What is happening to this country?
What is happening to this country?
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bump for are paul
she asks him a dumb question
everybody boos and shouts
are paul calls for restrain and respect
krk, cheers
>Paul Nut-All
This guy is already gets my vote
>that manifesto
might vote for em
glorious manifesto, shocked me on education
Yeah I know, it's a fucking great idea to cut fees on STEM fields.
Do it for Saffie
>Has the prime minister to be held accountable?
What exactly was wrong with the question? Yes, hold your prime minister and affiliates accountable. And by affiliates I mean banks & media entertainment.
because it's the fucking implication that paul is-
actually, fuck off stupid kraut
best manifesto by a country mile
>the fucking implication
is you getting triggered.
Have fun fighting the race war for your overlords.
>BBC booed in a UKIP meeting with UKIP fanbase
jeez what a strange thing
We're all in the same boat you shitskin cunt
kek, too bad we're getting the (((conservatives))) instead
You are a dumb foreigner who yet again just presumes everything he thinks he knows about this country to be true. The room is fucking full of other journalists from all over the country.
>that guy who uses push to talk when he coughs
ukip's only purpose was brexit, please stop existing
paul nuttal is a mong too
paki cunt
>We're all in the same boat
true, if you don't like the course it's taking you have to face up to the navigator, not the rowers.
But that's exactly what you are getting pushed into right now.
lol, keep fighting the war on brown people mate, unless you literally get the reincarnation of hitler, nothing gonna happen to them.
just fucking wait you shitskin cunt
She was booed by other reporters dipshit. It was a press conference.
i'm white you dumb fucker
you sound like council estate scum, mussies taking your benefits mate?
Societal collapse due to mass shitskin immigration is inevitable at this point anyway.
Just waiting for it.
are paul?
what like are nige?
guess you are one of the poorer class that really believed ukip was gonna go straight to the top after brexit won, lol, it was a tory puppet from the start
are you aware that we are on an island and importing unedcuated brown people at an alarming rate, who are outbreeding us? do you think this is sustainable? how do you think this is not a problem?
you sound like a fucking nigger
it wasnt 'dumb' it was provocative deflecting the blame on the PM
outbreeding us? what the fuck are you on about mate
white population of britain is about 80%
i'm sorry if you live in a city and you are knee deep in burkas but you don't speak for the rest of the country. I see more fucking poles in my town than muslims
council scum triggered
has your bennies been sanctioned this month for failing to wake up in time for the job centre
>Being this oblivious
This nation is dead and if you haven't realised that by now you're in for a rude awakening a few years down the line.
outbreeding as in they breed at a much quicker rate
what do you think will happen when the cities are full of them?
based ukip
what experiences do you have other than sitting at home and looking at biased news sources ?
Its fucking shit,full on police state preparations because of muh scary muslims.
its been the same since 2001,buckle down and take the surveillance and force up the ass because of fear of muh muzzies.
when clearly all these attacks are done by mossad.
>ignore what I said
Like clockwork tbqh
Tories like you are the worst kind of human being
so obsessed with another cultures breeding rates
do you want some muslims cock in you? perhaps cuckold your wife?
how many children have you produced to offset this problem anyway?
what a useless comment
get real, only people still voting ukip is the under-educated lower class that got memed into thinking everyone was with them
who are you voting for my old bean?
>Therefore UKIP is bad
Well my opinion of her has gone right down.
>outbreeding as in they breed at a much quicker rate
>what do you think will happen when the cities are full of them?
Its the jews you dipshit,
I'm sorry but I cannot take you Brits seriously with your accents. You constantly sound like you're auditioning for a theatre production.
I died.
We can't take Amerilards seriously either.
>Its the jews you dipshit,
and muslims are their willing pawns
labour, just imagine how funny it will be if they win
we should only defend our borders and assets
the american method of world police is just a way for the jews to thin out white people
when it concerns my own wellbeing yes i am concerned about it, and you should be too. you're the only one bringing up muslim cocks and cuckolding though, thats your issue
>guess you are one of the poorer class
Yeah, how fucking disgusting I must be to you, right? If that's how you feel then this country really is fucking dead.
>Brits pronounce forfeit as 'four feet'
Also deport all muslims.
>is the under-educated lower class
Here we are. On the brink of collapse forever because of foreign invasion and you cunts are still treating the working class like fucking sub-human dogs.
>white population of britain is about 80%
>he sees nothing wrong with this
Dead country desu
Should be at least 95%
k den
welcome to the UK, you guys spout all this stuff about how we should unite and tackle mussies but at the end of the day britain is still fucked by the class system
Kuenssberg is a wee rat. I'd love to see her get chased down the street by an angry goat.
>Concentrating on the Joos while Islam and only Islam is the true enemy that should be destroyed.
2% of my town is muslim
what do I have to worry about?
>be Britbomg
>biggest news source is literally named Big Black Cock
How do you cope
fuck off, cunt.
My god she's beautiful
Gotta go police state before you round them all up my dude. Keep the pogrom organized.
The fact that 2% of your town is muslim.
Check the 2001 census for your town. Look at the demographic shift.
Also, look at the damage a mere 2% muslims population can do to areas of a city; through crime, gangs, etc.
Not to mention the fact that sizeable minority populations segregate themselves, and lead to a dilution of the indigenous culture and traditions.
Next year it's 3%. Then 4%. Then one of them will slice your belly open with the lid of a tin of herrings and pull your guts out while his mates rape your daughter. You have no idea how toxic and violent these shitskins are.
How in the fuck do we fight these god damned greedy assholes?! I get angrier and angrier everyday and fucking normies just don't seem to give a shit. Our world is fucking doomed
>20,000 extra police in such a small country ?
Authoritarian much ?
How about just getting rid of the Muslims ?