Uh huh. That's what I thought.
Sup Forums literally can't justify this.
Probably because ones are yelling allah akbar and others werent yelling hail jesus.
Burning crosses ring a bell?
Top ones aren't following any kind of religious belief while the bottom ones are?
>jesus orders christians to lynch niggers
>prophet mohammad orders muslims to fight unbelievers
Only of these statements is true. Guess which one.
How many times has the KKK suicide bombed an event or shot up a place indiscriminately in the name of Jesus?
The bible doesn't tell them to hate niggers
Comes from an old Scottish tradition of burning a cross to declare war. Not religious at all other than Christianity uses a cross as a holy symbol
Alright thanks guys.
I needed some way to respond to this image a nigger posted on facebook
I mean if u really think comparing these two Terror Organisation, based on their religious ties you are not a very smart person.
Also burning the cross is a relatively new phenomenon within the Klan. For a very long time they did nothing like that.
sharia law
English second language please elaborate
quran tells them to fight the unbeliever.
nowhere in BNT does Christ call for violence, calls for the opposite, in fact.
This has been covered ad nauseam.
The kkk was a democrat political organization. Their ideology is based on racial hatred. The only reason that Christianity can loosely be tied to them, is due to the fact that the kkk was compromised of American southern whites, and Christianity was the dominant religion of the time.
Radical Islam is based solely on a strict teaching of the Quran. The Quran has many violent verses instructing its followers to kill non believer.
Quran 2:191-193
Quran 2:216
Quran 4:74
Quran 4:95
Quran 8:39
Quran 9:5
Etc etc
They only started burning the cross after a book was released which was inspired by the Scottish act of burning a cross to declare war.
Most of the population is Christian, and so about 1000 Christian KKK members is a very small percentage of Christians. Only 1% of the population is Muslim, so 1000 people blowing them selves up yelling Allah Akbar is a much larger percentage of Muslims.
Also the Muslim holy book encourages Muslims to wage jihad, while the Bible does not encourage racism.
All ISIS members are also Muslim, while not all (most though) KKK members are Christian
It's a lower case 't' for 'time to leave'
the kkk was a democrat instetution.
the kkk has not killed anybody in atleast 30 years.
the kkk does not even exist anymore and is universaly reviled unlike islam.
also the bible doesnt tell them to lynch niggers.
Christianity is a Jewish death cult.
It belongs in the trash along with Islam and Judaism.
Fuck you OP
In fact, the only reason we can't do to ISIS what Morris Dees did to the KKK is because liberals won't let us drain the Islamic swamp like Dees drained the Jim Crow swamp.
Actually the KKK was a very good representation of christcucks up until about 40 years ago
kkk members don't hate niggers in the name of christianity. they just hate em because it's obvious. mudslimes do their dirty deeds in the name of their shit god.
>Comparing a cult of confederate Lynchers to a genocidal worldwide terrorist network.
OP is an idiot.
Idk, I must of forgotten the place in the bible when it told me to hang black people.
No, it wasn't. It's not even remotely Christian.
>the Bible doesn't instruct violence toward non-believers
>the Bible doesn't instruct violence towards any minority group
>the Bible doesn't instruct violence, but mercy
It's cool if you're a non-believer, but it makes you look like an idiot when you aren't truthful.
Clean your room.
Clearly mentally ill
what does someone do when they hear aloha snackbar in a Christian country? right, they duck for cover. what does someone do if they say Jesus Saves in a muslim country? right, they run for their life. come on, there is no islamophobia, you did this to yourselves. and being disgusted with something isn't the same as being afraid of it
Just because I don't wear a white robe and hood doesn't mean I enjoy the presence of darkies.
but the kkk is a racial group tho, not religious
I think both represent their bronze age beliefs quite accurately...
>We should not judge people in Burqas, we should not assign any negative connotations or thoughts of extremism to people in black robes
>We should condemn and attack all people in white robes. They are all declared evil, and should be disenfranchised and assaulted without mercy
What's the difference? Why are niggers so Klansphobic?!?
If those who oppose Islam are called Islamophobic,
and those who oppose Judaism are called Anitsemitic,
then shouldn't those who offend Christianity be called Antichrist?
The KKK is absolutely grounded in Christianity
Westborough baptist church would be a better example.
They're a terrible comparison, though, because they specifically avoid starting any physical confrontation. Their whole shtick is to be assaulted and sue.
There's a reason why one of those pictures is in black and white.
Because the KKK literally isn't a representative of Christianity, even though most members are reportedly Christian.
While Isis is 100% muslim, and follows Islam to the T.
People who oppose (not offend, you sneaky worm) are antichrist according to the Bible, you fucking mong. Notice how this slimy larvae changed "oppose" to "offend", while trying to draw equivalency.
pr*testants confirmed for cryptokikes
>inb4 m-muh on the jews and their lies
You gotta go back
No. It was a good representative of democrats up until present day however.
Wow bunch of shitposters today.
>one group says mean things and is barely relevant anymore
>other group says mean things then chops off your head in the name of their religion
Fuck off you liberal shit.
the KKK is more of a seperatist movement
and they are seen as representation of the majority of the south
ISIS is only about their religion which is Islam.
Also the KKK has not killed numbers even close to ISIS
so, btfo in other words?
Because ISIS is pro Sharia...
over 70% of Muslims from Africa and the Middle East are pro Sharia.
When these Muslims migrate, they don't assimilate and push their culture and religion on the host country.
There is no Christian equivalent movement
Hence this is a false equivalency.
OP is a liberal cuck. OP go move to Saudi Arabia if you love Islam so much
Because Jesus never raped children, committed genocide, took sex slaves, or invaded his neighbors. Jesus never commanded his followers to, "slay the infidel wherever you find them."
You have to pervert the message of Jesus to get a violent ideology.
You have to pervert Mohammads message to get a peaceful ideology.
Well the offend thing is already covered by the whole "turn the other cheek" and "love they enemy" ideas. So Christianity already comes pre-loaded with a certain internal resilience to touchiness and butthurt. The tough part comes when we have to admit that offense is often "taken" strategically, and those terms (islamophobia and anitsemitism) are used propagandistically and instrumentally to sideline what would otherwise be appropriate criticism. Christians don't really do that, (when they do they are labelled rednecks or thumpers). It just seems strange that there's no equivalent term other than antichrist
>Bumping your own thread
Mods please ban him
>No one thinks the KKK is representative if all Christians
But they do, they call Christians KKK racists all the time unless they are ultra liberal Christians who shit out Pope Francis quotes 24/7
"no one thinks" about the KKK at all, because they are completely irrelevant.
Honestly, 3rd time I've seen this thread. sage