Our language sounds horrible. Our food is disgusting. Our history is shameful. And our culture is a joke
I hate everything about us. If I could press a button that kills all Germans I would press it in a second knowing full well I would die too.
Our language sounds horrible. Our food is disgusting. Our history is shameful. And our culture is a joke
I hate everything about us. If I could press a button that kills all Germans I would press it in a second knowing full well I would die too.
Other urls found in this thread:
Can we have your women then? Better us superior anglo's than those African and Arab dogs you've imported.
Hitler was right though
Hi Achmed - literally the same thread as last week - why haven't you jumped from the nearest building yet?
oiso wenn du an gscheidn sauerbradn ned mogsd oda an frischn obazda dann bist eh ka deitscher du hundsgribbl bisd aa bloß a droll
>Our food is disgusting.
It's literally meat and potatoes. You could call it boring but it's borderline impossible to make meat and potatoes outright disgusting.
>Our language sounds horrible.
>Our food is disgusting.
>Our history is shameful.
Not necessarily.
>And our culture is a joke
Mfw I like Germoney more than a german...
I see you're enjoying your stay in Germany, OP. When you get back home, please tell your friends to spend money in our country too.
Come to Britain. Yes, our food is also disgusting , our houses are terrible and our womenfolk are unattractive but as an engineer (as every German ever is) you could write your own paycheck.
Hey, Germans made some pretty good music, your engineers always were pretty swell, and the German High Command were decades ahead of their time with blitzkrieg and combined arms. Also rrrrrrrockets.
Just fucking hang yourself already.
I like Krautrock and Electronic music a lot OP so you can kill yourself if you think German culture is shameful
Please die slow and return to the nothing you came from
If germans would have actually killed those 6,000,000 jews like you promised your country would be a shithole at the point.
Enjoy your dreidels OP
I like german language more than french or italian. You have pretty good songs
Educate yourself faggot.
Ich schieb dir gleich deine Weißwurst quer rein, mann doo.
I hear the Germans in Antarctica are still OK, though...
Taiwan still appreciates you! Hitler was a smart man.
Yet we are the only decent people on earth. If we don't get to live, nobody should.
Apologize what you did to Jews
Your history and culture are not shameful desu, Germany has just been misunderstood and sabotaged since the beginning.
(((They))) dont want you to rise like it was intended to.
Nur dein linker Selbsthass ist schändlich.
Nun geh zu einem x-beliebigen drogendealenden Neger und lasse er sich in den Sozi-Arsch ficken.
Apologize what you did to Jews
selbsthass ist genauso schädlichw wie Rassismus und Ignoranz
Cultural marxism has done a real number on Germans and Germany. It is really sad to see a proud people reduced, for the most part, to a groveling, brainwashed hive-mind.
based taiwan
if you did that in germany merkel would personally gas you
Nice try, but everyone knows that germans are the pinnacle of human evolution.
Last October I went to Munich, I usually go to Germany every year nut have gone to more rural areas of Bavaria and spending a day or two in the city. This time I spent the entire time in the city.
>Every god damn pub, bar, restaurant had the heating on full blast.
>the hotel had heating on full blast with no way to turn it off in your rooms.
>Even underground bars full of 50+ people had the heating on full blast.
>Decided to save money by having all expenses paid for food in the hotel restaurant
>All german food is just varying degrees of saltiness
>Even the fucking milk tasted like salt
>Everywhere is boiling hot and we all have heart burn and soar throats.
>Somehow 5 lads on a holiday barely drank a crate of beer because of how dry we all were.
>Just to sleep at night had to have the windows cracked wide open.
>Right next door there was a construction site that started work at 6am every morning no exceptions.
But the worst of all, I went to a restaurant and saw they were kind of a steak and german meat specialist.
I asked for steak and chips and the waiter said they "didn't sell chips."
Fucking barbarians. Never again.
Your language sounds badass when not spoken by a homo with a lisp. Your food is disgusting but was the base for fantastic american food (thanks) you do have a culture which would be fine if you werent so intent on destroying it for charity to people who will exterminate you and that culture/food/language eventually. You have a fine country if it would only stop destroying europe over and over and over...but maybe when you go from ancient greece to modern greece genetically and lose your ability to be a 1st world country youll look back and go "why" or at least your grandkids would if you had any...the muslims will be thankful at least...good time raping your women for the next 30 years anyway...
I've studied your language, and I can say, there's actually nothing pretty about it. Your grammar sucks too.
The only thing truly reprehensable about us is our goddamn need for too much bureaucracy. Every fucking interaction with the government costs you so damn much.
Hey your language isn't half as ugly as Chinese.
>the waiter said they "didn't sell chips."
>Fucking barbarians. Never again.
The eternal anglo strikes again.
Hi Recep
You are not me but thank you for repeating it
I never created a german hate thread.
> don't worry user mutti is well ahead of
> you on this one
> no morw germans by 2050
>> no morw germans by 2050
I wish I could see how glorious Europe will be without Germans
Sadly me not seeing it is the point.
I want to die
I never can tell if the leftie Germans here really have that opinion or are just pretending to be left.
I can't tell the fucking difference.
You don't have to be left to hate Germans
Sup Forums hates Germans more than antifa.
You really think people can see articles about our abhorrent behavior post brexit and not start to hate Germans?
Die mohammad
>Our history is shameful
Nice tricks Shlomo
kill yourself cuck
people like you are the reason that Europe is in a such a fucking mess
>Sup Forums hates Germans more than antifa
Nigger, what Sup Forums have you been? On SPD-Chan?
Same Place Today
Fuck you for bombing our cities
>people like you are the reason that Europe is in a such a fucking mess
That is why we are removing Germans.
I love the German language and your literature is equally amazing.
You're probably just some Paki
We have German hate threads on Sup Forums at all times
This one is ironic but people still generally agree with the sentiment.
>Implying he is German
Its never shameful to fight for your people
Yeah, they hate MODERN Germany for being cucks that want to eradicate themselve.
If you want to say MODERN germany sucks then that is okay too
Because the solution is the same
All good Germans died in 45 and we are all just descendants of traitors and pussies
As long as you agree that Germans need to be genocided I really don't care if you think only modern Germans are the problem
Same solution
>American education
There isn't a "German cousine" there are thousand local ones, whit huge variations inbetween.
>wanting to eradicate an entire race of people because you don't like them
That's pretty 1943 of ya.
You WERE the cultural center of europe, pre WW1. Then two world wars fucked you. Look back at your history, it's fucking glorious. Nowadays I agree that Germany is pretty shit, yes, but it's not inherent.
>Rassismus schädlich
Purer Selbstschutz. Linke Multikulti-Ideologie wird uns vernichten, wenn wir nicht aufpassen.
Immer schön Abstand zu schmuddeligen, versudelten Negern,Türken und Arabern halten. Den Ärger ist es nicht wert.
I don't give a fuck.
If our genocidal cannon is aimed directly at us then maybe something good can come out of our bloodlust
I am so happy we were "brainwashed"
counteract this slide thread by posting in this one:
this thread is the effect brit/pol/ memes have on the vulnerable german mind
Bullshit, German is my second language and it is amazing, you are taught to hate yourselfs from day one, don't
Nonsense, objectivly it was reeducation and you are also falling for it. Genetically speaking we are still the top with Netherlands, Austria and Swiss (Common blood mostly) and the scandinavians.
kys Ahmet, you're not welcome.
No respect, but public shame for you. I'll piss on your grave.
You really don't see that if you agree that Modern Germany sucks I have already won.
Why not start with yourself?
There is the blood of a million evil Nazis flowing through your vein. You're the cancer of Germany, right?
I'm sure if you tell your story and the selfhate to Die jungen Grünen they help you for a quick and painless death.
reminder to all germans:
the deutsch/pol/ generals are on 8 ch
Ok Ahmed
Modern Germany is decent and everything would be great, if we get patriots in charge again.
The future starts with you, Klaus. Just remember to take 5 or 10 new germams out with you
Why not work my entire life to make sure germans get outnumbered in the future and then die of old age having done the most damage possible to germans?
If I were the last German of course I would kill myself
Or direct me to the button that is labeled kill all germans
I would press it instantly
Or nuke germany
as it stands now the best way to remove germans is slow replacement
And you can bet your ass I am working towards that.
I don't want one dead German
I want all Germans dead.
People like you do not deserve to be German or European for that matter. Fuck off to Somalia where you belong.
(((our))) ...sure rebbe..whatever you say
>People like you do not deserve to be German
I hate that I was born a German too. I hate us more than you can imagine
>or European for that matter
Dude I completely agree
You guys should've genocided Germans when you had the chance.
>OP makes a general statement on overarching cuisine of Germany
>give him a general response
>hurr durr why are you making blanket statements when there's tons of specific examples that aren't that
Gee boy, are you 18 or something and just came back from your first day at university?
But you have Kafka, Mozart and Hitler, right?
cause t-they w-were gemans..., right ?
Funny joke.
>t. Left wing fool
Nobody is intrested in your bullshit, I'm pretty sure you have some genuine mental disorders and should be in an institution, because you seem to be a danger to others and yourself. How can one be such a loon to want his people and himself destroyed.
What is so bad for you, as a German, that makes you want to genocide your own people?
>a german
OP is a turkroach.
I love you too, greatest enemy.
>I'm pretty sure you have some genuine mental disorders
I am German, yes.
>because you seem to be a danger to others and yourself.
Only in the long term
If a suicide run would achieve anything I would do it but as it stands that is just small numbers
I want 80 million dead germans
Not like 20
>How can one be such a loon to want his people and himself destroyed.
How can you not hate Germans? Seriously how uneducated about history are you to not see Germans as this huge cancer on all of history?
Sup Forums is not long enough for me to sum up all that is wrong with Germans
OP is a quote from me from a different thread
That is a start.
Fuck off false flagging proxy nigger.
everything listed applies to france hahahaha
So you can't give a single argument besides "I feel that way"?
How do you justify to genocide an entire race and treason on your own people?
The Nazis
The EU
Destroying the Roman Empire
All we do is destroy Europe
What more do you want?
>Implying the Nazis did anything wrong
We, in particular Churchill, are the sole cause for the destruction of Europe. Don't hate yourself for the lies you were fed in school
Even if you like nationalism we clearly ruined it for everyone else then
Also the EU
Defend the fucking EU I fucking dare you
how does this sound to grauts?
>video not available in your country
Like every other song..
Those are very general answers.
You're sure you can't go into more detail there?
I'm having trouble understanding your point.
that's just strange, I don't even know why YT does it. Or is it some weird government requirement?
I can't defend the EU, but Wilhelm, Luther, and Hitler didn't do anything wrong
Press S to spit on G*rmans
Too bad that button won't get rid of Sweden as well