Today marks Jordan's 71th independence day

What does Sup Forums think of my country?

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How radical are Jordanians on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being ISIS-tier

You guys are alright. Maybe ship the palestinians back to israel, shut the camps and keep bombing isis.

Daily remonder Jordan is our ally in the fight against ISIS and what happened to the jordanian pilot will never be forgotten.

Your king is pretty based

Jordan = Palestine
made of more than 70% palestinine trash.

shitty country like any other arab/muslim country.

hope we will stop supporting you (water intelligence)

I liked his scene in Star Trek


his little belly is so cute in this uniform

Post pics of Jordan

>jew being upset at country that bombs ISIS

Colour me negro and smack my ass purple.

Jordan is pretty tight I guess since they have an good old American name.

i love your women

Post rare Rania pics please Matmoud.

You're running out of friends, Schlomo. The American right is getting redpilled as fuck, quickly, on organized Jewry what poison your race is.

The world is getting darker, darker, and darker for your, and your chickens are coming home to roost.

Independence is a meme, you're an Israeli proxy state.

Seems like one of the only fairly liberal countries in the ME, along with Lebanon, Israel and Turkey. Would love to go there some day.

>Seems like one of the only fairly liberal countries in the ME, along with Lebanon, Israel and Turkey

King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau is pretty cool.

Jordan is a useless country.
They don't really do anything to ISIS
perhaps in your echochamber

like 8
the ones who post here are like 1-3

>tfw you'll never drink coffee late night in the middle of the desert in petra
>tfw you'll never walk /comfyly/ through amman and enjoy the purest ME architecture
>tfw no jordanian qt

Why live?

One of the least shitty Arab states.

Turkey is liberal for muslim standards. Western Turkey (where the Greeks live) certainly is

literally who?

why are there so many non-countries posting today?

Definitely the least shithole-tier of all the middle east. Please invade the israel so we get rid of them.

pathetic british outpost of colonialism.

>Please invade the israel
haha, they're even bigger losers than the french

Why a your ally should bomb another your ally?

Do you want to annex druze part of Syria?

Only 29 until 100rd :D

I don't care about it at all

Jordan is nothing but good goy cucks for America/Israel (ie, ZOG)


Only thing I know about it is Royal Jordanian from youtube. And he lives in the UK.
Aaaaaaaaanyway, maybe you can explain to me, why muslims cut girls clits? Is there something better than a girl screaming in pleasure? I don't think so. What kind of backwards thinking is needed to take away that from your life on purpose?


yes, it's a beautiful area

I guess I'm cool with the ones who post here but Islam needs to be removed from the Middle East.

It's causing world issues that may result in isolation of Middle East.


fights isis, jews appear to hate you..

for mudslimes you dont appear to be so bad.. maybe you're the moderate ones that will only do a lil rape and murder.

Good basketball nigger


only country in the middle east that doesn't cause problems.

Garbage sandnigger shithole, full of degeneracy or terrorism, there is no middle or secular, either an isis tier terrorist or an atheist cuck degenerate faggot

also corrupt as fuck government

the most corrupt one

no jobs, people are poor

overall i rate it 3/10 max

He looks better in this uniform.

How do you say WTF in Hebrew?

I like your shoes

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