Here's a common argument atheists make if we call for their expulsion if not outright elimination of atheists in society:
"If this is what your God wants, then He must be a psychopath"
To which we answer:
If there's no God, then all things are determined by the laws of science, which is what governs the laws of nature. If the way nature behaves and human history are reliable, murdering people for no reason is a perfectly legitimate course of action against those who are considered threats. So in a Godless universe, why is psychopathy bad, if it is a naturally occurring behavior in animals? Animals commit genocide. Animals commit rapes and murders, but if human beings are just another animal, where do you base your objective value judgment on God's or anyone's psychopathy, if values and even the notion of psychopathy are social constructs that are the byproduct of the human brain's evolution?
On the Christian, God-fearing side, St. Thomas Aquinas justifies the removal of atheists, heretics, and sodomites because not only do they threaten the material well-being of society, for example, by accumulating wealth that doesn't circulate outside their sodomy trains, but also the spiritual health of the people.
IHMO atheists should be killed
why are xtians so divorced from nature?
Atheists shouldn't be expelled.
Nigs should.
>Here's a common argument atheists make if we call for their expulsion if not outright elimination of atheists in society:
"If this is what your God wants, then He must be a psychopath"
To which we answer:
you're talking to imaginary people again, Pekka
That skank should put on some clothes.
Modern Atheism is just one of heads of the multi-headed Jewish beast. To kill Atheism, you must kill the beast from the heart.
Morality is exists outside of religion you idiot. How do you think people under non-european religions don't go killing each other.
Blah blah blah blah. You pussed don't have the nerve
>Christfags would rather kill atheists than religious shitskins
Tell me again how christians can be WNs
Move along - this is Sup Forums tier stuff
>Atheists should be killed
>this much of an Islamic shill
>Hiding behind the Christian Veil
Fuck off roach
>outside of religion
>under non-european religions
Finnish Lutheran=Atheist/Agnostic
Finnish believer... Fuck, you're one of those small non-lutheran cultists. Which one? I bet Laestadian.
Honor killings are very big in india and the middle east.
>St. Thomas Aquinas
Could you be Catholic?
I completely agree.
I'm an atheist and I agree.
You actually avoided the question that you yourself set up. Also this thread seems more like you wanted to test out your novel on us. I'm not impressed. People who aren't psychopaths have a conscious regardless of faith and everyone knows it.
Your post is a perfect example of the horrifying, totalitarian morality caused by lack of religion. Let a Slovenian atheist explain:
The truth is, to be free and spiritually healthy atheists must be purged. Atheism is so lacking its stifling influence leads to ideology which is nothing but a poor imitation of religion.
To kill an atheist is an act of mercy. It is simply their lack of courage that keeps them alive. Thomas Ligotti:
Someone once said that nature abhors a vacuum. This is precisely why nature should be abhorred. Instead, the nonhuman environment is simultaneously extolled and ravaged by a company of poor players who can no longer act naturally. It is one thing for the flora and fauna to feed and fight and breed in an unthinking continuance of their existence. It is quite another for us to do so in defiance of our own minds, which over and again pose the same question: “What are we still doing in this horrible place?”
There is a theory that the creation of the human species is nature’s roundabout way of cutting into its veins and bleeding out.
A strange idea, no protesting that, but not the strangest we have ever heard or lived by. We could at least assume the theory and see where it leads. If it is false, then where is the harm? But until it is proven so, we must let ourselves be drawn along by nature, as we always have, if only by twiddling our thumbs and letting its suicidal course continue without interference.
From a human vantage, would this not be a just self-punishment by nature for fashioning a world in which pain is essential, a world that could not exist without pain, a world where pain is the guiding principle of all organisms, which are relentlessly pushed by pain throughout their lives to do that which will improve their chances of surviving long enough to create more of themselves?
Left unchecked, this process will last as long as a single cell is left quivering in this cesspool of the solar system, this toilet of the galaxy. So why not lend a hand in nature’s eradication, in case it has second thoughts? For want of a deity, let the earth take the blame for our troubles. What else is it good for? Let it save itself if it can—the condemned are known for the acrobatics they will perform to wriggle out of their sentences—but if it cannot destroy what it has made, then may it perish along with every other living thing it has brought forth in pain. While pain is not a problem for a species, even a hyper-sophisticated hive of creatures such as human beings, it is not a phenomenon whose praises are often sung.
I guess it depends on how you look at it. From an objective standpoint, there is no guiding of the universe that physically inhibits your ability to behave like a psychopath, which is why you find psychopaths within any denomination. The reason why any mentally stable atheist sees psychopathy as something bad is because it endangers life. If you're willing to murder for personal gain, anyone is fair game, which poses a threat to society, because there's nothing more valuable to an atheist than his or her time in this world.
Adding to that, what makes murder itself wrong in my eyes is essentially empathy; if I value my life, then so do the people around me, thus creating a mutual understanding. Really, whether God exists or not is irrelevant, because believers and non-believers alike commit crimes against their fellow man every day; whether those crimes are truly wrong or not is entirely up to you.
*guiding force
Duck me runnin, I still love me some goth girls.
>If there's no God, then all things are determined by the laws of science, which is what governs the laws of nature
This is wrong.
Im an atheist and im far more moral than most christians throughout history.
Death to non-believers?
Where have I heard this before?
Because your psychopathy infringes upon some other guys psychopathy and visa versa, i don't see the a difference between either one of you in any point in history it's always been about this and nothing else. So yeah go and kill some psychopaths for me will ya? you glorious psychopath you.
Something something mythological foundation of rationality something
IMHO OP should stop sucking so much cock
What's it like being a teenage armchair philosopher?
>That skank should put on some clothes.
kill those who do not believe what I believe? how aloha snackbar of you
What are you doing in Finland, Ahmed?
there are many goats
>burger education
Moose is not goat
Of course you think atheists should be killed, you're a part of a sick twisted death cult. You are the bad guys. Abrahamism is cancer.
People who call for extermination of others should be killed.
This would make me ashamed, simply because i share a country with such a retard as you, but luckily its bait, to which i applaud, just wish you would use a vpn or something.
This is a copypasta from plebbit you retards
Stop thinking for yourself. Self actualization is bad. Fallow my skydaddy. I am literally ISIS.
Because they are slaves to the jew.
The son of god would not be happy with what has been done in his name.
So is (((Christianity)))
hah, called it!
just in time aswell.
>the laws of science
that's not a thing
>which is what governs the laws of nature
>scientific laws control nature
You are batshit. You are cancer. You are the enemy. You are not worthy of Western civilization. You are deeply, deeply stupid.
Slide thread
reminder that christcucks larpers belong on /x/
Nice LARP, faggotbreath
seems relevant.
How do you kill something with no life in it?
You need some help bro, I pray for you.
Religious people
>You have no moral barometer if you're an atheist. So you must be a bad person even if you only do good deeds. sheeeeit
>You need the fear of god sending you to hell for all eternity to do good things? Have fun with make believe 72 virigns, virgins
Not an atheist but I agree with them
>where do you base your objective value judgment
That's where you're wrong. Morality is subjective. Your argument is invalid.
Yes goy. Reject Jesus, serve your jewish masters plan.
Christianity is the sword and shield against kikery.
>all leafs
Try me, fag.
back when sarah silverman was funny
Is neoplatonism and deism too secular seeming?
Is my head gonna roll?
Fuck off and die, Abrahamist. Stop subjecting the rest of us to your stupid infighting.
All your argument can be boiled down to "i need muh (((sky daddy))) to tell me how to live my life"
Humans are NOT animals, we have evolved, and we still are evolving. And because we are so intelectually superior to animals we can create functioning societies with morals (which are a byproduct of social evolution anyway).
>why is psychopathy bad, if it is a naturally occurring behavior in animals?
tell that to the dunecoon fixing to beat down your brown gate
The important thing is not what's "good" or "bad" it's what is real and what is not. You can't ask everybody to believe in things they know to be absurdities only because it could be better for the world.
Only dumb people need a god and a fear of divine punishement to behave correctly. If you're not stupid you will not become a monster because you don't believe God.
>if human beings are just another animal
You are a primate, primates are mammals, mammals are animals, there's no "if"
TL;DR: Christfags have no innate morality or integrity
This leaf is reaching levels of autism rarely seen in Western civilization
hobbes law of nature bla bla bla you're retarded
Hold on. This says slavs are aryan. What the hell?
Your god is absolutely a psychopath. He sacrifices the lives of the good, including his own son, to pay for the sins of evil so that the evil may live and the good may die horrific deaths at their hands. Sounds more like Satan to me. And look at what the sacrifice of Christ achieved after all these years...jack shit. His death wasn't even meaningful and was a complete waste due to your psychopath god.
agree, Atheist are worse than Muslims.
They infect the soft bodied / feeble "intellectuals" and turn them into cucks.
>northern Euro
>defending Asian Jew fairy tales
>So in a Godless universe, why is psychopathy bad, if it is a naturally occurring behavior in animals?
No you sick mind control victim it's not. Animals do what they do for good reasons. Your Jewish volcano demon is just a bad person
Also, cause and effect, that's morality even in the bible. Difference is instead of explaining the effects, they say "Elohim will attack your farm!"
> Animals commit genocide. Animals commit rapes and murder
And so do Christians. Have refused History because you're in a cult? It's in the BIble. Elohim sanctions it during Moses invasion of Canaanite lands.
Animals are at least ignorant. NOT WILLFULLY ignorant like you and your kind.
> And look at what the sacrifice of Christ achieved after all these years...jack shit.
If you don't accept Him then of course His death was meaningless, at least for you
I agree with OP. Atheism has done enough damage and its elimination is now justified. The religious freedom expiriment has failed. time to stop it.
>literally saying that the Old Testament, the book of the Jude is the same as the New Testament, the book of the Christian
I'm on Christ's side, which is why I don't think he should have given his life for the rest of you. You really don't deserve it. Even if I love and accept Christ, it doesn't mean the rest of the world stops sinning and taking advantage of good people. Good people should never sacrifice for evil. They should love goodness and learn to protect it instead of giving it all up for people like you who don't deserve it.
I thought Christianity was slave morality. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND, YOU STUPID KEKS
Also, I guess you're one of those people who thinks accepting Christ is just going to Church once a year, dumping all your guilt and shame onto him, and then going out for another round of sinning. Disgusting. You claim to love Christ but you just use him as a dumpster for all your internal garbage.
So we shouldn't have death penalties?
Why are christfags such spineless cuck faggots
You're an embarrassment to your ancestors, you must be more mongol than finn
Show me evidence that the bible isn't a book of fiction.
The preservation of life and the hope of redemption is not spineless. Mercy takes hard work. Becoming a monster to fight a monster doesn't seem to turn out well. We can punish crime without utilizing death.
>making same shitty arguments made for the last 3 decades int eh public sphere
>expecting anyone to take you seriously
>Thinks rejecting Jesus is part of their masterplan
The Jews prefer religious people as they're more gullible and easier to manipulate
You're basically worshipping a delusional sandnigger Jew
Atheists are fucking disgusting smallminded plebs who think they are so special and smart for figuring out that religion is bullshit. Lets go shout at people 'your belief is gay, god is fake, you is maximo stupido'
these fuckers have no concept behind the distinction of spiritual philosophy and religion.
they should be burned
Faith by definition is a belief in the supernatural. It is a metaphysical study and one that exists outside of empiricism.
You're welcome to believe what you wish. But it seems that this level of aggression towards Christianity says more about you than it does about us.
You pussy ass faggot hippie Jesus loving christfags are exactly why the west is in decline
Have some fucking balls like you used to, stop letting yourselves be trampled by feelings, women and minorities
That's some anger and a lot of ad hominem. Maybe you could give an example next time instead of just mashing your feelings into your keyboard.
Now now, if anything I'm an agnostic. I believe all kinds of crazy shit but I can't prove that any of it is true. What's the point in picking a side if it's just gonna cause more needless drama?
But I'm not causing drama. What does my relationship with God have to do with you? Why do you care? I have no intention to mold you to my belief system.
If you choose to walk with God, that's your choice.
Religion isn't difficult, people are difficult and some people use religion and bastardize it for their own selfish intentions.
>If the way nature behaves and human history are reliable, murdering people for no reason is a perfectly legitimate course of action against those who are considered threats
Yes, and?
Death penalty was the example
Most people in the west are christfags, yet most of them are total cucks too
It's not atheists fucking fault humanity is too stupid to function without religion and traditional morals
I care because my home is being fucked over by immigrants that some bleeding heart whatever person decided would be a good idea to keep doing. People band together and want them gone, with good reason, and you stop that from happening. Why? Because some book told you that all people are good?
There's a growing threat going on in the world, in case you haven't noticed. That's not supernatural. It's day to day life. You're helping to create hell on Earth. How about you stay in Israel for a while, huh? You HOLY VACATION doesn't mean shit. The holy land is a god damn warzone and you're too much of a pansy to not go see it for what it is.
You seem to be conflating quite a few concepts. Let's untangle them.
1. You are confusing religion with your countries foreign and domestic policies.
2. My belief in God does not have anything to do with radical Islam. Or terrorism.
3. My faith extends beyond a single book. As does my relationship with God.
4. I can love my fellow man without wanting to let them into my home unchecked.
5. The holy land is a war zone, that has nothing to do with me or my relationship with God and more to do with incompatible ideologies and a historic hatred and territory fight between foreign nations.
6. You don't know me but attack me as if you do. You are lashing out at me for problems not in my control. I don't agree with letting in refugees without any checks or balances and without a time table to send them home.
7. You seem confused by the entire problem and have chosen to lash out at the incorrect target. You should be upset with your leaders.