Why are North American shopping malls dying?
Every town has one like this now...
Why are North American shopping malls dying?
Every town has one like this now...
You need people maintenancing fountains, mopping floors, paying for lighting and air conditioner for the halls, security guards, etc.
Plazas are the new mall. While nothing new, they're considered the new cool thing, hang out in a big plaza and walk around the stores getting fresh air. All they gotta do is hire some landscaping people to trim the trees, way cheaper. It practically runs itself.
the internet, of course
Amazon and chain stores
Retail is dying. Good thing those jobs will be replaced, right`?
Online shopping.
Most malls will be torn down or revamped to outdoor plazas, fitness gym, or a trendy movie theater. Something to get people to that area, the best options are usually a gym or a popular franchise.
Some malls I say will be redesigned for storage or warehouses for big online retail companies.
once the white people figured out online shopping in the mid-2000's niggers swarmed the malls, making them too dangerous for white teenagers to hang out and spend their money in. along with social media replacing real life chill sessions, theres just no more niche for malls to fill.
NIGGERS, i wont go because of them
Because the middle class is GONE. I mean, the middle class probably died sometime in the late 70s/early 80s, but the illusion of it was kept alive for many years through easy credit, which reached its final crescendo in the housing bubble of 06-08.
Now the money's all gone, they're all apartment losers now and they can't qualify for the loans they once were able to. A lot of them are still unemployed and on welfare, I mean, disability, I mean, welfare. In any case, they're living a hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck existence and the shopping mall is something that's now quite out of reach.
And it's about to get a whole lot worse, Trump's marketing aside. Welcome to the 3rd world shithole that Murica has become.
Niche retail is dead thanks to the Internet.
Why go to the mall for a new pair of shoes when you can order them online for cheaper, with virtually free two-day shipping, and swap them for another size for free if they don't fit?
I would say that niggers are the symptom, not the cause of the decline. It's like when you have AIDS and you start getting these opportunistic infections. Niggers are the opportunistic infection.
It is a flawed concept from the start. You have retailers renting out space that they have to pay to remodel/make into the style of their stores. That price then goes into the cost of the clothes on top of the cost of making them and hiring staff. Companies are better off owning or building their own space. That is why you have the same stores in malls where other stores are rarely in malls. Tj maxx and Marshall's are rarely in malls and do brisk business where as penny's and sear's are failing while paying high overhead.
For me personally, I cannot find human sizes clothes in my size in most malls. Everything is so huge these days and smaller sizes are found online. Who wants to go walk a huge mall, deal with crowds and parking when you can lay in bed and order anything from anywhere in the world?
Can't argue with those trips or my bank account statement.
These buildings all age poorly and the property owners/ management companies do not want to pay for needed repairs and renovations. On top of increased lease costs, they expect the stores to pay for interior and exterior renovations. Most businesses can't afford the increase costs on decreasing profit, so they leave. They know new businesses can't pay upfront, so they try to make them sign a 10 year lease in exchange for the property company paying 1/2 the renovation costs; the new businesses fail within a year and the property owners sue for remainder of lease and the othe 1/2 of renovation costs.
It's the rich eating the poor to their own demise.
Online shopping, and the only ones that are open are overrun by niggers.
Malls were never about value. It was all about status. It was all about going home with those shopping bags that told your friends and neighbors "Hey, I went to the fucking mall to buy this, and I make so much money I can afford to overpay at the mall for it". It was literally about signalling that you're so rich you can afford to waste the money.
Those days are gone now. Only the 1% can afford to waste money like that in this era, and there just aren't enough of them to support a shopping mall. And the 1% don't need to signal that they're rich either. Not really. Or they do it in other ways than displaying the mall shopping bags they have. So their personal assistant does the shopping for them online, along with all the other plebs.
>Why are North American shopping malls dying?
first came wal mart, then came amazon
walmart revenue increased from about 300b annually
in 2005 to about 485b in 2016
amazon revenue increased from about 8b in 2005
to about 140b in 2016
these two companies alone have sucked up so much
revenue from the retail market it is really just staggering
overpriced goods and full of niggers
The one by me did one thing that sort of gets people to go into it. They moved the local DMV license plate office. There's small things you can do to try to help revitalize malls but they really did build too many and there's other economic factors as to why a lot are dying. I love watching this guy on youtube named Dan Bell where he walks around dead malls, sometimes one's completely abandoned so it's creepy as shit. youtube.com
Check them out.
fascinating, now I've got something new to watch
I never saw it that way, but I guess that makes sense. I just never go because you'll never find exactly what you want, and some store clerk is always pressuring you to buy some shit that's almost what you want, but not satisfactory. Then you end up with a lot of junk shit that has to be thrown out.
I wonder if mall food courts take EBT yet or not. That would be very very amusing to me if they did.
Garbage self-defeating urban planning.
It's somewhat human nature to seek seemingly nicer, but economically less viable things as the society accrues wealth.
As economics are the engine for wealth, eventually wealth does not grow any longer and the economically nonviable things still exist and hold the society back until they're abandoned or replaced.
Cultivating wealth is not rocket science. You just need to want to do it, and skip nice things that you can't afford.
because cheap concrete monoliths are depressing and people wanna shop somewhere else or online if there is no somewhere else.
big shopping malls are really a 1990s phenomenon. since then, big box retailers and then online shopping has virtually destroyed malls ability to compete
in MA, we used to still walk the malls in the late 80's and very early 90's.
miles and miles of unintentional exercise.
I wanna hate amazon, but they really know how to keep customers returning and happy.
They could renovate them and use them as refugee centres.
USA needs more refugees after all
Also along with economics - it's a generational shift too. Malls were a Boomer phenomenon. None of the younger generations after them really like them that much. And the Boomers are all in homes with Alzheimer's drooling at daytime TV these days. Not in any condition to do any sort of mall shopping, even if they still wanted to.
won't someone think of the seniors?
>Implying they aren't already filled with urban youths and illegal immigrants
no prob, we'll deliver
started watching, and the first thing I noticed is how many spics are all over the store
It's only fair, they create them, they take care of them.
Amazon . Com
People are broke. You leave college with 6 figures of debt you're not gonna buy shit for a long time. Consumerism isn't stylish anymore. People buy used, refurbished, functional, economical. This is why second hand shops and walmart do fine. High end retail is fine. The market for $40k watches hasn't collapsed, but the economy is very hollowed out now and there's little space in the middle. Even slightly above bargain basement is failing. The great monument of a suburban middle class is fading away.
I have found that the mall is now the domain of niggers because they're constantly behind the curve. The same is true of movie theatres.
>The great monument of a suburban middle class is fading away.
online shopping is only part of the problem. spics and niggers are a huge drag on the malls because whites hate being around them.
Give this stuff a watch, it's incredibly interesting.
>age poorly
Nigger, you're retarded. That's part of their appeal for most people.
Here in Mexico we're replacing them with outdoor plazas.
Why go through all the bullshit of going shopping at the mall when i can sit in my bedroom comfy af and order all my product needs online. It will be at my doorstep by the end of the week
My local mall did not die out only for the fact that fucking Mexicans, more specifically El Salvadorian trash with the slut with 5 children started going to the mall with macy's and other trashy stores. Northern Virginia btw. It used to be thriving.
it's almost like we've begun to realize that having a lot of stuff isn't wealth, especially when that stuff is cheap garbage bought on credit
when you really think about it, it's almost like malls were just a leader loss to get people in hock to visa
Because the average citizen doesn't have money to spend anymore.
Asylum seekers and immigrants get more money in gibs than the average Canadian working 40 hours/week.
the only mall I know of in my state that isn't in a state of gross decay has:
>art cinema
>crate & barrel
>some hilariously expensive and kind of ambiguous home decor store with complete model rooms and antique shit
>pottery barn
>vineyard vines
etc, so basically all richfag status stores. very few of the regular mall stores
>You leave college with 6 figures of debt
They're usually in debt because they bought bullshit all the fucking time
To get fresh air? To be around other people enjoying a brisk walk through an old-fashioned building while window shopping?
I mean, if you're super super busy and have no time for that, then ok. But otherwise, what else are you going to do? Shitpost on the internet? Get a life.
One word: Amazon
>waiting for something you bought
Back in their heyday, people were more optimistic about the future. Whether that optimism was actually warranted or not, I'll leave for others to argue about.
And there was a certain mentality that went along with it - let's go ahead and borrow and consume, because tomorrow will be even better and we'll be able to afford it.
Which to some degree lasted for many years until it all came to a screeching halt in 08.
why go to the mall and interact with shitty people when Amazon Prime exists?
Creative destruction via internet growth
slide thread
not me, I have a brick & mortar amazon store with free overnight and same day shipping via prime
your move nerd
Cuz they're infested shitholes now which deters white people from going there and buying shit. Just another place for lowlives to hang out
Primarily Internet shopping and the housing bubble crash
amazon > a shitty mall filled with niggers that has bad parking
Is this the mall at warden and finch? Is it dead now???
Online retail as well as out of town shopping.
If you wait until it is on sale + have an online promo code + have free 2 day delivery and no hassle return policies it does seem tempting...
But I miss walking the mall corridors and leering at people.
>urban youths
what did he mean by this?
The Internet and Crime. Both of those for the same reason: too dangerous to leave the house.
Probably too dangerous to stay home, also, but that's why you own guns.
Having lived through that time, George W. Bush put a bullet in the middle class' head. What's really sad is young fags will never know what being middle class in the 90s in a pre-9/11 kiked world was like.
All the malls that died in my town died of nigger infestation.
I think he's here by mistake.
I'm 30 I remember when we all still had that optimism.
Malls are full of nig nugs and spics nowadays. White people have the internet.
you won't find maggots in live flesh, user
malls are shitholes and a waste of time. Id rather wait for something i want then overpaying for it. My time is precious and i want to spend it with my gf or freinds and famalam. I can get plenty of fresh air exercising and going out to eat.
Malls have nig nogs. They have shitty vendors. The food court is garbage. You have to walk a million fucking steps for a t shirt. Parking is shit and traffic is just as bad.
And with all that time and money i saved online i can spend it with people and places i want. Then i still have some time left to shitpost here ; )
all the mall around me that are thriving don't have train or bus stops
white people are moving from these areas and building new homes and mall to go to away from niggers.
if you live around these empty shit town that's because YOU ARE POOR and live with niggers
whether white people want to admit it or not they rather not be around spics and niggers all day
>a website that you spend 5 minutes clicking shit
Wow, that was fun and entertaining. Now I'm sitting in this chair in this shitty room alone wondering what I can do now. I know, I'll shitpost on the internet. Look at all these words! Man, I love being alone with nothing to do, but at least I'm not outside in those old-ass malls. :)))
You know exactly what I meant.
Whenever I'm having a bad day, I watch videos of Darien Long harassing mall monkeys.
>look at who invented mall
Whatever. It's not like that everywhere. The mall by me is nearly nigger and spic free and I never have to worry about parking unless it's Christmas time.
Enjoy your life of exercising and eating.
If there is a future for the mall, this is it. But there's only so many malls that can do that because there's only so many of the 1% that can afford to shop there.
So the first ones to do it win and all the other malls will eventually die. Probably in a blaze of loud niggers and rap music, looks like.
Because muh internet and muh premium local manufacturing on a small scale, nothing in-between soon.
Ever hear of Pareto Principle? We have NEVER had a middle class. There have always been 2 tiers to society. The rich, productive class, and the poor unproductive class. this was proven when communism took hold of much of Eastern Europe and Asia when the regimes redistributed land from the wealthy, productive farmers to the unproductive poor farmers. The result was not a redistribution of wealth but a collapse as the poor and unproductive farmers failed to produce the excess crops that the wealthy had been producing to provide for everyone.
We are far down the road to serfdom. You can either become one of the elites(bankers, landowners, shareholders, political class), or their vassals(professional doctors, lawyers, engineers) or be a serf(a wagecuck/debtslave on gibs)
it's simple user, the internet. Stores are going the way of blockbuster which went the way of the dinosaur
interesting tidbit
i may be wrong but i remember watching the mallrats, made in 1995, and i was amused that no of the cast had cell phones
Imho it isn't a bad thing either, maybe with less places for women to go and socially whore it up maybe they'll want to have families
>the mall
>fresh air
>window shopping
>other people aka niggers and teenagers
>a life
This is so sad, it's pathetic. Getting a life means going to the mall and consuming? There are a thousand other things to do that are better for you mentally and spiritually than going to a mall. 10 minutes online, order whatever you need, then spend the rest of the day hiking, reading, fishing, or even just going for a brisk walk outside where pavement ape teenagers aren't whooping and hollering and looking for trouble. If you are anything other than a 12 year old girl that mindset is horrid.
1995 I was 7 and there was no cell phones
this is too true
every popular kid used to hang out at malls on weekends just back in 2011, now all the malls near me are overrun by annoying fat minorities and they're going out of business.
The dude I was responding to literally said that he would rather go out and eat instead of walking around a mall. And not all malls are infested with niggers and spics.
Also stop hiding behind a proxy, you dumb weeb.
>Popular kids
>Mattering ever
The sheep says "I don't mind being watched. I'm not doing anything wrong."
Like an education? I guess you've never been, but a whole generation is having their future stolen by student loans.
the internet
I get suicidal thoughts when I go to malls now.
>nigglets literally running around and knockin into you
>muslims reciting the hadith right by the water fountain
>mexicans pour into the food court and eat tons of tacos and leave their garbage everywhere
>almost all the white women are wearing hijabs and coal burning
>no white men
I honestly just order my stuff from amazon right now. I know we get shitty prices here in Canada but you couldn't pay me to hit up a mall again.
>ppl still don't realize online stores killed street stores and think economy is dead
Most malls are infested with niggers and spics and muslims now. My mall here in CO has muslims, niggers and spics.
Well there were, but they were in the movie Clueless (rich kids)
have fun at the mall nigger
>I can't think of anything else to do with my free time except go to a mall
Sizes are always a problem at malls. For fucks sake, if you notice you run out of S, M, L sizes and by the end of every day are left with 20 XS, XL, XXL, and XXXL sizes then order more of the normal sizes.