How Saudi Arabia and other gulf states age going to handle global warming?
How Saudi Arabia and other gulf states age going to handle global warming?
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By moving to the UK
>beliving in global warming
Good goy.
Dieing, hopefully
>60 degrees
Christ. I've no idea how they're going to deal with that, perhaps just not go out side...ever. Possibly this, it would explain why Qatar invested so heavily in The Shard.
>2 posts in and already shitposting.
Badly if we're lucky.
They're indirectly colonizing European right now. They have invested their oil money in companies world wide, they're beating the jews at their own game. Any western company with Saudi or other Arab investors ought to be nationalized immediately.
Couldn't happen to a nicer country
Buy shit with their oil money.
But it is not true, most muslims in the uk are pakis, not arabs, especially not gulf state arabs.
I think you wanted to say "global cooling"
Climate change works too and also it is a very real thing.
>expecting a scandicuck to know the difference
There's a reason we invest and spend our tourism shekels in your country but not theirs
So what exactly are you doing?
Better air conditioning?
You will need to leave your houses sometimes.
Through your air conditioned garage into your air conditioned car to the air conditioned mall. Nobody really just hangs out outside in summer daytime.
They become uninhabitable.
Then we line entire deserts with solar panels.
with an oven-mitt
They have money for Air conditioning. They are filthy rich.
This is one of the biggest issues of the 21st century. Global warming, if real, could drive the entire southern hemisphere north. The right is too busy taking potshots and bullshit climate models and the socialist scientists behind them (rightfully so) that it's not considering the doomsday scenario that comes from
>Global Warming + Islam
*at bullshit climate models
>drive the entire southern hemisphere north
>american education
It's a figure of speech. "The global south." Don't worry, Dago, you make the cut.