Well Sup Forums? How do you respond?

Well Sup Forums? How do you respond?

Other urls found in this thread:


to what? there is no text in your post.

Its not about race, its about statistics.
Anyone claiming its race, is a racist.
Just use the facts and stats.

to the image in OP, retard

>white trash racists still believe blacks are inferior

>be racist Trump supporter
>still believe in pseudoscience
lmao rural and suburban retards are the actual primitive monkeys

and Sup Forums is rampant with racists
and they're all wrong

Black imprisonment 7x that of white people yet still a minority of the population.

But it's down from 9.5x so we all good.

If I link you a study showing blacks adopted by whites wind up performing at the average level for blacks (I.e. low) by the time they reach high school, are you going to just dismiss it as bullshit because it undermines your narrative?

It's decreasing way faster than white crime rate, and the crime rate for younger blacks is decreasing even faster.

It's still 7x that of whites..... Let me know when is equal that of whites. Then we can talk.

Also you should spend some time with American blacks....

No, read the actual image in the post you replied to

>blacks were held as slaves, not allowed to have an education and treated worse than animals
>then they weren't given any opportunities
>hurr why do blacks commit so many crimes?

You really think you're something with these screenshots don't you? Typical nigger, never has any original ideas of his own. What is it like being hated by every other race on the plantet?

Its almost like the police are afraid to do their job...

Yeah, you're definitely a dumb nigger. Inner city black schools get more funding than suburban white schools and they still can't pass standardized tests.

[Citations needed]
nice mental gymnastics though

Bingo bongo

yes, because of racism

>arguments: 0

Some of the links might be broken at this point,

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?

Gendered Racial Exclusion among White Internet Daters*

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

>blacks are stuck in the stone age and never created civilization!
nice try sweetie


America had a black president for 8 years and for most of that time he was trying to reduce black crime. Mostly by pressuring the police into arresting less blacks rather than actually reducing crime.

Hell, during his last few months as president he went on a pardoning spree and let thousands of black prisoners go free (many of which have already re-offended).


>what is poverty?
>what is malnutrition?
>what is oppression?
most of your links are debunked biased studies

see and

Proof of them being debunked?

>Muh racism

Racism doesn't have anything to do with test scores or IQ.

how is your post against anything I posted?

Now give me some sources for that

read the images that I linked you to

I did and they don't reference my studies at all.

And my studies give more compelling evidence.


Google sure is hard.

How many blacks in America today were slaves? How many whites owned slaves? They've had 150 years to get their shit together but they didn't because no wonder, Africa has had a hundred thousand years to get their shit together and it's now and always been a shithole because it's full of niggers. They are all lazy, dirty, useless niggers wherever they are. No matter how many handouts you offer, they'll demand more and never work for it because muh four generations ago wuz slaves n sheeit.

Gish Gallop: the thread

You don't have any arguments either. You're just posting screenshots of Reddit comments that push theories that "the bell curve" has already debunked.

>be black kid
>be born in poverty because of slavery
>unable to get good education because blacks have always been oppressed
>entire city is violent and corrupt
>lead poisoning
>no choice other than turning to violence and corruption

Fuck me, now this is some high quality bait, well done geographical who.

You talk about 'making assumptions', yet this entire piece of garbage is simply an assumption.

E.g. 15% increase in testosterone could never lead to a 500% increase in crime! As if it would only make sense if there is a 500% increase in testosterone.

The funniest part about all of this is that your final conclusion is that 'IQ/Genetics does play a role in black crime, but its not as much as people say it is because I don't want it to be.'

Congratulations faggot, you disproved your own theory, and essentially came to the conclusion that genetics do play a role.

Also, there is no evidence what so ever to suggest that education can improve IQ. Environmental factors at most make up for around 30% or less of the gap between different races, while genetics determine the rest.

IQ is also the best way to predict societal success and success on an individual level, beyond education, parental wealth or any other factors.

Given that the IQ gap between say an ethnic Italian and someone from equatorial guinea is around 51 points, genetics would be responsible for about 70% of that. Or 35 points.

Now, I won't mention that the IQ in most African nations verges on retardation but the mental gymnastics you are pulling here is impressive.

Also, I like how you imply that racists are somehow less intelligent because of their beliefs yet their is no correlation between racist thought and IQ.

If that was the case, the West's IQ would have risen significantly in the past couple of decades. It's interesting that you can find a correlation between a belief system and intelligence but not race.

What conclusions are you trying to come to here? That race plays no part in IQ and IQ plays no part in crime? It's a ridiculous theory and this entire blog post is lazy.


they debunk the studies you posted

I really need to expand the reply window before judging my paragraph size.

>Africa has had a hundred thousand years to get their shit together and it's now and always been a shithole

Sounds like black lives matter is full of shit then

More like be born into poverty because my parents have low IQ's and don't know how to manage money and build wealth.

source for your other claim
and he didn't pardon thousands
and source for the fact that many have already reoffended

You bring shame to Latvia. Choose a different nation to shill from, kike.

No, it didn't.


Nothing to really respond to user.

The only ones who actually belive there's a direct correlation between genes and criminality are dumbass stormniggers, or just trolling.

Anyone who actually studies the matter knows the two biggest indicators of criminal behavior BY FAR are;

(((Single motherhood))).

It's been proven over and over and over again.

Because of slavery and hundreds of years of oppression

Obama pardoned or commuted 1927 people during his presidency, of these 504 were life sentences (basically murderers).

black lives matter is about police brutality and racism against blacks, which is well documented

Because they commit 7x more crime.

>Two things that Africans did not invent.
What about everything else as well? Where is the Congolese Space Agency.

>inb4 muh colonisation ruined africa

and it is the responsibility of the better-off people to prevent poverty and single motherhood, otherwise it's practically impossible to get out of that spiral

and innocent blacks are more likely to be arrested/shot than white people, and guilty blacks receive harsher sentences than white people, only further pushing black people into crime

I wonder if this decrease in the number of blacks being imprisoned has anything to do with the media outcry and the marxist indoctrination is law schools?

colonisation ruined africa

>didn't read

>blacks are being systematically jailed by the industrial prison complex
>black crime is going down
Pick one

>well documented

and where are your sources that many of them have already reoffended?

fewer blacks are being born thanks to abortion laws being more lenient.

Eugenics are working, sage

>only further pushing black people into crime

So instead of doing the normal thing and learning their lesson, they become more niggerish.

Consider me shocked.


You're right it is is about statistics.

this is pseudoscience
more reliable studies have concluded that the average IQ in Africa is ~80, with an average of all studies concluding that it's about 75
the study your image is based off of is widely criticized for not having proper methodology and for cherrypicking their sources, having extremely low sample sizes and being very off

>too dumb

This is all I need to see.

>have 2 millennia of no contact

>cant even discover a fucking wheel on their own accord
>cant have any great literary work or philosophies even after having writing

Quite the contrary it pulled them out of the stone age.

black crime IS going down, and that is a verifiable fact
But that isn't stopping the industrial prison complex from systematically jailing blacks and discriminating against them


There's a very relevant post in this page by the user 'The_Gay_Syndrome'which answers every question.

I had it in image format but can't seem to dig it up.

still below average

You are completely retarded
What do you expect any person who was jailed to do?
They lost all possibility of getting a job, they don't have any way of getting a house
The only solution is more crime
And this is true for every race

>Within three years of release, about two-thirds (67.8 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested. Within five years of release, about three-quarters (76.6 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested. Of those prisoners who were rearrested, more than half (56.7 percent) were arrested by the end of the first year

Sure thing haus.

Kek. This guy's logic is strange. Sounds like a planted BLM Antifa faggot.

Maybe he shouldn't have been a criminal to begin with.

>the only solution is more crime
But there's less crime though

>Race has no biological basis
There's less genetic difference between the average of two different races than there is between two people of the same race


Maybe dont commit crime or act like a chimp in the first place ?


[Citation needed]

>Racial groupings are arbitrary
yes, because grouping people by skin color and other physical features is arbitrary



>colonized countries under oppressive rule are more likely to be less stable
wow so surprising

I love you based user.

According to these statistics, 35% of blacks are both retarded and violent, thanks for the info friend!


because of environmental factors
Blacks in the US now have an average IQ as whites did last century, and it's increasing faster than white people's IQs are

Yeah i was arrested for possession before and now I have a stem(meme) degree and work as a software developer.


Now you're just trolling.




>cant even discover a fucking wheel on their own accord
only once in all of human history has the wheel ever been discovered

>cant have any great literary work or philosophies even after having writing
there are many black authors, and the amount is increasing
you can't create literary work when you are a slave


