Why did the rust belt states vote against their economic interests ?
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because the other choice was a criminal that promotes corruption
Is the U.P. not rust-belt?
You think that the Democrats care any more about the working class now than the Republicans do? I guess they TALK more about caring.
What have Democrats done for the rust belt aside from regulate them out of their jobs and import Muslims
Outsourcing every job to Mexico and China was not in their interest. Which is what Hillary was going to do. Trade was a central part of Trump's campaign. At the very least, he promised to stop the bleeding.
How was voting for Obama which the rust belt did in 2012 voting for their interests?
they didn't. continued gibs dat welfare slavery is not in their interest.
Blame Clinton for losing the rust belt. She takes "full responsibility" and she should.
to be fair voting for either big party candidate would have been against their own interests
The states of Indiana and Ohio run on a budget surplus...I would imagine PA, MI and WI would like to have less dependency on the federal handouts, be more self-sufficient and have money in the bank too...we all know IL is a lost cause.
>Why did the rust belt states vote against their economic interests ?
ohiofag here.all we want or need is factory jobs. trump shames/negotiates with companies to bring them back. hes on our team
Probably because democrats had ages and ages to fix their economy but didn't.
They were heavily hit by Obamacare collapse, their normally almost 100% white, peaceful towns got wrecked by rampant niggers settled there from god knows where and Clinton said she'll shut down their coal mines.
But please tell me, why did they tell her to gtfo?
Racism is more satisfying than an extra buck an hour or some promise of government services.
>open borders
>illegal immigration
>good for the rust belt
hillary is probably still confused
another ohiofag to verify this.
we want jobs and rid of welfare and obamacare.
We were the middle class...
Clinton voter here. To add - I visited Luzerne County PA weeks before the election and the feeling I got from the economic reality on the ground vs. Clinton's media campaign was frightening. Some real foreboding I was feeling. The issues in the rust belt had been fully exploited.
>We were the middle class...
this.my wife had to get a masters degree to make as much as my father with a high school degree
>ignore working class
>mad when they back stab you
Almost like democrats are a bunch of uneducated retards, colour me surprised when they don't know anything about the 20th century.
all they did was vote against the party that's been openly hostile towards them for about a decade now.
Yeah why don't they agree that higher taxes for Pablo and Deshawn are in their best interests?
They didn't they voted for trumps promise of labor protectionism.
Hillary had no message to these people or offered to help them in any way.
dis rite here
It's the economy, stupid.
wheres obamaleaf? IM DISSAPOINTED
>their normally almost 100% white, peaceful towns got wrecked by rampant niggers settled there from god knows where
This is something that gets overlooked too often and a factor that I've never once heard on a mainstream media source.
10-15 years ago, in PA at least, niggers were concentrated in two places; Philadelphia and Harrisburg. Spics were almost non-existent, same with mudslimes, poos, and various other subhumans.
Suddenly, King Nigger granted money/subsidies to spics and niggers from all over the eastern seaboard. The tidal wave of human refuse that washed into these small, tight knit, ethnically and racially homogeneous towns turned them into slums almost overnight. White working class people, who were already hanging on for dear life and commuting for hours for fairly low pay, now had to bear an ever increasing tax burden to cover the local and state costs of the non-working, non-taxpaying niggers and spics.
Many of these whites are now stuck in their ghettofied towns with failing schools, shoddy and poorly maintained basic infrastructure, a drug epidemic that stems directly from the importation of city "people", and rising crime rates at every level, with zero economic chance of being able to get a better job or move away. They voted for Trump in the off chance that he would be able to offset this rapid decline in living standards by creating jobs and possibly eliminating two sources of consternation for them; criminal, drug dealing, welfare leeching nigs and non-taxpaying, uncontrollably breeding, wage stagnating spics. Whites in the rust belt were assuredly voting in their own economic interests.
It's possible he works a shift at Tom Hortons or has to sleep in between WoW bouts or whatever it is he does with the rest of his time.
Watching the demographic response was what settled my predictions of how PA would go. There was a total failure to understand the demographics by the D campaign, especially after they turned on Bernie.
>economic plight of the middle class consistently ignored by the Democratic Party since the mid 90s
>voting against their economic interests
this is why the dems will lose again in 2018 and 2020. maybe if you call the people who voted for obama twice racist a few more times it will help.
>a drug epidemic that stems directly from the importation of city "people"
you mean Afghanistan right?
Don't worry. After they screech about muh russia for another year, undermine the government to crash the country with no survivors, and put a disabled illegal immigrant in as the next DNC chair, they'll win for sure!
another example of how women are treated unfairly in the workforce.
Get the fuck out shill, and fuck your slide thread. We voted against the welfare recipients best economic interests. Fuck the niggers in Pontiac and Detroit, send em back to Africa to be kings and queens over there. And fuck the sand niggers in little baghdad Dearborn with a goddamn pig grease coated rake. MI till I die.
>Watching the demographic response was what settled my predictions of how PA would go.
PA might not get another chance to go red. The damage has been done and the nigger/spic breeders are valiantly doing their part. NEPA is teetering on the brink of becoming a giant, wooded ghetto.
Because they don't want their children to be ruled by street criminals, communists, and non-white subhumans.
100% this. MIfag here can confirm. Not all of MI is Detroit, Flint, and Saginaw ((((black)))). Lots of 'country' here and lots of families that have watched this place die a slow death. This place was like heaven back in the 50's - 70's, all fueled by a vibrant middle-class. The Clintons, Bushs and Obamas didn't give a shit once voting was over.
I'm sorry to hear that about NEPA. I always liked what a deserted woodland it was. Our kike governor is to blame, and I would hope that potential politicians understand how state and local local elections could very much be up for grabs.
Especially as this Islamic shit continues.
factory jobs are dead forever you numb cunt. outsourcing just sped up what mechanization was going to do anyway.
They didn't.
No, it just gave it away to 3rd world shitholes to advance global communism. Our universities are now going the same way with one of our last remaining exports.
It's nothing less than the rape of nanking that your small mind cannot grasp.
You're a fucking retarded cunt who believes automatization will replace factory jobs first and not office jobs.
The drugs come from the spics and nigs, who are the distributors. They use their city connections to import the drugs, then they use local white retards to deal them. If the heroin comes from Afghanistan, that means the CIA is supplying the city spics/nigs with dope, directly and unashamedly making life worse for white people in PA.
Yeah, well now its time to gain skills and become a professional liike EVERYONE ELSE! this is the 21st century and its time you guys started acting like it! ...We dont need factory jobs anymore!
>Especially as this Islamic shit continues.
I'm curious to see if PA will get mudshit imports in the near future. The niggers and spics have already done a lot of damage, but I think massive amounts of slimes injected into central and eastern PA would pretty much be the death blow to the state.
Wow, you mean poor communist-indoctrinated college kids are yuge for the communist party? WOW
Next you'll tell me gibs people vote for more gibs. Or wait, every time I tell that to people who like the communist party, they tell me it's just a conspiracy theory, so that can't be true.
Help me make sense of this.
So I guess the new American Dream consists of one of the following:
>Work in business environment
>Work at Starbucks and service the people that work in business environment
>Gimmie dats
>Outsourcing every job to Mexico and China was not in their interest. Which is what Hillary was going to do.
Stupid white people are going to be stupid.
>automation replacing office jobs
most of that work was already accomplished in the mid-70s with the advent of copy machines, computers, and later fax and email. seriously, take a look at old films that show secretarial office staff - rows upon rows of typists and workers. trust me, the low hanging fruit has already been taken
Enough of them felt they were worse off after eight years of Obama that they voted (barely) for Trump because he said he'd make things better while promised more of the same. Or they just stayed home on election Day.
Kasich seems to love Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, he's been shitting on the AHCA since it was revealed.
Oh it is. There are a number of designated muslim importation zones here. I live near one of the bigger ones and it blew my mind last year when I stumbled across an Eid festival. I've been to the ME before and I know what they look like, and they don't look like anybody I've seen around town.
Ramadan begins pretty soon. See if you can find out where the Eid festival will be near you and have a look. It's startling.
I ran a movement here on Sup Forums lasting a few days across all 50 states to call and protest the initiation of this. It was fun blowing up some voicemail boxes, and a number of the call center people I talked to were sick and tired of hearing about it. But did this change any policy? No.
With current developments in automatization, even more office jobs will disappear. It's still kinda hard for a computer to calculate manual tasks but they can easily do office stuff at an increasing rate.
White collar people have a lot more to fear than the blue collar ones.
Even mechanization provides jobs. Someone has to build the machines, someone has to maintain them, someone has to use them, someone has to sell them.
Outsourcing to third world shitholes takes away the jobs from both pre- and post mechanisation.
>mechanization meme
White collar people barely know how to use computers. Are you kidding me?
I could go """create""" a week's worth of blue collar jobs by cutting a few cables while the white collar people stand around with their dicks in their hands. I say this as a white collar guy who works on automation.
Crooked Wall StreetHillary was against their economic interests too
and against their morality to boot
what did Jesus say about selling your soul for a few dollars? the most important things in life have nun to do with money
Repub. basically are sucking cock for money right now. Tell them.
I didn't vote
>White collar people have a lot more to fear than the blue collar ones.
My position is that neither have much to worry about. That captcha you just filled out is an attempt to teach a machine how to identify a stopsign; something a two-year-old accomplishes easily. The simple answer to why automation not going to be much of a continued issue is that we really don't know how we cognate and move in the world and that means we can't teach a machine to do it.
pretty much, and the service industry is on the chopping block next
Mechanization makes human labor progressively less and less worthless. People who don't have specialized knowledge are going to continue to find themselves more and more unable to trade in on their youth and health for economic gains.
>That captcha you just filled out is an attempt to teach a machine how to identify a stopsign;
And if you fail at getting it right, you won't pass the captcha. Which means the robot already knows roughly where the sign is.
I don't have to believe it because it's already happened
Even if you still need humans on the floor to run the machines, you still only need a fraction of the literal thousands you used to require
500 craftsmen > 20 machine operators when it comes to developing the middle class
>we really don't know how we cognate
Of course we do. The love of money is the root of all evil. The captcha guy got a luxurious job at google when he came up with the latest idea of how to make the goyim work as slaves to provide free signal intelligence. He soon after went on to donate his fortune back to the globalist powers that funded his position in the first place.
>voting against your economic interest is always bad
we can vote for zero taxes and basic income so we can all quit working but it won't be good for the nation overall. sometimes you have to vote for what is best for the community and nation rather than what is best for your pocketbook. You know who votes solely based on what they get from the government? Niggers.
>NAFTA Ratified
>GATT Ratified
>Financial Modernization Legislation Enacted
>China-PNTR Enacted
The Democrats sure don't care about about the economic interests of the rust belt.
It doesn't know. It's based on filtering out malefactors statistically to force the goyim to work harder, much like the technology meant to keep the goyim safe for the future cashless society, like I heard the latest PayPal guy explain on NPR just yesterday.
And all this time I thought "cashless society" was tinfoil hat stuff.
Because clearly voting Democrat for decades had turned them from centers of industry into that exact "Rust Belt"
>pretty much, and the service industry is on the chopping block next
So I guess once all the the jobs are replaced by AI and mechanization, what then? What is the goal? I Big warehouse with jars of brains interfaced to the internet? What is the end game of all this "enhanced productivity though AI and automation". When do the shareholders get replaced by technology?
I'm pretty sure the end goal is a tiny cabal of kikes living like kings for all eternity. Everything else is just window dressing to that goal.
>What is the goal?
Satan worship, basically. 95%+ of the people on earth die off. Potentially destroy the earth in the name of their false god if that's what it takes to try to become gods themselves. It's pretty sick stuff if you stop and read their writings.
They just want power and nothing more. That's really all there is to it. There is no purpose greater than the worship of having the most power.
Rust belt was americas steel mill. Steel mill unionized. Unions control members, democrats buy out union leadership on the cheap. Unions tell idiots to vote democrat. Idiots vote democrat. Dems destroy local economy for no other reason than that they profit, and hate the US. The US as a super state that does not need the world, and indeed the world needs the US, does not fit into their narrative of globalization and everyone is equal.
>Obama didn't do much of anything for the rust belt
>Clinton didn't campaign there
>Trump campaigned there
>why did the rust belt vote for Republicans
really makes you think
The folks who settle in or haven't left the great Lakes areas, despite the area having long devolved into degenerate, are by definition too stupid to know when they are wallowing in their own shit.
A friend of mine used to live a few doors down from a mid-upper management type at the NY Fed. As far as I can tell she was a basically decent person but a hardcore ladder climber type that would be able to get there.
I know about other things she got involved in, but there was one time alone in the elevator she got mad. This was a few years after the 2007 thing. In privacy, she said in frustration
Not long after, she left her various positions and went I don't know where else, but somewhere else.
It's not just PA. Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan too.
1. They changed the HUD policies that allowed Section 8 vouchers to be used anywhere. So if you qualify in Chicago or Detroit, you can take your voucher anywhere in the US that has a section 8 apartment open. You are not restricted to your county or state anymore.
2. Chicago tore down all of it's housing project high rises, some of the largest concentrations of violent, gangbanging, murderous, raping robbing niggers in the world. They never followed through on their plan to replace those housing units. Detroit started cutting off basic services. These two events caused a mass exodus out of the cities and into the surrounding states.
3. The border was basically opened wide and benefits which had been restricted to citizens were relaxed under Obama, the food stamp president. "Unaccompanied Minors" which were often central American gang members and cartel drug runners, were not only allowed in, but assisted in resettlement into rural and suburban areas.
4. Haitians were coming in by the tens of thousands, and Africans and South Americans posing as Haitians. They were given temporary protection status, and free housing and benefits due to the earthquake. They're currently facing deportation but we'll see.
5. Obama increased the Refugee Resettlement Program and brought in millions of muslims during his presidency. Not only the original number settled but up to 6 more family members in the Family Reunification Program. All refugees qualify for every single welfare benefit the minute they get here, and they have agencies that advocate for them and assist them in doing do.
Because we didn't vote against our interest. MAGA.
what server does he play on
>Chicago tore down all of it's housing project high rises
I sometimes wonder about the future when I see things things keep going up.
Seems more like a broken window fallacy than anything.
Man, some days I think about all this stuff and it feels like fate/God/destiny/Aliens/whoever gave us one last chance to get it back with Trump. Like maybe this is it, and if they get to him it's all over. We lose, our kids lose, the slide of decline will begin to really gather speed...
The reason rust belt states tend to learn Democrat is purely because of the giant hordes of niggers that live there. Trump motivated white people to get out and vote while Hillary did not get Obama's turnout with blacks. Every single person in my extended family in Michigan voted for Trump. Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, every single person. If the vote was done with just white people then Trump would have won every state.
I don't know how the "Ada" computer the Podesta team used couldn't figure that out.
succinct, clear, nice work
high-paying mid 20th century manufacting jobs for people with GEDs are not coming back. you better figure a way to get skills that are useful in this century, or just go back in your meth trailer and stfu.
Yeah, he's got a plaque on his classroom. Very nice work.
Nice 88s. I don't think it matter much whether this is our last chance or not, even though I feel it, too.
I think what's much more important is the inherent competition of life. Is your grass going to grow or are weeds going to take over? Is your body going to survive or is a fungus going to metabolize your corpse?
I think it's much more about taking any opportunity we can get, and I think we have a widespread regard for mutual prosperity as opposed to the Alinskyite mentality.
a machine doesn't identify which images are which. images known to contain signs (identified by people) are shown first to establish compliance with the game and test images shown after and the results compared with others to statistically identify what is correct. every time a 'car' is identified in a captcha it is the result of human verification of a machine's statistical guess.
>with the game
I remember reading in PC/Computing how John Carmak was seen riding around in his red Ferrari, courtesy of Pentagon funding.
The kikes running universities have no regard for history.
UP's economy isn't even good enough to be considered "Rust Belt". Meth and Tourism is the only thing that keeps that place viable.
I'm not sure the Democratic Party gives a shit about the Rust Belt, much less how it fairs economically. Hill-dawg spent more time in New York (a guaranteed win) than in my state, which is a good indication of who she was really looking out for
It was her turn you racist nazi bigots.
>high-paying mid 20th century manufacting jobs for people with GEDs
lmao those never existed clueless retard
>who she was really looking out for
Of course. She was a Wall St. Democrat.
Too bad she came out literally of the Chicago mafia, tried to pull of an Arkansas power-husband (good coke though I guess) and then rewrote herself as a Jew Yorker? And then she literally put out campaign commercials that she was a small town girl and how she remembered her father ironing drapes on the table or whatever it was.
Can anyone spell pathological liar?
I'll scratch that, because New York is her current home state, but stumping in California, Massachusetts, and other liberal bastions is stupid when you have all these flyover states that make up a large chunk of the Democratic base in the past. Now they're battlegrounds- and could swing either way.
I'm from Wisconsin and everyone here is cheese people
I'll never forget sitting around at a dinner table with a bunch of rich NY Jews.
Fans of what? She's not even a Jew or a Jew Yorker. It was literally like a sports team thing because she gave them shekels.
Amen to that.
Do you happen to know which speech she gave where she put on a southern accent and called the south her home?
Its all true. 920?
They didn't
The system did
i went to a copper mine in the UP. it was one square mile of rust. i would love to buy a large tract of land and retire there though. blonde hair and blue eyes everywhere you look.
At least the republicans talk about helping rather than openly saying they wanna give what little jobs we do have to the lowest bidder, i.e. Mexicans, or giving our jobs to niggers as affirmative action.
Even if I can at least know that my job is secure I'd just be happy with someone taking the drug problem seriously, which dems sure as shit won't do. I just want my home back. I left for the army when I was young and came back and this place is a poor piece of shit, drug addicts everywhere, criminals, everything looks like shit. It wasn't like this back when the coal and steel industry was good. Now the democrats wanna get rid of that for good. Fuck them. I'd rather vote republican knowing my life here would stay relatively normal rather than let them send us down the shitter