Dead and defeated by immigrants general

Dead and defeated by immigrants general.

You can only post in this thread if you're English, Swedish, French, German or I think Canadian.

Feel free to argue why your country should or shouldn't be included.

No one else is allowed in, but feel free to come in anyway and do literally whatever you want, we will not stop you.

Other urls found in this thread:

You must finish your work, Nigel.

Yes, sir. Please don't report this to the authorities.

there will nothing left of the inferior western culture. embrace sharia law and muslim lifestyle

I really should not post because I'm part of the problem. I'm a German immigrant here in the UK.

I just heard leafs are to have Muslim appreciation classes put into their schools, so scratch off the ‘I think’ and put a ‘definitely’.

There is no salvation

I like it darling!

Fuck immigrants!

>Immigrant parents, but white.. undercoverbrother

Our invitation is pending i presume, give it a little bit more time.

t. Kirsten Farage

I don't think I would mind you here Hans, I would switch every immigrant here for a German if I could. Bet the lads dying during WW2 never expected their successors to say that in earnest.

Australia reporting in. Ref. Sydney

Fucking bullshit. This generation gets all the fun, I want to be in that class.

>Miss, pause the video, Mohammed is ticking
>Name the jew

I miss school, if it's hyper cucked now you could get away with anything.

Sorry lads, I didn't notice. I always imagined Australia as a place with too many creepy crawlies for immigrants to be brave enough to infest.


Here's some strong female Muslim Australian soldiers.

I would say that it is not your fault and be emphatic but...
It is your fucking fault for accepting radically different people and not doing anything with them for years.
Good job, what could possibly go wrong?
And what is better?
Your brexit will not save you as goatfuckers are second generation British fags from colonies that are unremovable as they are British citizens.

You will never live in fully white country, where last "act of terror" was nationalist fags assaulting kebab bar.
[spoiler]They lost with one dead and one wounded, stupid animals[/spoiler]

We need a northern wall quickly.

>The day before they all fell over and went on workers compensation


On this.. question guys

When refos come to your countries do they claim PTSD which immediately gets them full pension, housing and benefits? And then they never get a job? Because that's Australia.. I imagine Canada is similar

I can post here. We have the same thing, open borders with middle Asia, multiculturalism.

Immigration to UK is drastically decreasing. And Poles are leaving.

There may be hope.


Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to

I assume so, I worked in a few bureaucratic jobs (hard to get fired, handy if you're a Tuesday drinker like me) so I imagine they have all kinds of gibs scams going on.

It'd be surprising if they weren't, based entirely on knowing Lebanese people in Melbourne.

You forgot the biggest cuck.

I want to say we had a good run but the truth is Canada really didn't. Europe seems like it was pretty sick back in the day though, ggwp next go round don't let women vote

does welsh count

>the biggest cuck.
Wrong. This policeman is the biggest cuck.

>the biggest cuck

Welsh were the first cucked in UK.

You pretty much deserved this.

Your population only cares about getting drunk, what did you think was going to happen?

Lads I'm gonna vote for the conversatives, they'll fix everything. You'd never see this kind of cucking under the Tories.

The only cucked parts of Canada are British Columbia and Southern Ontario.

this meme is updated every year


>tfw the only mosque in Newfoundland isn't big enough anymore so they need to build a bigger one but the city won't let them

I heard cucked countries were welcomed so here I am

Jesus Christ... Is such desecration of the Flag of Australia permitted without any consequence taking place?

Field Marshal Tim Blamey would have incinerated them on the spot for such an unholy display of disrespect for the Australian flag

don't worry, goy
Brexit surely will solve all your problems


Those cunts will not protect you and in fact would slaughter white Australians with little incentive.

SuperCuck here, my gf just got sterilised so that her bulls can't get her pregnant, we both got matching video game tattoos to commemorate the occasion.

Come at me cucks.

Are you English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish?

Moscow is cucked by migrants
Students and low-life bydlo can't find a job here because all the low-paid jobs has been taken away by Kazakhs as we now have free movement of people with them. Kazakhs have even pushed Uzbeks out of the jobs those traditionally did: fast-food and retail.
Also, in the first 6 months of 2016 alone, 1,5 millions chinks crossed the border illegaly. The problem is that our Border Patrol and Migration Service is corrupt as fuck, they make living off illegals, so there's no hope that those chinks will be deported. And the worst part of is that chinks are willing to settle down in Russia unlike, say, Tajiks or Uzbeks.

The exact same. Often here they pretend to be faggots to get the faggot sympathy vote from the cucked normie gas worthy masses. We had one nigger walk across a frozen field in January, freeze his fingers off and claiming to be a faggot. Now the nig nog is disabled and on benefits the average Canadian, disabled or not, would ever see and is now claiming he is "bi". If I ever see this nigger in public I will throw a baseball at his face.

let´s kill zog , masons and shitskins . white revolution NOW

What m8?

I'm moving there next year. However I'm only second generation Australian anyway.

loyal to zog , well done , aussi . next time you better use your brian before you support anti-germanic freemasons . and now fukk off ,

Obligatory video for the winners of ww2:

You faggots don't even know how bad it really is.

One day, you were something. You were civilized, first-world countries. You have fond memories which you can forever cherish. And you can easily go back to those golden days.

We can't. We have nothing to go back to. When I was a little kid, this country was already a shithole. It's a worm-eats-worm situation. Everyone wants to be better than the guy beside him, even if that involves stealing, corruption, sometimes murder. Brazil was lost from the get-go, and eight years of commie government didn't help. This government induced degeneracy through promiscuity, and what happened? Aberrations like pic related became the norm, and girls fucking a new guy every few days became the golden standard. This is not a meme. Communism couldn't win here thanks to the older people of my country, which strongly supported the right-wing politicians, but the left regardless destroyed our culture from the inside.

We are the land of promiscuity and degeneration. This country is a shithole. We have nothing to go back to.

Kazakhs are free to work in Russia and there is no legal reason to deport them since Kazakhstan is part of Customs Union.
Also students and low-life bydlo would never do their jobs and kazakhs are pretty civilased unlike uzbekis and tajikis. So not a big problem, calm down.

Give me one reason to not kill myself

Qt German girls at Oktoberfest?

If you want to throw away your life, take some Jews with you.

but goyim, who'll pay welfare?

None, I am a human being and a citizen of earth, #noborders #lovetrumpshate.

#PussyGrabsBack #NotallMuslims

>19 people die

Two years ago, you could go to the average fast food restaurant and the workforce composition there was about 40% Russian students, 60% Uzbeks/Kyrgyzs. Now, when I go to an eatery in Moscow, there are Kazakh faces only. I even collected till bills to check their names and they all are Kazakh: all these Aiguls, Gulders and all.

We have pic related.

Pussy is such a heteronormative word, I really would appreciate you not using it, even if it helps towards our sisters struggle against the patriarchy. Thank you

I remember when i was young a used to look up to you westerners and your beautiful western culture and values, having lived in Malaysia for my whole life. I remember wanting to move to one of those countries because of what my country is like.

You brits brought us education, medicine, infastructure. Sure you left for Singapore with all your U.K citizens when the japs rode in on their bikes, but at least you came back to free us.

I will never understand how you let this happen to you lot.

Western countries were considered top tier,but look at you now.

Englishmen are a minority in their own capital city, the U.S white% is dropping, The Swedish are overrun, the white frenchman are a minority in their own country.

I still want to move and intergrate into your society, but it seems as if its safer in Malaysia

Uhmm, excuse me? You insulting my choice of language triggered me, a non-binary transgendered Muslim Athiest like me should be able to do as I please. Unless, of course, you support the patriarchy and fascist neo nazi white supremacist Drumpf?

Fuck the Monarchy. That is all. Thanks

Ugh....I can't even right now.... you have already given me PTSD... please stop posting.

Is this a Micro Aggression? Stop being such a cisgendered, Islamophobic bigot. Hate will not win #equality

were under the tories right now and are being majorly cucked what are you even saying

I think Japan is next on the chopping block, lads. How much influence does the Yakuza have? I hear one of their main goals is to keep foreigners out.

start chimping out
start with 100 people and round up all refugees you can see
fight the police if they stopping you
love shit is not the answer anymore, violence is

good times create weak men
western people need WW3 soon

Accusing ME of a microaggression!! This is cyber bullying, I've reported you for harrasment, If you respond again it's stalking.

Right! That's it! Hermione didn't defeat Voldemort so I can get attacked by a cisgendered bigot online!!!!!11 How can you be so sexist, transphobic, islamophobic, and racist?