Fetishizing genitalia is bigoted.
If you're attracted to someone their genitalia shouldn't matter, unless of course you're a slave to unconscious bigotry and cishetnormativity.
Fetishizing genitalia is bigoted.
If you're attracted to someone their genitalia shouldn't matter, unless of course you're a slave to unconscious bigotry and cishetnormativity.
>it's another andy thread
who the fuck are you and how do you know """her"""
How the fuck do you fall for that thing?
If literally hundreds of people don't want something, maybe they're not the ones who are wrong. Maybe individuals should conform to social and cultural norms. Maybe that's at the heart of democracy.
>Maybe that's at the heart of democracy.
wow, wow, wow, nice populism you propagate
I am a slave to unconscious bigotry and cishetnormativity, and I am completely and utterly proud of the fact that I am.
I know, isn't populism such a wonderful thing?
Well that face is clearly a confused man. There is nothing remotely feminine about it. That creature is probably lying about people swiping right and then apologizing about not realizing they are trans. They want to appear more appealing physically, and they want to play the victim card and whine on Facebook.
lots of guys just swipe right on everything
You can stick a few feathers up your ass but it doesn't make you a chicken
I can see the 5'oclock shadow and mustache from the thumbnail theres no way people didnt notice it with a full image, unless he shopped it out deliberately
It cannot bear children, hence there is no point establishing family with it, hence no point dating it. Am i literally Hitler for pointing that out?
Tinder is for cucks and degenerates.
lol, look at these people, so dishonest and disingenuous about their feelings. Just say it, it's because while they thought you were attractive, they aren't comfortable with there being a penis between your legs. thats it you fucking cry baby.
honestly, the tinder app should just ask you
>are you a girl or a boy?
>im a boy
>okay. make a profile and press post!
>okay i did
>Great! now go away because you basically have no choice in this action. If a woman wants you your phone will tell you. have a good day!
>dumb fucking horrible cis people just fucking date me you asshole
"When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male shall not be male, and the female shall not be female: . . . then you will enter [the kingdom]."
The end is nigh, bros.
「The Kingdom」
Cotton ceiling in action. These are just physical manifestations of mental illness.
Am I the only one who would proceed with her? Trans could be fun to fuck around with.
A dick changes a lot.
Anyone who didn't realize that's really a man is a faggot in denial
you're being too nice. it's a man who dresses as a woman and thinks that makes him a woman. it's a hairy, testosterone-filled manboy who wants to be bought pink shoes and treated to lobster by dashing suitors and married as if it's not a faggot wearing a shower curtain. it's a freak that needs to be dealt with.
I'd process her for internment at a behavioral rehabilitation camp.
As if you don't want love that you can't have