Meanwhile in Venezuela. This is apparently used in Caracas instead of Dextrose infusions in hospitals. What the hell has socialism done to this country? Anyone from Venezuela, some more details on this shit?
Venezuela Apocalypse
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MSM won't allow any coverage of what's happening in your country.
Does anyone else ever feel
That those people are making it look like its my fault and that somehow I need to help them
Its your country your problem
Could say the same with Syria and Africa
How do socialists defend venezuela?
By claiming that Venezuela isn't real socialism. It's "state capitalism"
is that soda?
fuck off out of here that is not
I feel like this but I don't know what the Venezuelans want from me. They want me to give them more money? Intervene with our military and remove their leaders? What the fuck do they want us to do?
Are you sure this isnt an american hospital?
Better than niggers
>Caracas instead of Dextrose infusions
No real socialism aka the standard defence
They keep saying how the the media isn't cover they story. But they are. People just don't care. Hue's can't comprehend that.
It's a highly concentrated dextrose infusion
But in this case it's also soda, yes
>But they are
they (((cover))) it by writing an article then writing 20 trump/russia articles on it and making sure the venezuelan news never reaches the front page of any kind.
how are they not all dead?
Didn't Obama praise Manduro?
It's the closest chemical equivalent to saline that they could get since actual medicine is a myth in Venezuala
Technically it won't kill them, but it's far from ideal
more memes like this. saved.
I wish pic related wasn't real.
i just....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women. anti communist and socialist. can't you see just want what is best for everyone? true communism would be paradise the world over. but we are stuck with what i hope is "ironic" fascists.
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....
you scumbags think you can hide here with no history of your vile and toxic thoughts ?
itll all be over soon
were going to take each of you intolerant fucks to prison if we even bother taking you alive
youre days are number
i'd say it's got a pretty high chance of killing them, you'd be better off with boiled water with a bit of sugar mixed in
Updated version
When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was sriracha sauce, and was expecting some sort of normie-tier "OMG THIS IS HOW MUCH I NEED SRIRACHA" tumblr meme.
I'm glad its just a thread about how socialism is destroying Venezuela.
is that real? isnt there a threat of a carbon bubble
It's more chemically sound than a lot of the garbage people shoot themselves up with for fun. Water in soda is already purified. Probably safer to do it this way than to gamble with your life using Venezualan tap water and boiling it
>every socialist rag and pinko politician shills for Chavez for a solid decade
>lol it was capitalism all along jk
It would be paradise, if the world was a paradise, but it's not, so communism won't work.
Also communism killed more people than fascism, and are both equally totalitarian.
>nice copypasta
No way it's real.
I learned about lots of shoddy and half-assed substitutes throughout years of studying and working in ER and EMT teams but I've yet to hear about anyone coming up with such ridiculous ideas.
Even completely disregarding the dubious sterility of it, you're talking about shitload of indesirable ingredients of your average sweetened drink that God knows what result might have.
They could be drip-feeding them through NG tube or something.
OP's picture is bullshit. There's no way that it's straight soda from the bottle. Either the pic is fake or they mixed something together and reused the bottle.
The soda would be at way too high of a concentration, it has other chemcials such as citric acid that would probably be fatal if injected into your bloodstream, and if the soda has any carbonation in it, it could cause an air embolism.
They may have made a 5% soda solution or maybe they just reused the bottle for some reason.
You have to read between the lines. There's a kernel of truth in everything. Go find it if you're not an idiot.
yeah but most junkie don't inject 1.25 liters of the stuff. It's a hospital, they must at least have an autoclave on site that could purify water well enough
lol.... looks like they used an old bottle because they're broke and can't afford better equipment
they're not pumping soda into people you retard
Um yes they are.
Reality is inherntly redpilling
Existance is inherently suffering
The moment you accept these facts is the moment you start thinking for yourself
>world has no idea
>Sup Forums has known this all along
how could this happen
Any good sources explaining how Vuvuzela is really socialist? Articles and such
this TBQH
>Make a rebuttal image to Sup Forums
>Make it too large to actually post on Sup Forums
IQ requirement to vote when?