Do I look white?

Do I look white?
I am national socialist and I want to build and fight for The Holy White Race.
The problem is... I am Polish. BUT I try very hard to be respected white man, not just white race' borderlander.

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Yes poles are white

You live right next to germany how would poles not be white, russians are white too but completely degenerated are white civilization exterminated.

no fuck off nigger

Are there actually polacks out there who believe the whole >slavs are not white thing?

I have observed Americans do respect Poles, but Europeans despise us as we were border of Europe.

No, Poles think they are white. Western Europe think we are filths and scums.
I want to be white... ! Please.

you look balding

So? No chance?
Ehh, Rommel was balding too...

Just dont be degenerate national socialists are ibtelligent peaceful strong good and nice.

look good so far
Hit the gym. get buff and be a good representative

you should get on minoxidil pal.

you look cute. I'm sure you'll make an Aryan qt very happy someday.

Every native european is white

The Polish are white. Hating on the Polish is just a joke, I don't think anyone is serious.

yes you are
look at this aryan god

Your flag looks Islamic

Noone thinks that. Well maybe the Brits but they are fucking idiots who'd rather suck some currynigger cock than have a Polish store in their mainstreet.
In Germany we don't give a shit. Come and live here if you want that (at least we're rich, right?).

I live in Munich and we have a large Polish community and I'm always glad I see them at Fronleichnam ( Corpus Christi) when we walk through the city. pic somewhat related

Is this bait?

Cześć Tomek!

Poles arent fucking white could you eastern european fucking mongrels stop roleplaying

.t. Slavshit

No, you clearly have a lot of black on your face.

Fuck you, nigger. I'm not asking a shit like subject of yOU.

Because americans make their opinions based on memes

You're a fucking Leaf, no one cares about your opinion.

You look Iraqi

don't worry, friend. if we take nords as the gold standard for whiteness then poles come ahead of even germans on the whiteness scale according to autosomal dna charts.

You are Slav. Slav is better than white.

Why would anyone want to self-identify as white in today's day and age?
Let the Jews, Hispanics, Middle Easterners, and whomever else wants hijack the term until they are the only ones calling themselves white.

Start identifying as Nordic, Germanic, Anglo, Slav, or whatever your primary ancestry is.
It does not mean that we cannot all still be brothers in arms.

You're a slavshit or Pole (I know britain is infested)

OP white people voted brexit to kick you fucks out. Go join russia slav

>Russians are white
Russians are yellow-white. Their happa civilization explains why they are all crazy and shitty

Dude, once upon a time I'm sure Hitler had all the leeway in the world to bitch about who's really white or not.

At this point I'll fight for any and all whiteness that there is.


>I am a _socialist
kys, Poland will be better off.

As far as I know I am English with some German blood, Leaf.

you look pretty Nordic to me...

"I believe this idea but I don't know if I get the approval of others to believe this idea."
This is why identity politics are pathetic.

Just shut your mouth at least, you Chink.
Your cunt eyes don't make you a Canadian because of the eskimos eating seals' shit once upon time.

>polish nazi
Thats fine to me. Other than the cancerous polish nationalism

-White Supermatist in here. Ask your questions Unters

Okay. Now my 'en face' photo.
Am I still white?

one more, a little profile

let's see:

>claims to be a natsoc
>fantasizes about a race war
>comes to Sup Forums for validation
>is too much of a gutless bitch to show his face so he hides behind something black

i think you'll do just fine when it comes to impressing the corpulent, stupid, hilariously undersized and cowardly race hustling retards on the internet who will show up to give you some attention.

profile go

Yes poles are white now stop sperging and listening to crab british.


>Poles arent fucking white could you eastern european fucking mongrels stop roleplaying
Leafs aren't white either. Mongrelized bastards the lot of you.

you look faggot, into le oven with you!

Ale brzydki ryj

Just please, no "jewish nose".

Polish nazis are retarded. Though there's some that would probably sign volksliste bc muh german blood or something, so I guess they're excused.

Otherwise, wow is our nationalism cancerous?

No we Poles are not white.

Don't you have any other hobbies?

[spoiler]Wypierdalaj polaczku[/spoiler]


Stereotyped polish nose

>nazi poles


They are pure fucktards.
