Drumpf wouldn't come see u autists if u got shot up
That really looks like a wounded person
Sitting/lying in front of the Queen? Stupid plebs
Хoлoп eбaный
>Here we see the queen anglo sizing up her next meal.
nice hat.
>Queen personally thanking this young aryan volunteer for her heart before the transplant surgery--the third of it's kind this year.
иди в пивнyю пoтaпeнкo, бypжyй
How is she still alive?
>the queen is a grandista
Speak the Queen's English for Heaven's sake.
He might do something about the exploding Muslims though, unlike the European "leaders".
Still wearing an Ariana Grande shirt days later. Filthy. Many such cases.
>The Queen that let her country become Paki grooming rape central left her ivory tower to look upon enriched brittons
No. He would be too busy doing something about it.
England is ever such a small nation.
It takes under 3 hours to drive from London to Manchester.
how can she slap?
Nation isn't a synonym for country. Fuck off yank
The Queen walks around looking at people like I do when I'm looking at the animals in a pet shop.
>Drumpf wouldn't come see u autists if u got shot up
Yeah, because he actually has things to do unlike the Queef who is just a useless, expensive figurehead.
pretty racist to have a white cis gendered queen.
transgender black queen when?
Fuck off Yank. It's called having a culture, which is why yanks obsess over her.
guilty conscience??
Being oppressed is an culture...
Better enjoy that culture while it lasts.
Really makes you think...
Only retarded Yanks obsess over the Queef, most of us haven't given fuck all about your island since we committed cultural appropriation and tossed your shitty tea into the harbor.
Learn to CATOBAR already. ffs, the French can CATOBAR. You suck.
the queen flies in a burgundy helicopter, I have seen her get into this device twice
Holy shit, that inbreeding. I'm surprised their skin isn't blue.
She has gloves on so she doesn't catch your gingivitis ya limey cunt
>All these butthurt colonials
Don't make us burn down the white house again
>how to trigger the yankcuck
>point out they have literally no culture
damn shes a cutie
>Enjoy being on Sup Forums; the epitome of American culture; stealing an idea from another culture and making it great.
Just wait for the American version of "White Gold." It will actually be funny.
Зoлoтo цapcкoe вepнитe, cyки
What obvious propaganda
I bet they even made her wear the t-shirt for the photo
She bring in alot of money. Much more then she cost.
she's nearly 100 years old
god leafs are disgusting
I had a dream where I was running with the half naked queen down a multi story parking lot and then I caressed her wrinkly old body and consoled her about the loss of her country.
Masonic handshake, for another lousy hoax. Orange is 33 in gematria also.
>he thinks a weeb who made a forum about asian cartoons, ran by an Asian, in English, is the "epitome" of American """"culture"""""
Theft from other cultures is our culture, you massive poofter.
I suppose I should have expected she would do that but that honestly is very sweet of the Queen to do that.
Sup Forumstards need to realize that their fellow citizens are not on their side.
want muslims to die, because they killed mindless zombie who support the lefties, support the queen, support hollywood, support lefty polititians, support child rapists etc. etc.
muslims are basically eastern Sup Forumstards.
Sure thing, Ahmed.
typical Sup Forumstard:
>complete loner
>caring about their country and fellow people, when they are completely alone
makes absolutely no sense.
You never want to feel part of something?
she just happened to be in the room over and thought she'd stop by to ask for her desert
I don't care about my country. It's burning and I wouldn't even piss on it.
I care about Finland.
Dual citizenship, actually. Just never used it yet.
Our culture is all over the world lol
Ah I see. What other country are you a citizen of? Genuinely curious.
Finland. Yet I've never been there.
Yes white boy, accept your fate. Dont be strong and resilient like your grandfather. Just let your years of ancestry end with you.
you don't have a culture, bong. unless you mean getting blown up at concerts or on busses by shitskin muslims as culture.
I'm First Gen American. My ancestors fought Ruskies in Finland and Red in the Civil War.
this. i'd tell the old cunt to fuck off. she let this happen.
>fuck I just had my leg blown off and now i have to pretend to give a shit what this old bitch has to say or i'll get executed
Shes just waiting to take that girls blood. The queen gets blood transfusions from the young.
We have enough brown people here already, thanks. We're 98% white and that's 2% too low.
Another reason immigration is bad. You pussies come over here and then dont want to help defend our country when it's in peril.
oh alright. Thats cool I guess
I just want to shoot Russians.
My parents are both Finnish.
Russians are the last bastion of white identity
New Just In: Lecherous old cunt uses bomb chav for her own publicity.
English bow down to this.....
where does your dad finnish? mouth or tits?
That's why they have literal sharia patrols in Moscow. Right. This meme needs to die
I'm guessing he finishes in the cunt since I'm here.
Guys, trump wouldn't care about you at all
I'd be INCREDIBLY uncomfortable lying in bed if the Queen walked in. I'm no monarchist but she's still my Queen. I'd have to at least try to get out of bed.
>tfw no qt blown up gf
that's where he finnished... I imagine he has lost most of his respect for your mother by now. but you no doubt know that.
jesus she's autistic as fuck
top kek
t. Jamal jealous of the white monarchy
Jealous because your royals are unironically way better sword dancers than Trump desu
Drumpf unironically BTFO
There is no "slide threads". No one cares about Seth Rich because it's boring. Go to /x/.
oh god... it's as if at any moment a commoner will be led in and fed to the young, while Old Shinny Hat watches on with a fire raging in her all but dead eyes.
Trump hours after becoming president attended a military funeral which Obama never ever fucking did ever.
>OP is from the usa
nice bait
Does she have the Black Death? What's that plague doctor doing there?
She doesn't look even remotely hurt, did they just put in some random twat for the photo?
>implying trump doesnt have an ACTUAL job
Why is the mom just sitting there without standing up? I get the girl is injured, but the mom??
If you want to pass him over for William we will happily make him the king of Arabia.
Queen Elizabeth is the Whore of babylon, she comes from a long line of Reptilian Dracos. Do you really think she cares about human children suffering. Her species thrive of negative energy and sacrifice children to Satan. Shape shifters. Some say the timing of the Manchester bombing was an occult sacrifice of children as they need their enrgy fix to try to squash the Seth dominos which threaten their stranglehold on humans and the earth. Notice reptilian Obama is meeting with reptilian Merkel right now. Probably planning yet another mass murder to distract us ants. we are their livestock. Never forget that. open your eyes. Wake up. Do some research. We are all in bondage and if we do not fight back their plan for mass genocide will happen. if Clinton had won we would already be dead and they would be hiding out in the multi trillion dollar opulent underground bunkers they built for themselves all over the world. Paid for with trillions stolen from you. Wake up. .
wtf u little bitch i'll get you