>may be one of the most politically incorrect to date
>may be one of the most politically incorrect to date
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit, Poland has shown some serious balls. Respect.
Poland deserves a round of applause.
That's gonna trigger some leftys
Good for you, Poland
God bless.
does poland accept germans? i want to move there
print copies and spread them around manchester
Extremely old news, also that's run of the mill in Poland.
>17 Feb 2016
poland best land
I want to listen to Sabaton but I don't know if they embrace commies or fascism
>Poland shows nationalist strength
>EU gets "attacked" by Polish Nazis
>US destroys Poland
>Niggers rape Polish White women
>Look at Germany
extreme newfags
Neither. They're apolitical.
it doesn't make you a newfag when you miss few minutes on 4chin you extreme degenerate babydoll shit.
BASED kurwa
Based boland
I will never talk shit about Poland again.
GO Sup ForumsAND!!!!!
looks like she's enjoying it in the left photograph
>Poland gets BTFO in WWII
>Comes back to become the best country in Europe
Based Poland
true tho. based poland
i hate you poland for this racist and intolerant shilling
if the mainstreammeadia makes you hate immigrants you should know that this is THEIR goal. pol you really are just a bunch of blind and dumb ignorant nazis if you find this great
>The image may be one of the most accurate illustrations of the migrant crisis to date.
truly Sup Forumsand
I feel obliged to defend Poland and-or Magyar on any kind of war we'll have around.
It's so nice to see a country not cucked by social justice warriors and political correctness.
Go fuck a goat. Mohamed
>And britcucks hate polish people
Fucking english cowards
Fuck off muhammed. Eat a ham sandwich
Based Poland. Someone post that picture of them at a soccer game (Fake Football for you Europeans) and them holding up a giant Deus Vult sign behind one of the goals.
>she looks like she is enjoying it
on purpose?
oh nice
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Poland (or someone) in general is depucting the issue in the way it truly is. But does it even matter? I'm not to into the recent cucking of yurop so I can't even guess
Polish balls of steel
You can't save it
It's Rome's fall 2.0
The only thing you can do is try to preserve knowledge for future generations to rebuild it.
Don't know your idea of enjoyment, but remember, rape is always decided after the fact, not during. (Assuming the victims are to believed)
This cover is 2 years old...
autist thinks if you don't spend every waking moment absorbing Sup Forums you are a newfag. He doesn't realize that he's just an autist
>*blocks your path*
This only instead of G*rmanics in Rome it's muds in Europe
I think they don't really like migrants in general, but as long as you are white and christian you should be fine.
I guess Eastern Europe will be our new Byzantine after the West falls.
The Anglo's will then congregate in Australia and The U.S., forming strange Hapa and Latino Cross Breed Christians, who will return to Europe to defend Polandzytine and reclaim the Holy British Isles.
Serious question, are these actual niggers or just white guys who got painted black?
Holy fuck, where have all you Anons been for the past year when this came out in February 2016? These newfags are killing me.
Knowing Poland, I guess its the latter.
Still awesome.
t. Person who just started browsing this site a month ago
We don't have to take that from worst korea.
>Byzantine fought Bulgaria instead of fighting the Seljuk Turks
that's some fucking old news you dug out
Is poland more right or left now?
Or is everything the same? Would they still do it today?
Screw you, only reason why their women didnt get rape is because they refuse to take in rapefugee, only dumbass like you wants to take them in...
The sister magazine to this one two weeks ago they had isreal flag on the cover laughing about how the left is trying to make antisemites out of the right wing.
Based Poles saviors of the white race
The first 8 replies to this thread are Reddit. This shows you how small of a minority the original Sup Forumsacks are. The rest of the thread is probably Reddit too, with a few Sup Forumsacks in between pointing out this is something absolutely everyone here saw 2 years ago.
Literally the biggest news outlets are shilling for Merkel and every kid with journalism degree is posting on fb and blogs etc about how fuckin "racists" and "facists" Poland is because we wont bend a knee for fuhrer EU.
Off yourself kraut.
Most based country in Europe, keep up the good work. Just look at that meme:
Find a better European government, there isnt one.
>Find a better European government, there isnt one.
Orban and Hungary
>singapore is the antipodes poland
Poland's a shithole though.
I fucking love Poland. First CDProjekt and now this.
Keep killing it, Poland. You deserve it after what the Nazis and Commies put you through.
inb4 (((you)))
all of their songs sound literally the same
their just tapping into people's patriotism, fucking leeches
the vocals are especially shit, no talent whatsoever
It's more right. I heard a guy dropping some pretty rad redpills on the radio today morning. Dude was comparing numbers of immigrants to numbers of actual refugees then proceeded to explain how they are unfit for our civilisation.
He actually fucking said that western Europe is commiting a collective suicide. Dude casually told about the demographics and concluded that you irreversibly ruined your cultural heritage and forsaken your civilisation.
It was a mainstream radio channel and the reporter that was talking with him didn't react like he was breaking a taboo.
their guitarist is bretty good through
This is great but isn't this cover like a year old?
what radio?
>few minutes
Thank you, Based Poland!
>from spain
witcher is shit, though.
Polskie Radio 24
I used to listen to System of a Down as a kid, Deer Dance in particular, knowing damn well they are commies, but interpretted their songs the opposite way. It's not like I paid for their songs back in the day. Those were the days of real napster, morpheus, kazaa, etc.
How is this commie....or anything...
Obviously putting up some strong competition, but not quite Poland tier.
Jesus germany how could you let yourself sink so low
That guy certainly browses Sup Forums.
kocham polske, kurwa
Korwin is not part of the government, hes not even in the parliment, he missed by 0,1%
Hell good speech
You could say they accept Germans.
>inb4 Germany invades Polan again
>hate immigrants you should know that this is THEIR goal
paraphrasing Canada. If you hate them they win. Cultural Marxism at it's finest
The best part is the reactions of all the hostile women. Their programming is kicking in. Im surprised non of them shouted him out with accusations of racism.
They likely had to photoshop these hands into being brown because they couldn't find a single nigger in Eastern Europe, LOL.
they embrace jews, a fucking disgrace to power metal
I wonder what happened after the photoshoot.
Sounds nice.
I would love to witness that in germany, but that will never happen here.
I said Deer Dance. Fucking leaf.
>Poland is a sh--
Centrist. Maybe centre-right because they don't disregard things that came before the current year.
The song is lyrical diarrhea. It has nothing to do with communism. Fucking cuck.
>The first 8 replies to this thread are Reddit. This shows you how small of a minority the original Sup Forumsacks are. The rest of the thread is probably Reddit too, with a few Sup Forumsacks in between pointing out this is something absolutely everyone here saw 2 years ago.
I hate to say it, but I think the leaf is right.
Things dropped off significantly after Trump got elected, and it turns out most of that was the_donald traffic. It's hard to get a decent conversation on Sup Forums anymore. The Ariana Grande thing really knocked the left off balance, but it'll be back to shill city soon.