England: Nation of Fucking Cowards

>Once mighty Island nation now can't even protect the smallest and most innocent among you.

England I just want you to know that I fucking hate you people, you disgusting, sickening cowards.

The fact that you have let your enemy tell you to your face that this is all "normal" and "part of living in a big city" is just more proof that you are a nation of loathsome, sniveling cowards.

The sun has finally set on your "empire", and now you descend into the eternal darkness.

I truly hope your entire island nation burns.

What is their fucking problem?

>tfw she died a virgin
>tfw when i could still die a virgin

So if you were in their position right now what would you do?

Give the invaders a choice: assimilation or repatriation.


OP not even muslims want to be stuck on a island full of prisoner descendants. If Australia was smart enough to trick their own people by brainwashing and making them think they have a choice. they already would have. England's been doing for ages. think before we created you fucktards

>died a virgin
She probably lost her virginity to achmed when she was 5

It's worse than that, user.

After a visit to Rotterdam, Netherlands.

and how would you convince everyone else to go along with that?

Is that really a horse trying to rape a (((bobby)))

Don't hate us, we are infected by cordyceps. Nation state leper, limbs falling off, mind turning to mush. Save yourselves. Burn the universities, they are the source of the virus and the means by which it spreads and replicates.

And nothing of value was done with this post.

Why make it? No one gives a fuck what you think.

An honest mistake. The horse thought he smelt something feminine.

>Why make it? No one gives a fuck what you think.

But this applies to every post on this site and Sup Forums itself, you raving homo

It's worse than, that user.

>England I just want you to know that I fucking hate you people, you disgusting, sickening cowards.

It was clearly Mossad who did the MEN arena attacks you dumbfuck. it follows the same pattern as the paris attack.

The same people who block that area of Caulfield from google maps, you have the same problem as us.

The same people who beat that aussie palestine protester in australia (it was covered on redice radio).

>The fact that you have let your enemy tell you to your face that this is all "normal" and "part of living in a big city" is just more proof that you are a nation of loathsome, sniveling cowards.

No it's proof of the jews forcing it on us, partly because you encourage mass immigration to australia removing the white british demographic.
>The sun has finally set on your "empire", and now you descend into the eternal darkness.

that means you too then

>I truly hope your entire island nation burns.

I hope one day we Pangea back together and Australia overlaps California and becomes the United State's new west coast.

And yet here you are, you fucking inbred.


Broadcast images of the dead children 24/7 on BBC. Then follow it up with interviews of the 1400+ girls raped by mohammad.

fuck off goat fucker

England is like sweden, but without the hot chicks.

>lose a war to emus
>call other nations weak

Rich from an Aussie cunt. Ive been over there and some of your areas are worse than ours kek.

>Muh points system

Those of us with families and kids - what are we supposed to do just throw all that out the window and go to prison for x years for burning a mosque?

Get fuxked

At this point the Visegrad group are the only white nations that deserve any respect.

>New South Wales Police Force, New South Wales (NSW) Policing had over 30,812 assaults (non-domestic violence related), 28,980 domestic violence related, 4,718 sexual assaults, and 6,486 indecent, acts of indecency, and sexual offences reported in 2015.

Australia sounds like a nice place to live too

Post proof that any of this happened please

What a qt. RIP in literal pieces.

Get angry lads

more people die from choking to death than terrorists. Right wingers love to glom on to tragedies to push their political agenda, yet accuse the left of using tragedies when they push for things like common sense gun control.

And how would you seize control of the BBC?

I might be able to help you with that

Good point. I thought about this hypocrisy in this manner. They love to shit on the media but never question this narrative here because too fake-jewy and they love licking fake-jew feet

Thanks, D&C

Families of victims need to go Frank Castle on some muzzies.
Not like your faggot cops with whistles would stop them anyhow...

So just because the death toll hasn't reached a certain breakpoint it's not an issue? Specific races/ethnicities are being targeted and killed by extremists in the name of an archaic religion who are culturally unable to assimilate with western culture and beliefs.

Let me turn the argument on its head and say more people are killed due to traffic accidents than gun violence each year so gun violence isn't an issue and we should focus instead on driving safety courses. It just doesn't make sense.

>common sense gun control
Nigger if you dont want one dont buy one otherwise eat a dick and choke on it.

This is true, we are doomed.

I took the black pill a long time ago