
Muslims in Manchester pray for victims in terrorist attack, stand against islamophobia.

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Literally not all muslims, but most of them hold very dangerous beliefs and ideas.

Is that some troll in that glorious niqqab

You might want to read this OP, and learn what "Taqiyya" means

Lol look at LOVE
grenade shirt!

That a parody?

Gun, grenade, knife and i don't know what.

Sikh's are bro tier

How fucking blind can normies possibly be holy fuck

taqqiya is hiding your faith in a life-threatening situation. if you want to redpill people, do it properly

Shut it, faggot

And you should get cancer and die

Trust you to know



Good. I will post this whenever I see that bro-tier faggotry.

Dead people all across Europe, but Dobt hurt some feelings, guys.

I'd say hiding the fact that you want to kill Europeans and instate sharia law to avoid them killing you en mass counts.

eat shit and die you demon sympathizing cocksucker


Weird to see a ruski defene these cave dwelling sub humans

Wow. Im literally blown away by their support. Srsly falling to pieces over here.

They should be standing against and condemning radical Islamic terrorism if they want to combat Islamophobia and promote #notallmuslims.
But no, of course Islamophobia is the problem and muslims are the victim, not radical Islamists the problem and the dead teenage girls the victims.

The burka clad woman with a grenade in the center is really reassuring.

Holy shit how many poos in bathrobes and slippers are there in England? 20 million? Fuck the welfare costs must be immense.


Not all Muslims support terrorism, but they do have sympathy for terrorists though.

"Praying" isn't fucking good enough. Your jew god doesn't exist. We need to act if we ever want this to stop.

>full burka'd woman
>glasses over the burka
>wearing some sick jewelry
>also a shirt with love spelled out in weapons

Absolutely amazing.



No one unironically using the term 'Islamophobia" gives half a shit about any victims of any terrorist attack.

Mixed genders!



They are subhumans doing what subhumans do. The fault lies no more with them than when a dog pees on the carpet. The problem is their traitorous government.

Taqqiya is lying in the name of spreading Islam.

Go back to Turkey Mehmet.


Look, if you want to gain the trust of normies, you have to convince them that you are being honest


But, I do have to point out, the bomber's mosque was Dibsbury Mosque, a Wahhabi mosque. If you haven't noticed, virtually all terrorism is carried out by Wahhabis.

y is this meme relly

no god exists