The British Empire was the greatest thing to ever exist
The British Empire was the greatest thing to ever exist
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It still never set, Britain has something like 15 crown colonies the liberals just changed their name to overseas territories but they're still colonies
God damn the brittish empire gives me one helluva stiffy. RULE BRITANNIA!
You have to go back
I wanna come home dad, brother is being a bully again.
We need to make our population grow, what we have to do is raise our army, between Australia, Canada and Britain (and New Zealand but they're too small to help that much but I don't want to exclude them) we need at least 2 million men, I think we can pull that off. We need to retake South Africa, Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia. We need to wipe clean the negro from those lands, they do not belong.
When the southern African lands are back under Anglo control, and are Anglo majority (at least 75%) we need to focus on growing our population, we have about 100 million Anglos in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. We could probably gain another 100 million Anglos easily, we need to keep spreading through Africa replacing the nigger with Anglos, imagine an Africa that's entirely Anglo. We can have maybe 500 million Anglos in just Africa!
You gotta admit, we really dropped the ball on the empire thing. We could easliy have made all of central america, the carribean, and half the islands in the pacific as part of the USA
Don't forgot about the unsung heros protecting Northern Ireland
fucking cucks couldn't even get independence
we could've made Europe USA, too bad we sided with those Paki cucks
Next time we'll team up with Germania and send the 'brits' back to Pakistan
Nobody compares to Anglos for pomp and circumstance:
Americans, I love your patriotic music too. Could you post your favourites?
Wow congratulations! It took America, Spain, France and the Dutch to overthrow us yet you take all the credit, we came back a few decades later and burnt down the Whitehouse Kek
>you will never visit Victorian London
Why even live
Why don't the make patriotic products anymore?
The sun never set on today France.
and you're a permanent staging ground for our military now
It doesn't on the United Kingdom either
Yea was dumb enough to not join nazi germany in its conquest and acualy going agains it and with that losing all of it empire.
And now look what kind of europe we have.
>if it weren't for Islamic terrorism police could still be dressed like this
>now they have to wear what's pretty much military equipment
and water is wet, so what?
Pshh....they couldn't even keep hold of their 13 colonies.....UK is a total failure and will succumb to islamic rule within 20 years....brexit will not save them
feels good man
You only won because you're Anglo, only an Anglo can beat an Anglo
F, also did the Jews do this? Where did it all go?
wew. right in the feels.
We lost it because of the fuckingg Krauts
Who hold the balance of the World? Who reign
O'er congress, whether royalist or liberal?
Who rouse the shirtless patriots of Spain?[615]
(That make old Europe's journals "squeak and gibber"[616] all)
Who keep the World, both old and new, in pain
Or pleasure? Who make politics run glibber all?
The shade of Buonaparte's noble daring?--
Jew Rothschild,[617] and his fellow-Christian, Baring.
>Rudyard Kilping
>Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
>Lewis Carrol
>Lucy Maud Montgomery
>Oscar Wilde
>Charles Dickens
>Bram Stoker
>Frances Hodgson Burnett
>J.M. Barrie
>A.A. Milne
>William Shakespeare
>Jane Austen
>H.G. Wells
>George Bernard Shaw
The British Emprie cant be beat in any category, the most famous stories in the world are British
Cecil Rhodes was funded by NM Rothschild & Sons in London. De Beers, which he became Founding Chairman of in 1888, was funded by NM Rothschild in 1887, headed by the 1st (British) Baron Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer.
What is interesting about this list, is that it includes such 'pro-British' Boers as General Smuts, and German Count von Moltke, and Cecil Rhodes buddies Alfred Beit, and Leander Starr Jameson (of the 'Jameson Raid').
Source: Public Intelligence website:
A. The Society of the Elect
Cecil John Rhodes
Nathan Rothschild, Baron Rothschild
Sir Harry Johnston
William T. Stead
Reginald Brett, Viscount Esher
Alfred Milner, Viscount Milner
B. F. Hawksley
Thomas Brassey, Lord Brassey
Edmund Garrett
[Sir Edward Cook]
Alfred Beit
Sir Abe Bailey
Albert Grey, Earl Grey
Archibald Primrose, Earl of Rosebery
Arthur James Balfour
Sir George R. Parkin
Philip Lyttelton Gell
Sir Henry Birchenough
Sir Reginald Sothern Holland
Arthur Lionel Smith
Herbert A. L. Fisher
William Waldegrave Palmer, Earl of Selborne
[Sir Alfred Lyttelton]
Sir Patrick Duncan
Robert Henry Brand, Baron Brand
Philip Kerr, Marquess of Lothian
Lionel Curtis
Geoffrey Dawson
Edward Grigg, Baron Altrincham
Jan C. Smuts
Leopold Amery
Waldorf Astor, Viscount Astor
Nancy Astor, Lady Astor
B. The Association of Helpers
Anglobros who wants to meet up at the local beer garden for a pint? The weather is bloody marvellous!
As long as there's no European Lager and just good old English Ale.
When we will take it all back?
The British people will wake up, when was the last time the country was this right wing?
>we could've made Europe USA
You're doing it right now you fucking faggots
Why do you think the world is going to shit?
Daft idiots