Fuck you nigger, we voted your party the fuck out:
Fuck you nigger, we voted your party the fuck out:
We literally elected the guy who said you werent constitutionaly allowed to be President.
We didnt elect a conservative or libertarian we elected the guy who called you fake president.
I love this guy. I'd vote for him a third time because he's a great president and because it would trigger the fuck out of you fucking faggots.
>we can't hide behind a wall
I miss Obama.
Oh we know you do Germany. Fuck off
so basically you are incredibly triggered trump is president, good to know lmao
This was today at a church event together with Merkel that is supposed to celebrate Christs Ascension.
I fucking hate my government, Heil Hitler
Merkel sure does
Obama it's over, let it go.
gee king nigger, europe embracing refugees sure is working well.
I miss when germans were men, and not emasculated faggots.
Those men are either dead or moved the fuck out of Germany.
berlin was one of the first places to protest trump
bunch of faggots. they elected merkel, aka queen of the decline of europe.
>be a commie and a stupid nog
>go to Germany where commies built a wall
>walls are bad
though, to be fair the berlin wall was to keep people in
>Let's protest another country's president
Yep, German IQ has definitely dropped by at least twenty points over the last few decades or so.
Although he was a wolf in sheep's clothing he wasn't as big a jackass as Trump.
germany and sweden are responsible for these incidents, they are the ones who opened the floodgates.
why cant they be more like poland?
We're not hiding. We're not scared. We have laws. We want them enforced.
We keep wild lions in cages because if they aren't tamed they will likely kill someone. Same thing goes for humans. Humans don't pop out of the cunt civilized and socialized. They have to be taught, from a young age, how to behave to make civilization work.
Remember that the Democrats calling for free immigration from any shithole on earth are the same sort of people who would open the door on that caged wild lion insisting that lion deserves its freedom no matter who he ends up killing.
stupid fucking bluegum nigger piece of shit, he deserves to hang
W had the humility to actually retire from public life and take up painting. What's the House Negro's excuse?
(He claims the speech was booked before the election and he couldn't possibly cancel to avoid stealing the thunder of the real POTUS. A likely story.)
Has there ever been a President in modern history that actively tries to undermine his successor at every turn?
The guy is a fucking joke.
If If If If If If only there weren't those pesky term limits
Nice hearing from you, Obongo
obama said trump would never be president
obama is still alive? I thought he died at sea
He's just mad that Trump won over his handpicked successor. His legacy has been shat all over. Trump literally has recended many of Obama's EOs. Now his Obamacare is going to go the way of the Democratic Party.
KEK. Fuck you Obongo.
Yes we can.
China built a wall
I built a made in china fence in a day
Why does a green card still exists
Why won't you let me in for free
We don't need passports anymore
We are all white
We are all friends
obama is a stupid fuckman
You are irrelevant Obama. Stop with the fame grabbing.
Germany should have been nuked to oblivion after the fall of Berlin.
Why does Hitler have a dead dog? I thought he loved dogs.
Watch the fucking movie. It's amazing and has the best Hitler anyone has ever played.
I was gonna watch but I can't if he kills a dog.
>Why won't you let me in for free
only if you give me a red haired blue eyed irish cutie to have children with
Hey guys, remember when the first thing Obama did when he left office was buy a house and build a giant fucking wall around it?
ohne Ostfront ? gegen den Willen der Russen . häng dich weg du scheißschlomo - Untermensch
>jus let dem illegals in
>no bordahz
I hate fucking Obama. We need a solution to the leftist question!
No we didn't, they're all still there.
>we can't hide behind a wall
just like you "hid" in the white house for 8 years behind hundreds of meters of fencing and armed guards?
It's called fucking self-defense, fucking disingenuous Marxist rhetoric bullshit.
While Europe is getting hit with terrorist attacks every month now,
No, fuck you. You and all the jew cocks in the CIA which you sucked, who should be rotting in prison for RUNNING isis and al-qaeda. it's not durka durka bin mohammed who is running the global terror networks. it's the fucking cia with their fingers in human traficking, human organ traficking, drug traficking, arms traficking, blood diamonds and money laundering and the rest of the laundry list of evil shit they do. they killed JFK because he wanted to reign them in.
>Obama built a wall around his new house
it`s a 30 sec part of the movie "he is back" , Le Führer had some trouble with da dog , so he shot it and than he spoke to his nigger - the film is a bit strange with some funny aspects .when you see the whole movie it makes sense . intention of the film maker was "whatch out , we all turn into ugly nazi zombis if there is no zog re-education , but these fuckers underestimated the net , due to a new combinantion of film (parts ) and symbolism it has a different impact on the viewer . most people think Adolf was ok so far , maybe he exagerated a little bit with his concentrationcamps , but humans make mistakes . maybe sending the kikes to madagascar would have been ok
>president that caused the refugee crisis
Sure nigger obama give isis more weapons you autistic monkey gtfo
But Hitler was a vegetarian and a dog lover.
He wouldn't have shot it.
I can't watch a movie where dogs or cats die. Show me thousands of people getting genocided and I'm fine. But not dogs or cats, get some fucking standards, m8.
What you just said is an exact plot point of the movie kek.
Oy vey
what a mess, only nuclear war can fix this and we would lose that lol, there is no fixing this
No, but building a house from bricks make sense, at least this nigga learned something while being in office for 8 years...
Obama won twice, get over it
How can you miss when he's fucking there? You can keep him by the way.
hide from what?
And he fucked up so bad we got Trump. Maybe you're the one that needs to get over it. The attempted impeachment coup over MUH RUSSIA is not going to work by the way.
>A nigger lecturing german intellectuals on cultural and political development.
hahahahaha. Damn !! How I love this disgusting century...kek
But to be clear, HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH
You didn't build tha-
This nigger let in thousands of MS-13 gang members into our country, ignored that they were violent murderers, rapists, and drug dealers, and settled them all over the US.
Fuck this scumbag nigger I hope he never comes back.
So why has Manafort, Flynn, Page, Gordon, Kushner, and Sessions all lied about meeting with Russians if there is nothing going on? Why are there grand jury subpoenas for Flynn and Manafort?
Why is there a FISA warrant on Page?
>can't hide behind a wall
pic related
Obama built the border fence that we have now. He literally built a quarter of Trump's wall before Trump was even a thing.
Because there are hundreds, if not thousands, of Obama-placed communist traitors who exist at all levels of the federal government.
Your mental illness is apparent
Not an argument cuckboi
It is a fallacy though. Maybe you should read the sticky you fucking kike shill.
Did he get blacker?
So is a hasty generalization
I feel bad for (You).
You're retarded. Your excuse was Obama made them all lie
It's biological.
It's a witch hunt you dumb fuck. Obama didn't make them lie, they're ideologues just like Obama.
Not only are they leaking info to the commie press which undermines national security and international relations and security, but they are wasting taxpayer-funded resources in order to go on this witch hunt.
Can't wait until nothing is found (again) and you sit there with your thumb up your ass like the bitch made faggot that you are.
Fuck off, we're full (unless you're white)
Then why do they keep lying? Why does the WH keep trying to stop the investigation?
It's like he's trying to follow Trump around.
kek, underrated post.
He didn't build that.
we aren't hiding behind a wall.
Obama let anybody in. We had no immigration policy during his reign.
He wants to lead the UN
He wants to be the next Kofi Annan
It's a witch hunt. It's a waste of resources and obviously it's bad press.
Stop being a faggot. It's tiring.
You must be exhausted then
EPU ;)
Why can Jews hide behind a wall and we can't? That's pretty racist.
Outside of people referencing people who know Comeys thoughts, what evidence is there that the whitehouse been trying to stop the investigation? They appointed a special counsel for fucks sake.
He'll be less competent that Kofi "You sure it ain't pronounced Coffee?" Annan. He'll be more vocal though, which is a shame.
He wants it because in his tiny little mind he thinks the UN can command the nations of the world to do stuff.
>we can't hide behind A wall!
Obenis spouting bullshit again. What's new? That's literally all he ever did when he was president. Spout nonsense.
>Smack talks half a planet away.
>Talks about others hiding.
What a puss. Someone post the picture of Obongo leaping into the air like a girl.
None. He just want to be in the spotlight again.
Was Kofi even decent though or just a globalist?