthand?

Also, what are the chances he's going to be an aryan brotherhood member when he gets out?

Any way that we can get this guy raped in prison? I mean, I'm sure someone would for the right price.

i have contact info for influential awful people on the inside. What jail is this little bunny in?



His specialty is political philosophy relating to the prison system. Hes going to lead a proletarioy rebellion from the inside.

Congrats Sup Forums

Time to celebrate

For real
Fuck the beattles

great job, Sup Forums

Thank you POL!!!!

Kudos to the anons leading to his arrest.

yeah idk

Booking photo?

Link so I can enjoy the tears?

Awwww yes!
Priase be to Kek and glory to all glorious autistic anons!!!!


He'll be given an apology from the governor and $2 trillion in compensation (for being inconvenienced).

All officers involved with this will be dismissed.

Kill all leftists


Reminder: the guy who stabbed "American pants" guy is still on the loose.


He should have a really nice time!

>His specialty is political philosophy relating to the prison system

I pray to got he gets ass raped by the browns and is forced to seek protection from the Aryan Brotherhood

Not much salt there yet :(

Ok, so now when are they going to jail that cunt Yvette Felarca?

checked we will hunt these people all across the globe for selling out the west praise

is that a reliable source?

When did he use the firearm?

God bless you anons.

The article says it was a clerical error.

According to the article in the OP, that's a clerical error.

praise Kek and Sieg Heil!

Und Ze Sup Forums Vus happy!

And he can now perform his patriotic duty by making his anus available for prison rape sex


Fuck these ANTIFA losers. I hope they ride cool new bikes like this into the ocean. Eat poison.

Noodle-armed faggot

He's doing his part to fight white privilege by leveling out prison demographics. Thanks, Eric!

Where's his fucking mugshot?

>both sides go to these 'riots' with the intent to beat eachother up
>both sides go home crying about how the other side hurt them

y'all're a bunch a faggits

I was thinking the same thing.
This ratio is insane.
literally a stick man.

>Libtards finally admit yesterday that violence is not okay
>They finally do something about this faggot

All they need to do is arrest moldylocks as well.

looks like its gunna be a good day today

>A leftist is arrested by Berkeley police

Yep, he's going to be given the key to the city.

He didn't swing the bike lock, it just fell down via gravity

Clerical error?
Or done on purpose?
Does the Alt-Right have a friend in (or many) in that police dept?

too bad the FAGGOT fucking LEFT dont worry about trying to start a war or anything

I'm sure he will find out why they call it the "pokey" within the first week. They will love that long curly hair. We should make a pepe soap on a rope and send it to him!

not necessarily

everyone just hates antifa


Based Sup Forums. You guy's are doing God's work.

So how IS that soda guy whose face he beat in?

I feel really sorry for him, but it feels like we all just forgot about him.

(((ID: 8QQJFrAb)))

sending your IP to BPOL


Damn Sup Forums...I stand in awe.

i 5'9" 133-135
i was until 3-4 years ago and am going backdown

could not put on weight. and yea skinny. thin

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Berkeleyside.


I used to be that small in high school, this guy is literally skin and bones


he'll have fun "bashing nazis" in prison

Sorosbuckz are a thing.

Could have kill him if hit in the temple.

Nice work fags!


like pottery

pls no i dont want to end up in the new Hatespeech
concentration camp created by Heiko Maas

Wrong. The Trump supporters showed up to have a peaceful rally. Antifa are the ones who show up to instigate riots and bring baclavas to hide their identities and bring improvised weapons.


kek this guy is going to be sucking dicks for smokes and taking it in the ass nightly

get rekt antifa, you faggots probably want this all along dont you