Doesn't think banning guns will mitigate gun crime

>doesn't think banning guns will mitigate gun crime
>thinks banning muslims will stop domestic terrorism

really makes you think

Other urls found in this thread:

Banning nigs also will mitigate gun crime, though.

>tfw this retard tier b8 will be taken by retards

>I am suffering from cognitive dissonance

Well! Taking away guns does nothing but de-arm the population. Guns are already prolific. Criminals use them as tools of their trade. It would also give rise to a very powerful black market trade. And we Americans are a gun culture in such effect, law abiding Americans WOULD use that black market to defend themselves.

As far as banning Muslims. Why? Is anyone else blowing themselves up at concerts or shooting up gay bars? Nope.

Why do you get baited by him so easily?

Banning guns makes it much more difficult for criminals to get their hands on them, dumbass

Kind of like how "extreme vetting" would make it more difficult for terrorists to get into the US

Let me explain to your tiny nigger brain.
Guns are just a means of violence, as seen in Australia if you ban guns other forms of violence will go up, like knife attacks. Trying to make gun violence a special thing is just being dishonest.
Not to mention that guns are objects and won't change weather or not someone is a violent person, unless that violent person gets shot by someone.

While Muslims are a pest upon humanity with a doctrine designed by a warlord specifically to spread like cancer. And data shows that where muslims are not present not only do muslim terror attacks not happen, but neither do any form or religious violence.

Have you herd of any terror attack done by a religious group in South Korea, or in Poland?
But how many violent attacks or crimes with a deadly weapon have you herd about in UK?

>banning alcohol will surely work!

>knows a drug ban hasn't worked
>things a gun ban will

No one is talking about banning mudslims, we are talking about killing them.
Plus the mudslim invasion is a government program, gun ownership is nothing but free market.
Fuck off you statist cuck.

>people will just make their own muslims and sell them illegally
Really made me think!

>implying criminals purchase registered, legal firearms

Most gun crime is done with legally owned guns, dipshit

>Domestic citizens will watch videos online and become radicalized

Banning new immigrants does nothing

>implying knife crime and gun crime are equivalent

I'd say you have the brain of a child but that's insulting to a child

Muzzies have agency, guns don't.


That's a lie

>banning muslim immigrantion doesn't negate the increase in number of muslims caused by muslim immigration

This is a logical conclusion in the mind of a liberal. You need to be placed in a specialized facility.

Not really.

That's because guns are inanimate objects and muslims are a sandpeople death cult.

>banning guns doesn't mitigate the amount of crime carried out with guns

This is a logical conclusion in the mind of a alt-righter. You need to be placed in a specialized facility.

>banning guns doesn't mitigate the amount of crime carried out with guns
You can go argue about this with the retards who say it. Right now we're talking about your misunderstanding of basic mathematics. Do you actually have any way to logically justify your moronic statement?

Guns need operators. Guns aren't people. Guns don't have an ideology. Guns can't load themselves up with explosive rounds and blow up at a concert or a marathon or the like

60% done with legally obtained guns

Try leaving your echo chamber sometime you sensitive dumbfuck


>gets exposed as a retard
Still waiting for you to justify your assertion that banning Muslim immigration won't decrease the number of Muslims (thereby decreasing the number of Muslim terrorists).

how about we test that by banning guns for jewish settlers in eretz ey ...wouldnt that be neat ?

Banning guns means that if your government decides to import rapists to fuck your wife and daughter you can do nothing to stop them. Banning guns means that when shit hits the fan you're out of luck. It means if gangs come to your neighborhood to rob you you're defenseless.

Chicago is gun-free but has one of the highest gun crime rates in the US. How can you be this fucking stupid?

>low-iq kraut makes retarded non-sequitur
You can go argue about this with someone who says guns should be banned, retard. Why is everybody on this board borederline-retarded?

Banning Muslim in the US leaves them in third world countries where they reproduce more than they would in the US, ultimately resulting in a greater number of global Muslims who can then illegally enter our country and kill our citizens because criminals don't obey laws

Nice try though Chaim

Alex Jones in the middle

why do you think you can trust swiss people with having keys to large underground storages of every war material possible without ever everything happening in Switzerland ? Would you hand those keys to pakis or somalis ? Would there be also no happenings ?

criminals don't follow gun laws and the guns are already here

banning muslims would keep them out to the extent we can, but it's too late for that too

>reproduce more than they would in the US
There's 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, the vast majority of which will continue to live and reproduce in the third world. America's immigration policy has absolutely negligible impact on the global number of Muslims.

>resulting in a greater number of global Muslims who can then illegally enter our country
Are they going to swim?

You people are genuinely subhuman... I can't believe I'm even reading these "arguments". You just have to be trolling.

That's right nigger. Banning guns won't work because enough firearms exist every man and women in this country could have one. Only late abiding citizens will give up their arms. Then you are easy prey for the criminals that will keep them. Look at Australia, when they disarmed. Home invasion robbery went up. Same with the UK.
That's facts, nigger.

If you don't like it here you could always move, because you won't change the constitution.

Cause they be master race white murikans, smartest race on earth.

Guns can be made. Good luck making Islam in a Qur'an free and Muslims free internet.

>criminals will illegally manufacture guns to fill the void left by a gun ban
Is the same as
>law abiding citizens will try to become radicalized and commit terrorist attacks to fill the void left by fewer radicalized immigrants


It won't. Muslims must all be deported for terrorism to stop. Half assed solutions like "travel bans" are stupid and ineffective

Non-muslims can be converted

If you took all guns off everyone every where then yes gun violence would drastically decline you dumb chmup but how do you propose we take the unregistered guns off criminals ? An America that is saturated with guns and criminals willing to use guns (evidenced daily int he ghetti) then yes armed American civilians is the only logical deterrent to guns crime.

Also banning/erradicating muslims would stop alot of domestic terrorism. Americans are 10 times more likely to hand in a muslim than a gun so it's not really a sensible comparison burgerbrain.

Banning guns would slowly solve gun crime as old guns fell apart and couldn't be replaced with new ones because manufacturers were barred from making them and imports from overseas were stopped

Still waiting for you to justify your assertion that banning Muslim immigration won't decrease the number of Muslims (thereby decreasing the number of Muslim terrorists).



Banning Muslims doesn't decrease the number of Muslims

It leaves them in regions where they are more prone to be radicalized

Now fuck off, retard

>comparing something inanimate with something sentient

shiggy diggy


inplying there will be a black market for muslems.
inplying people will make muslems to sell on a market.
inplying anybody wants to buy mudshits.
op are you retarded?

>what are home made guns

This gets extra easy when you have a fuckload of gun parts, even if all the guns hypothetically broke down and couldn't be fixed.

>what are 3d-printed guns

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to

>implying people stupid and lazy and forced to resort to crime will build homemade guns en masse if they can't buy one in a store

Shlomo pls

Still waiting for you to justify your assertion that banning Muslim immigration won't decrease the number of Muslims in America (thereby decreasing the number of Muslim terrorists in America).

>b...but muh global number of muslims!
There's 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, the vast majority of which will continue to live and reproduce in the third world. America's immigration policy has absolutely negligible impact on the global number of Muslims. Also, they're not going to swim into America.

If there are no Muslims then there can't be Islamic terrorism, if you ban guns people will still get hold of them. Inanimate objects are not the same as people. Why do I even have to explain this?

Guns don't breed and soak up welfare and blow themselves up. Your point was?


>banning human beings with a brain, personality and the ability to make decisions won't work

>banning inanimate objects that are simply complex mechanisms of metal parts will work

>Muslims in America

Moving the goalposts is a nice trick Chaim, go reread what you asked the firsts time

what are nigger and the crime ridden ghettos the reside in?

See the BLS study I linked

Only 40% obtained guns illegally

>implying people stupid and lazy and forced to resort to crime will build homemade guns en masse if they can't buy one in a store
No, people with machining knowledge looking to make a quick buck will build/repair them and sell them to whoever is willing to buy. I'm sorry, but you are inferior and every """argument""" of yours gets immediately destroyed.

>completely ignores 3d printed guns because he can't address this

u rite dog

ban guns and make it easier to get muslims in your daughters room

we gon be peace

>"(((ban)))" guns
>400 million+ still on the streets
Good job, idiot.
Stop trying to fit in, faggot. We already know you're a cuck r*dditor.


>the subhuman liberal lies about moving the goalposts
Are you seriously going to pretend that your IQ is so low that you thought I meant banning Muslim immigration will decrease the number of Muslims in Muslim shitholes?

Don't blame the gun, blame the nigger that uses the gun

>simply complex mechanisms
you can make a gun out of a steel pipe no rifling required and a trigger to trigger the bullet nothing else.

unless you ban basic tools and workshops guns will never go away.

Banning guns doesn't stop crime, because I can use my own gun for self defense against crime

I can't use "my own muslim" against other muslims

>implying Muslims in America matter when it's easy to get in illegally

Leaving them in shitholes makes them more likely to become radicalized and then to come over here illegally and kill our citizens

The number of legal Muslims living here is a non-sequitur and irrelevant

>easy to get in illegally
Oh, it's easy now? It's funny how the shitlib cuck will completely abandon all principles and utterly contradict itself to score cheap points in anonymous internet arguments. Pathetic.

>1.6 billion muslims in the world

>america's immigration policy affects the number of radicalized muslims globally

>muslims will swim into america and enter illegally

Repeating the same subhuman """argument""" doesn't make it less retarded. Try again.


Don't tell they left that, they'll ban basic tools and workshops next. "What do average citizens need tools for? They can just call a mechanic!"

I can build a firearm for about $20 at any hardware store from inconspicuous everyday items in about 20-25 minutes.

I cannot build a human, indoctrinate them in a violent religion, and direct them to murder without 15+ years of effort and a female partner.

Banning guns is stupid because they're incredibly easy to make. Even smokeless powder and primers can be made in a kitchen lab (more dangerous than meth, but possible)

You'd need to clean your guns, as most home-made primers and nitrocellulose powers would be corrosive, but it IS possible.

>implying a steel pipe is as deadly as a gun
>implying you can kill dozens of people with single steel pipe and some gunpowder

Belgian "education" ladies and gentlemen

>mfw people still argue about in stupid bait threads when Gun Control is literally forever BTFO by 3d printing

Pic related. All 3d printed plastic except for a few screws, springs, and an aluminium barrel.

let me just pull out my pocket kebab next time i get robbed

>>implying a steel pipe is as deadly as a gun

>implying Muslims will swim over here

How stupid are you?

I guess we should scrap the wall since Mexicans will just swim over here

>he still can't explain how 300 million guns in america will suddenly become irreparably broken
>he still can't address 3d printed guns
>he still can't address the ability to make fully functional automatic guns from available gun parts
>he still can't explain why he thinks banning muslim immigration won't decrease the number of muslims in america

>implying 3D printing can't be regulated or banned too

he said knofe crime would go up if you banned guns retard. not that they are the same right now

Banning Muslims won't stop domestic terrorism, eliminating Muslims will stop domestic terrorism.

>he pretends that his own argument was made by me
Leftism is a mental illness.

You better start banning house cleaning products too, then

Make a pipe bomb. But then again, that's a bomb not a gun so its ok, apparently.

You've been putting up strawmen against me this entire thread Schlomo

>we'll ban 3d printers
>we'll ban machining tools
>we'll ban gun scraps
Leftism is a mental disease.

Government can't even stop hajis blowing themselves up with bits of fireworks at kids concerts
>Thinking they can stop me pirating guns

>he blatantly lies that i'm strawmanning him when i'm directly quoting his arguments

>he still can't explain how 300 million guns in america will suddenly become irreparably broken
>he still can't address 3d printed guns
>he still can't address the ability to make fully functional automatic guns from available gun parts
>he still can't explain why he thinks banning muslim immigration won't decrease the number of muslims in america

are you retarded?
springs screws and basic tools is all it takes to make a gun and sell it to a couple of niggers;
and you would make damm fine money for doing something like that the would pay a premuim.

idb4 ill get my pocket muslem when a muslem attack happens.
what are bleuprints tor browser or the darknet.

Just sage this thread and move on. This faggot isn't interested in an honest discussion.

>a single shot pipe is equivalent and as deadly as a semi-auto

Just how stupid are you

Triggered sweetie?

>>he still can't explain how 300 million guns in america will suddenly become irreparably broken
>>he still can't address 3d printed guns
>>he still can't address the ability to make fully functional automatic guns from available gun parts
>>he still can't explain why he thinks banning muslim immigration won't decrease the number of muslims in america

>he still can't explain how 300 million guns in america will suddenly become irreparably broken
>he still can't address 3d printed guns
>he still can't address the ability to make fully functional automatic guns from available gun parts
>he still can't explain why he thinks banning muslim immigration won't decrease the number of muslims in america


I never said that Schlomo

>Single shot 20mm
>Home made by the Kurds

Hardware and materials from your local hardware store and a backyard workshop with, at most, a drill press can be used to make a basic submachine gun, like the Sten. It won't have rifling, but it will shoot full auto.

>he still can't address 3d printed guns
>he still can't address the ability to make fully functional automatic guns from available gun parts
>he still can't explain why he thinks banning muslim immigration won't decrease the number of muslims in america

>the 300 million guns in america will become irreparably broken........ some day!!