Why are you so dumb Sup Forums?
>muh race realism
>muh ethnic nationalism
>muh socialism is okay if we're all white
>muh white genocide
Reminder that the only genocide civic nationalists endorse is everyone with an IQ under 130
>arbitrary boxes on a bell curve
well, we had a good run guys, time to stop 14/88ing every day
but we wuz da masta race an shiet!!!!
I guess that means me and I'm an engineer who voted for national socialism. Go fuck yourself OP
Almost everyone has something they are practically genuis tier at doing, except for you because you obviously don't understand how statistics work.
If you took a sample of IQ from harvard, you would still have 100 as a baseline you retarded faggot. A bell curve always starts with a mean and IQ data is NORMALIZED TO 100 you fucking moron.
Seem like intelligent and happy people heh
No person with 140+ IQ would think diluting their precious gift of high intellect with retard tier IQ populations would be a good idea. Try again though.
what about us?
fascism correlates with greater penis girth and a slight correlation to long length. i can't really help it i inherited my big cock and elite ideology.
This is so fucking dumb it's unreal.
Civic nationalists by definition don't acknowledge race realism. So either you're a complete fucking idiot or this is a pointless semantic argument.
>Ridding mankind of ideology
>Mao Zedong
>Founder of Maoism
>thinking most or even half of politicians aren't completely inept
>Christianity sucks, fuck religion
>R-respect m-mudslimes p-please for they have b-been very opressed
That 140 IQ is showing
Shit, I got tested and my IQ was 135. Is that why I'm a racist?
>gf is a Palestinian Christian
>she looks no different than your average southen european, has brown hair, light to medium skin and hazel eyes
>Her dad is an engineer, mother is a doctor
>Her family is naturally redpilled, being MENA Christians
>Openly talk and joke about our hate for Jews and Muslims with her father and brothers
Will my children be based?
Sup Forums used to actually debate this
what a joke
CIVIC NATIONALISM: Nationalism for cultures built on immigration and colonialism.
EXAMPLE: Timmy is 21 year old mongrel, he is 1/15th Cherokee, 1/4th German, 1/25th Jewish, and 1/6th Black. One day Timmy watches a documentary about the Nazi's and thinks to himself "BOY! IT WOULD SURE BE COOL TO BE A NATIONALIST" but on further investigation he finds out he has no cultural identity because he lives in a melting pot of shit country. Frustrated at this dilemma, he rebrands Nationalism into Civic Nationalism where everyone can roleplay being a Waffen SS Stormtrooper in their pajamas.
If you kill everyone with below 130 IQ, you will kill basically all niggers in the whole world
Maoist here, problems?
your western lefties aren't commies, dumb ass
>Alex Jones has an IQ above 130
I hope this is shilling, sincerely.
You will also kill most females.
Since only about 2.5% of the population has an IQ of 130 or higher you'll be left with nothing but autists with no females to fuck.
No one will be left to do menial tasks either as most high IQ people get bored of shit fast.
Civic nationalism is fucking BASED! Right fellow MAGApedes?
This is my first time actually looking at the bell curve, I've never realized how much the black and white curve overlapped.