Could we possibly turn Ariana Grande into a new symbol of the alt right? All of these young kids were around and witnesses to a rag head committing mass murder. Think if all of these kids grew up to hate Muslims if we can have her portrayed as an anti-muslim figurehead.
Ariana Grande alt right symbol
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Shameless self bump
It's actually a good idea. She is aestetically pleasing which is always a huge plus when you want a symbol.
Exactly, and she already has the ties to Islamic violence. I'm thinking there is some decent material here to work with.
As a Pommy (Brit) poster said approx 24 hrs ago, Ariana Grande is not able to help.
If she decided to rage against Muslims, she'd either be dropped from her label or become their new favourite target until she and fans end up dead (for reference on validity of this point, check in with any critic of Islam in the last 25-30 years).
If she decides to sweep it under the carpet she'll be considered insensitive to the victims.
If she wants to turn it into a personal cause but without naming Islam as the fundamental problem, she will alienate almost everyone here.
She can't win on this one.
Jesus fucking christ she is so fucking hot. How did I never notice this before the attack? My dick is instantly diamonds for that pic.
She doesn't have to personally do anything. We just need to plant the seed into people's minds of having someone famous associated with anti Islam material. Whether she fights it or not, it os already out there. Just like the gay pride flag and the hand symbols. Idiots love to take some good bait, especially controversial bait.
How about you guys spend your energy for something more meaningful than giving the media another "nazi Sup Forums" story to rant about.
Any media is good media man.
She's a fucking coalburner
a coalburning spic is the perfect symbol for the american alt right. i support this.
Fuck it, why not
I mean, she did kill 20+ people with the terrorist attack. She has to be guilty of something.
We can make it out that terrorists were angry at here for here alt-right ideology, find some dirt on her, and interpret it as alt-right bigotry. Any other ideas?
Shoop an Italian blackshirt uniform on her.
She was quoted as possibly saying, "I hope all of my fans fucking die." Maybe we can say she had something to do with the bombing such as telling the person where to go.
Trips of truth. However normies don't believe in these, so I'll need a source.
Arena Grenade
No. Because she embodies everything the right doesn't represent otherwise. No.
>Ariana Grande
>A G
>Aryan Goddess
Chose one
I think we actually may be able to pull this off. Where would be the best place to post material for the sheeple?
the alt right doesnt exist, its simply the right wing
FB wouldn't be bad.
We can also use some twitter accounts.
If you just Google, "Ariana Grande hopes fans die," it will come right up with multiple different sources.
Actually "Ariana" in italian means she-Aryan
Twitter and FB isn't bad, but specifically which boards and walls? If we get too ballsy and go after higher end more maintained stuff, it will just get deleted. We need a happy medium with lots of visibility but not so big as to just be deleted within seconds.
idk man but since that terract in manchester I jerk off to Ariana twice a day.
DuckDuckgo it, all the sources are some clickbaitish jew-run pieces of crap that call themselves news outlets.
To sum up what we have:
Arianna ==> Aryan
Grande ==> Grenade (Doesn't tie w/ alt-righ, since it connects to terrorism)
Multiple twitter accounts, some blog someone controls that can be used as source,, nobody reads those anyway
FB, I have a few user accounts.
>shop a picture of a quote with her saying "I hope all my jewish fans fucking die"
>shop a swastika behind her
We can't make it too obvious. I has to be subtle. Start slowly, and once it gains traction become more aggressive.
It would be optimal if some youtuber backed us. We need to apply the same tactics that they did with shave for bieber.
My child, we are after Islam this time. Harrison Ford can be for jews.
The next obvious question would be what would be the main message or catch phrase? Need to get a specific phrase trending. Also, does anyone know any sort of YouTube personality that could pull a favor for the greater good?
You mean him.
The first question is what do we want to achieve? Do we want to portray her as a terrorist accomplice, or an alt-righter?
people will not buy into it, since most people are pro-muslims, they will realise it's bullshit
All those SJWs will get triggered against her, which is good. They are easy targets. For this to work, we have to analyze how she responded tot he attack. f we can find her saying smth against Muslims, it would be perfect.
Some potential material
Holy shit user the url on that pic
I'm thinking alt right. If we can find just one article saying something about "radical islam," we can shorten this down to Islam. Therefore, "I can't believe radical Islam would do this, they are so hateful." Gets turned into [sic] "I can't believe Islam would support this, they hate all of us."
Sorry for the double post, but that url lol. We may even be able to convince people with pornography that she supports jihad. #ArianaForJihad
That doesn't tie very well together. This is what we want
- Alt-right:
- Need to find some place criticizing muslims/terrorists
- Need to find some other slightly offensive rhetoric, so that we can say, it's not the first time.
Supposedly the "I hope my fans die" thing was back in like 2015 or 2014. If we can find anything before or since then, we can manipulate this.
Just give her the Taylor Swift treatment but with Italian uniforms because German ones don't look that good on Mediterranean types.
Commodere Pepe; commodere Grande?
Fucking genius propaganda.
Let's keep this shit alive.
Is there anything that her name would loosely translate into? I know her last name is somewhat close to the pronouncian of grenade in Russian.
She's some kind of grotty coal burning mulatto promoting utter degeneracy (which is unacceptable in women).
Just a terrible idea. She'll probably come out with a statement soon enough along the lines of;
no, you fags cant do anything right
You sad sad bluepilled piece of shit. It doesn't matter what she says, what matters is what image we can put on her and get to go viral. A negative image spreads faster than a positive.
You're retarded.
Taylor Swift worked because of her image.
There's literally nothing to get from Grande.
You'd be better off putting your work towards Morrissey material.
It's literally not going to work with Grande;
>She's a rank mixed race pig
>Complete degenerate
>Doesn't have any cultural cache associated with negative whiteness
>Get to go viral
Fucking hell reddit is retarded - You're doing it all backwards. You don't TRY and make something go viral.
If you want to do something fun with her, take her Anti-American comments and mix them up with ISIS propaganda. Even that's gay.
Everything in this thread is super cringey 13 year old chanology tier b8.
This never happened
Pls stop. That's just fucking embarrassing.
More or less embarrassing than sitting in the corner of a room wile large flightless birds run a train on your wife?
Nah she must be shamed.
She looks like she is slightly mentally retarded
Must be because she is nonwhite
Apparently you can't read and love to wildly exaggerate what you read when people can scroll up and see what is written. Please please please never reproduce, cut your clit off and throw it into traffic.
Picture of Salman Abedi's remains KEK
You stupid nigger can't even fake a tweet holy shit
Edit the html don't use fucking ms paint text jesus christ
Why did you hit Enter so many times? Have you never heard of a paragraph? I just don't understand you.
She's owned by the saudis
Why not just expose her on that
She's probably in on it too. But was she escorted out right after preforming, or was she there at the end? It didn't seem like it.
It actually translates to great land of the Aryans. Not trolling.
>Best guess for this image: mahmoud shafiq mohammed mustafa
Then contribute instead of lurking leaf fag. This is a group effort, not just a few people. Any material we can work with is good material.
Has anyone ever listened to her music? We should put out Sup Forums propaganda with her music on YouTube and pretend to love her
Any love song we could corrupt?
This. We're at the point now where we may as well openly let these youngsters know theres a price to pay for race mixing
ikr, one hour of hardcore sex with her and i would die a happy man
no love for our new symbol? look at that ass hmmmmmm
But how do we tie this into the alt-right narative?
We don't care. Most of us are here for the pic dump and the fapping
You don't care, faggot, some of us here want to achieve greatness.
This degenerate filth should never be an alt-right symbol
This song. It's catchy, and with the right imagry, it could so easily be put to another purpose.
Your idea comes too late
No, she is an illuminati pet.
IDK if I'd mess with that woman. I hear she's dangerous.
She looks underage.
FYI you cant bump your own post in the first reply
It's obvious she seeks world domination and violence. We can use that.
what were kids doing at her concert? she looks like a slut
Making everyone and everything into a Nazi symbol is an extremely good use of our time.
she hates Trump cause her brother takez dik in z arse. no helping this bitch.
all pop singers look like sluts nowadays
and kids follow that shit, newer generations are more and more sexualized..
You are acting like I give a shit, or that this board has any real rules. In other words, I wish for your late term abortion.
We need to circulate this A. Wyatt Man comic to SJWs.
Let them think that anti-cultural appropriation is a right wing belief and that they are appropriating our ideology.
carlos is the funniest poster on this board