Honest opinion on Richard Spencer?
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Nobody cares about Richard Spencer but antifa and Richard Spencer.
"Who ya calling pin head?"
Pretty much this. He's only relevant because he's easy to attack and a good tool for the left to put a face to the "alt-right"
The media's pet racist. May he be punched, hard and often.
i want milkies!
Kind of boring. Not gonna start any new movements.
Plus he pisses people off.
Honestly he's probably the worst thing for nationalism.
He's the kid in school nobody wanted to hang out with, but he tagged along anyway because he couldn't take a hint.
Exactly. He's not a leader.
He has manboobs
>Richard "A le EU superstate could totally work with only whites" Spencer
A jewish puppet that pushes pan nationalism, aka crypto globalism.
the face of white purity
I have a team of leading researches forming honest opinions on Richard Spencer.
We have contacted the leading specialists around the world to undergo this project.
Teams of highly educated PHD students are running hours of oppressive research to lead to precise conclusion regarding Richard Spencer's political and social impact. From there, we will form a hypothesis and run highly controlled academically verified tests to prove or disprove our hypothesis regarding our honest opinion on Richard Spencer.
If all these tests work smoothly we will send our paper to be reviewed by a panel of highly dignified specialists who will offer us critiques on our study.
I assure you we will have our honest opinion of Richard Spencer by the end of 2019. We are working very hard and hope that someone out there appreciates our work and conclusions regarding this man.
i think hes probably a weirdo
What's wrong with his head? Really disturbing.
What a fucking low test conehead
too many redpills
He´s not the brightest, but brave and most of all, he has a big heart and mission - as his own cousin was raped and drugged by muslims.
He´s a good man, not sitting on his fat ass
and frankly I dont give a shit about his looks like those other faggots here
holy shit
Fake and gay
Get with the program slowpoke
good dresser. long penis.
Oh shit, it's Richard Cantwell
He's doing a good job.
Has a more pragmatic worldview which is why Sup Forums autists don't like him
I just went and retweeted the last twenty things he said because of your gay meme. I have an outeach of 20,000 people.
Every time you post this gay photoshop shit, I will do it again.
He's like a walking donation drive for the splcc and adl. If they didn't create him they should be thanking him for keeping the scared old yentas' checkbooks open.
And he's a fag.
This belongs on /bant/, not Sup Forums
this is politics you retard
>495 hours in MSpaint
well, he's a fucking socialist
the only thing he has going for him is that he's anti-immigration. literally that. he's entirely autistic about whiteness and is a massive commie and globalist sympathiser. massive fucking autist.
He is absolutely sickening
pissening coneheadening
this aside:
shopping somebody's head to look like a cone is not an argument
He's a dead end, a cul de sac that kikes use to trap the unwary.
>photoshopped image in OP deliberately made for bait, jokes, and memes.
He puts his name and face out there to stand up for white interests. He's already suffered significant attacks from the jews, on both himself and his family. Anyone who's willing to do this for white people is worthy of respect.
We don't have leaders, but maybe we shouldn't try to tear down everyone who steps up to be a representative of our worldview. The constant attacks and belittlement are just shills trying to convince everyone to stay silent, for fear of being mocked and shamed. We shouldn't give into it.
Spencer is smart, well-spoken, and a solid representative of white interests. I'd stand with him. I hope others on Sup Forums are at least willing to consider doing the same.
He's also the basment dwellers worst fear.
Actually going out there and putting your face, name and image behind a immensely unpopular idea.
But yeah... he's a bad leader :P they would be sooo much better.
And it's good that he's a socialist.
National socialism is what all white homogeneous countries need.
Controlled opposition. Also, you're a faggot if you identify as alt-right.
Fuck Richard Spencer.
funny as shit though
>no, it's not. it shows you have no arguments. the only way for you is trying to ridicule him, why do you süpend hours shopping these pics? strong waste of time.
These are all fucking photoshops
he's an autistic squirt with no mandate to leadership but his existence does at least prick people's ears up to the fact that some kind of avatar of the times will eventually be required. what we need in the medium-long term is some kind of modern analogue of a napoleon/hitler/alexander the great-type figure to rise from the ashes and win something approaching universal acclamation.
they look funny, sure, but it's strange how many people actually think that the shopped versions are real
I think you've got him confused with Tommy Robinson.
On topic, Richard Spencer is only usual for getting a conversation going. He claims to be the leader of the Alt right, hes a faggot who jumped on the band wagon.
If you want to listen to someone who should have that title check out voxday