Question for libshits lurking here

Ok, I've got a scenario and a question for you faggots.

>hates faggots
>looks down on women
>religiously motivated
>ethnic superiority radicals
>despises jews
>believes in conservative attitudes
>openly expresses disgust over liberal 'virtues'


The average Sup Forumsack "nazi" (none of us are actually nazis fyi), or the average muslim?

Liberals can still hate muslims and Islam, the only ones who don't are retarded and brainwashed.
t. Rawls-style liberal

No shit sherlock

answer the question

So you're basically saying that you're abstractly the same as a Muslim? Do you not see how you just insulted yourself based on your own contorted view of reality? This is why I come here, the thermonuclear stupidity is the only thing that entertains me lately.

I would say a bigger portion of Sup Forums hold those views than Muslims do.

I haven't said anything that isn't already accepted, acknowledged and widely known.

I'm asking you a question, which you somehow managed to avoid answering despite shitting out a lame reply.

'liberals' are the real racists. thats it. theyre just too stupid to realize it.

they know brown people cant be superior. they know brown people cant opress anyone.

they want to punish other white people because they themselves cant compete with whites. especially women. theyre trash.

Is there anything in my list that you can say Muslims lack in any amount?

No I just think the percentage of people on Sup Forums who hold those views is higher than the percentage of muslims in the whole world who hold those views.

>1.5 billion muslims in the world
>a few hundred thousand pol shitposters, at most

Are you sure about that?

I'm talking about percentage
Do you not understand percentage?

Gee, liberal sure seem mum on the issue, don't they?

I guess they don't enjoy being forced to explain their cognitive dissonance in regards to supporting what amounts to a brown version of Sup Forums.

Could it just be that you libtards are actually just RACIST towards white people?

im not a liberal

Percentages mean shit when the disparity in representation is so fucking huge.

Over a BILLION people, all Muslim, live by the implications I listed. Yes, they LIVE by them, raised from childhood into those ideals.

And you want to minimalize that by comparing their total numbers to a $ based representation of us?

You're kidding, right?

A billion people are FAR more influential than a few thousand shitposters, don't you think?



By that standard if there were 4 people that posted here and three of them shared all of those views there would be a higher percentage of people that believed it than Muslims

Which is no way to make a serious statement

I don't think you understand how neo-liberal capitalism works. You can be Muslim, Christian, Jewish, I don't care. But if your Christianity means you think you get to beat gay people or keep women as pets, we pummel that out until the majority of you are palatable to our society. The majority of Americans are Christian, but most of them belong to nice, safe, mainline churches who have had the barbarism culled from their doctrine. We do the same to Muslims, to Jews. Scour the extremism out, make it cosmopolitan and compatible with liberal Western democracy, and be done with it.

THAT is Western civilization, what makes us successful. We can take anyone and mold them into a decent citizen, or else throw them in the cooler. That's how you bring in productive foreign workers, that's how you open new markets, that's how you increase free trade.

So yeah, I have no problem with Muslims; but I won't tolerate any religious doctrine that clashes with the neo-liberal order.

You're saying they hate Sup Forums, so they should also hate the "brown version of Sup Forums" (muslims)

But by that same logic:
You love Sup Forums, so you should also love "brown version of Sup Forums" (muslims)

i'm muslim and i don't know any male family member that looks down on women. they don't hate gays either, they just don't agree with what they're doing. there is a difference between that and actually hating them. and even if they did, they never express it.. most of what you said is just wrong, befriend some muslims or try to actually get to know them.

OP "You have to go back"

Well you just asked who you were describing.
So I just looked who fit the bill the most.

Maybe I was taking the question a bit too literal

reminder that pol is satire

we dont actually like drumpf,hes just a useful tool for us

Leftists hate Western Civilization far more than they dislike islamic barbarism.

And that's why I believe that both muslims and the Sup Forums crowd, need to be educated, so they accept the values of western society

Give me an example of where and when in time and history that ANY of the things I listed have EVER been scoured out of any society, anwhere, in regards to Islam.

But you believe the west can accomplish this? And at what cost of lives, your fellow countrymen's lives?

Why don't y'all just pummel it out yourselves in a liberal fight club;
leave the rest of us alone.
When you are reduced, then we can cooler you.

Who made it your job to "educate" foreigners that hate you?

If you believe extremists are already in your country, and they are native to your land, why would you invite more in before you've "educated" the ones living with you?

>t. ledditor
>We do the same to Muslims.
not true.
>to Jews

That's what you think you're doing. You can't "scour the extremism" out of anyone who's lived and believed in things a certain way for their entire life. It took christianity centuries to become diluted the way it is now. Why do you think muslims will change faster.
>make it cosmopolitan and compatible with liberal Western democracy, and be done with it.
aka make everyone lack any sort of faith or identity so that they are simply corporate tools used to meet big business's unwillingness to treat their worker fairly.
the only reason the neo-liberal movement supports mass immigration is because they want cheap labour no matter what the cost.

>hates faggots

Nope that's a meme from the left
>polacos against gay marriage maybe
>isis throws them off buildings for being fags

Not quite the same thing

I'd dispense with your other propositions in a similar fashion but you know your simplistic troll is not up to scratch

>drumpf,hes just a useful tool for us

As if Argentina has any world pull.
Last I noticed your leader has to fly commercial because creditors are likely to seize any ARG assets outside your borders.
How goes it?
Deadbeat leaders of kek

the average muslim

>Liberals can still hate muslims and Islam, the only ones who don't are retarded and brainwashed.

what % of liberals in America would you guess are not retarded and brainwashed? I'd guess about 5%

quality bantz here

See, I don't hate nor like Islam.

But I at least recognize that liberal idiots are fooling themselves by thinking that they can change Islam by inviting into their bed and letting it fuck them in the ass.

This is what is happening in Europe right now.

It's not going to change Muslim attitudes, especially none of the ones I listed at the top.

Mind you, from the Sup Forums perspective that minus the religious exception, none of those attributes have ANYTHING at all to do with any kind of express religious connotations, dogma or religiously moral delusions.

Disgust of degeneracy has nothing to do with religion, but wait and see how hard liberals will fight me on this, because they cannot fight an enemy who is absent an irrational soft spot like believing in sky wizards.

They are unable to accept that some people, most of Sup Forums in fact, are not religious zealots, because then they can't call us hypocrites for hating Islam.

>"none of us are actual nazis"
take that "lol POL just ironic" and "mooslems are the real problem" back to you know where.

>we're just being ironiclel

Sorry, that's reddit rhetoric. Sup Forums has never fessed up into being ironic shitposters. That's just something you say amongst yourselves in disbelief.

Ok, the muzzies wouldn't honestly be that bad if they weren't trying to genocide Europeans. That's my problem with them. I'm certainly not saying that we don't deserve some backlash for the idiotic and completely degenerated way we've been acting lately, but still. Muslims are someone I could be international neighbors with if they could accept the fact that I'm a Christian, yet hold a lot of the same values they do.

hence the quotations...

Although your intentions may be benevolent, you are mistaken in believing that Islam can exist in a passive state the same way you believe Christianity does, which it does not either.

Christians are just as rabid in their proselytizing. Perhaps more than most.

Only difference is that Islam is extremely violent with it. You cannot coexist with them.

No, the joke was you believing you could imply we are actual nazis and not be told to go back to plebbit.

nigger what in the fuck are you even saying right now? Your OP was the equivalent of "haha none of us are actual nazis" and "muslims are the real problem" bullshit. Do you know where the fuck you are right now? A fucking board whose original logo had a fucking swastika in the middle. How the fuck does that equal people not being nazis? How are you that dense?

>original logo

Yeah, you're just making shit up now.

>none of us are actshoahlly nazis
Speak for yourself

These reddit faggots are doing my head in

>t. shareblue

shooshoo larper

>yeah you're just making stuff up now
oh wow, pick one fucking word and play semantics with it, it's still a fucking logo used by Sup Forums. Maybe I misspoke, big fucking whoop. It WAS STILL A BOARD LOGO YOU FAGGOT. ITS STILL USED TO REPRESENT THE BOARD.


>haha totally not notsees guys!

Yeah, nah. There was never any nazi logo on Sup Forums.

Why are you literally making stuff up to fit your own twisted narrative?

The only edits you've ever seen were created looooong after /new/ was even deleted.

hey faggot see

sumbitch im so pissed cant reply right i meant see

wow much google search skills

it must be real because I found a random logo on the interwebz!

See here you have the perfect example of how deluded liberals can be. You can stand in front of them and tell them they are wrong, but they just will not accept anything they blindly believe.

bitch get your plebbit spacing ass the fuck out of here i saw that logo every fucking day here for the longest fucking time. go fuck yourself. im not a "liberal" either

Sure you did buddy. Sure you did.

>and sure you're not a libshit too

whatever i'm mad at myself i took your dumbass bait and kept taking it. believe whatever the fuck you wanna believe's your final (you). 8/10 I kept replying.

It's ok to be upset. Rage is just another step towards resolving your inner contradictions and ascending into a higher person.

Sup Forums is and never was a "nazi" board. I think you just have some conditioning to let go of before you can accept the truth that is national socialism is not tied to ethnic superiority.

You believed this because you were an immature faggot, but you're an adult now and you should know better.


Thanks for the bump, swedecuck.

More liberals need to answer my OP question.

More likely they are terrified to even consider that the people they defend are no different than US.

Yes, this makes liberals the actual racists.

Id say you've never seen a muslim in your life if thats what you think

See, even the roach agrees with me.

>(none of us are actually nazis fyi)


user, "Nazis" died with Germany at the end of WWII.

Any more lewd pics of that chick OP?

you know exactly what OP meant. shouldn't you be in school by now user?


I am OP, dufus.

NAZIS do not exist. They certainly never existed here, and I've been here since the start.

>(none of us are actually nazis fyi)
go back to r/the Donald or lurk more
im not a Nazi but anyone lurking Sup Forums fr more than than minuets that people here are actual nazis

fuck off pissrael

ps. take gal gadot back with you

that cunt isn't wonder woman, she's a fat neanderthal-head looking bagel

>implying Sup Forums isn't sheltered as fuck
>implying you know what an actual muslim acts like


you cant talk like that to Gal, Tyrone

so you were stating that we definitely are NOT imaginary creatures?

nigga I have a muslim neighbor living right next to me.

he keeps his dumb white whore wife in a burqa, and surprise, she's fat as hell.

You are now aware that Gal's midsection in this photo is CG, and she was fat preggo during much of the movie.

>I live in the vicinity of a muslim so that means I'm not sheltered!

I rest my case.

i don't watch movies

How very boring of you.

to be fair i have friends in Christian cults that aren't aloud to watch movies

Brainwashing doesn't lend well to the brainwashed.

Adhering to traditional knowledge of the world isn't bad. Islam is a cultural dressing for that knowledge that belongs to another race and people diametrically opposed to our own and possessed of further dressings that are simply not well thought out or productive. That traditional knowledge is widespread the way it is because it is simply the truth about mankind.

We should want for our own cultural dressing, just as we should want to reclaim the traditional knowledge of the human condition it is based on.

Oh look, it's another of these threads again. Just because you can point to superficial similarities between Nazism and Islam, it doesn't mean they're the same when you get down to brass tax. What you're doing is equivalent to claiming that both feminists and fascists believe in "social justice" so they're the same.

Not that I should really care because I'm a Mosleyite, and Mosley didn't hate homosexuals, he didn't look down on women, he wasn't particularly religiously motivated, he wasn't an ethnic supremacist, he didn't hate Jews because they were Jews, etc.

Anyway go fuck yourself.

The point of the thread was to highlight the incompatibility of the left to recognize that they are simultaneously embracing one extreme, while denouncing the other, despite both extremes being exactly the same.

The difference? One is followed by a predominately brown people.

This implies that liberals are racist against whites, when they've chosen to defend one extreme side that is virtually identical to the other.

Voted hilary, for Immigration but also for deportation of felons, pro Muslim ban, don't care for LGBT community as long as they just keep to their own. Where do I fall?

>voted for hillary

You fall into the gas chamber, where you belong.

GOOD point. When are you guys opening a mosque?

i am a nazi bw