Friendly reminder that there are no terrorist attacks in Poland because even degenerate savage shitskins from war-torn 3rd world hellholes have standards.
Friendly reminder that there are no terrorist attacks in Poland because even degenerate savage shitskins from war-torn...
Fucking lol
Salut Ahmed comment va tu, j'espere que tu va etre expulser de la France bientot.
well, there's no division to overcome, everyone is poor.
>Wyprzedaż mieszkań z rocznika 2010
Sale of flats from year 2010
So this picture is 6 years old (2011)
C'mon Germany, at least post picture showing how we used all those gibs
So shitskins dare not hurt us but you did.
You claiming that you have lower standards than them?
i wish people would stop blaming islam and start blaming the nations responsible for breeding these insects. slovenia has a HUGE proportion of bosnian muslims and there hasn't been one fucking terrorist attack. i've never even seen a wahabbist or anything of the sort. why are the shitskins getting off easy when the only thing having the blame pinned on it is islam?
>what is germany getting shekels from the anglo to rebuild
>what is poland under communism
Friendly reminder that Germany isn't educating its shitskin population.
60 years of jewish communism tends to leave some commie blocks.
just a little more gibs and they would have neon lights
ITT: jealous 'first wolders'
Netherlands is the best western European country, yet we didn't have any terror attacks. Things that really make you go hmm...
shut your fucking mouth. Its called being frugal.
What the fuck? I LOVE POLAND NOW!!!
pic NOT related.
Because of muh tolerance and eqwality
Plus it's the jewish agenda, that's why we have all this political correctness in the first place
Yeah every year a new mac donalds opening makes you stronger.
shut up jew, your children will be beaten to death either by muslims or goyim and you know it's very likely.
Their noses will compress to a regular but now broken mess.
I know where I'm vacationing next and it's definitely not France or Germany.
>shut up jew, your children will be beaten to death either by muslims or goyim and you know it's very likely.
I don't have children and will not have.
fuck you Germany. I have been to your self hating cuckold country one too many times now. These Poles did our shit jobs for us and work hard on improving their heimat while we see ours slide into disorder and failure.
Next vacation i'll give the Poles my shekels and I wish them all the best.
>I know where I'm vacationing next and it's definitely not France or Germany.
How does it make you feel that in 50 years I will be able to go back to Poland and maybe not much will have changed but at least it's gonna be how I left it.
But you... you will already have been made to undergo a mandatory anti-bias brainwashing program just to keep your job and will have just finished listening to the 4th call to prayer that day that reverberates through the entire nation from your local mosque while you live in the same 3rd world hellhole you mentioned.
Good times ahead german-bro
looks like typical german design to me
Looks comfy as fuck
Nice cherrypicking, here's a better picture of Warsaw
>Germany still salty over WWII
meanwhile in germany
>women being raped by rapefugees
>woman fights off rapefugee
>woman goes to jail
>rapefugee rapes kid
>rapefugee says it's because he hasn't had sex in 4 months
>judge lets him go, tells kid to get over it
meanwhile in poland
>pic related