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Fucking normie, stop reading the news
I'm so glad it's too late now and they'll have to hate every single thrust of Ahmed's cock in their ass for the next generations to come.
Too little too late sven, too little too late
Let's get this genocide started!
You had your chance France
Meh, the shift is hardly palpable. Not even the Stockholm truck attack made any signficant shifts in opinion.
revive the vikings and let em do the work
WTF I love spates now!
Sweden is doing it right. They understand that not all muslims are rape happy extremists. They realize that by opening their borders they are only enriching their very culture.
We need to do the same! Open our borders and let them in! They're not any rape happy then non Muslim rapists.
Reminder that the town of Kalamr had three gang rapes over the course of a weekend last year. That is Indian tier depravity.
Look at the beautiful culture leftists want to bring in
Stop blaming Muslims for doing Muslim things. We should be blaming the liberals who thought it was a good idea to ship in thousands of people into our country that are anti-western because liberals are also anti-western. If a bear shits in the woods, he shits in the woods, but if you put food outside your house and he tears your yard apart and shits in it, who is too blame?
You are. A bear will always be deficating in the woods, thrashing things about, just like how muslims will always be blowing up and killing other Muslims. Why haven't we addressed the liberal problem? We have traitors within our own population we have to deal with.
It's funny how gays, feminists and social activists bring in people who will be their own demise. It's interesting to observe.
If your enemy kills you, you win
It sure is
Sweden is the past. let's focus on what we can save from the white race like the Baltics and some parts of Russia
The same big city women who screamed fugees welcome the loudest.
I shall inform you that this image is misleading. Justin Treaudeu is NOT Israeli. He is in fact from a land down under
Too little too late. Fuck you Sweden.
didn't took 'em that long...
the beheader is dead tho
they shot him 2 years ago
I know that, he's canadian. You guys got Netanyahu
If a bull wrecks a china shop, who is to blame, the bull, or the purpose who let a bull into the china shop.
no, let us go to hell together in step with the kikes
It was the double-backing of the feminists I thought to be the most interesting. First they claim rape culture- but in sweden it is because they have too lax of a definition for rape. Same in Cologne, etc, etc. Feminists are true swine, and are the first to turn on women.