What would it take for you to stop supporting Trump?
What would it take for you to stop supporting Trump?
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Him to fund terrorists in Saudi Arabia
Only a faggot liberal would censor the word slut...
Attacking the Syrian regime.
Found some other candidate that will not do the same shit you criticize him.
Is there none?
Oh, mein gott.
How can you be this dumb to think that a couple of retard meme can change people ideas?
You know that pol user are usually smarter than you average supporter by 20 iq points and they grew up with propaganda and geopolitical studies?
You are a bunch of faggots.
If he starts doing a lot of the stuff Bush did like getting our ground-troops mired in pointless shitskin wars for Israel.
And if the wall doesn't at least get started by the time his first term is over.
And if he for some reason goes after Assange or Bannon gets the boot.
He will not get my vote again if there is not satisfactory progress on the wall by the end of his term.
The first reason that people here like him it's because you faggots are attacking him.
How can you be this dumb.
He would need to say that the wall was a mistake.
That the USA should welcome all Mexicans into the USA because we are all immigrants and we were mean to Mexico in the past so be good cucks.
He would need to also start supporting TPP and NAFTA so that his job wins immediately go up in smoke. Start preaching that "information economy" shit as all our jobs get shipped over seas, try to convince us it's a good thing.
Tell us terrorist attacks are just "part and parcel" of living in a big city etc...
Basically be Hillary Clinton.
You guys have to start realizing at some point no matter how bad Trump gets in any area, he's still 1000x better than Hillary on her best day.
>What would it take for you to stop supporting Trump?
For him to make a move against firearm ownership
Mass seppuku of all democrats
When he stops triggering leftists.
Already stopped.
A better alternative
No wall progress, no tax cuts, appoints a leftist SCOTUS justice.
Also depends on who he's running against in 2020.
10,000,000 dollars
This is the only reason I like him.
He likes guns.
>for some reason goes after Assange
You do know Trump has wanted to charge Assange for awhile now. It was always the rumor during the election that Ecuador would force Assange out if Trump was elected. Now Sweden has dropped the charges, you can see how Ecuador will soon say "you cant stay here anymore, you arent in danger of false claims now"
The democrats introduce a worthy candidate.
A third party introduces a worthy candidate.
Pretty simple really.
All of them.
giev me state approved 100 % aryan girlfriend, a good well paid job and make sure taxes are low. If you can do all of that, I will only vote CDU or in America Democrats, if I would be American that is, for the rest of my life.
Okay? Good, then off with you I await my swastika loving, green eyed, red haired qt in about a week or so. Godspeed, chaps.
Him siding for what you, OP, stand for.
Soc Just, anti-Russia, pro-immigration etc.
In that case, he can die and burn. And so can you. I hope you get killed by a nigger.
Going back on the wall would do it. It doesn't have to be a 50 foot high solid concrete wall but I at least want a reinforced fence that very hard to climb, preferably with barbed wire.
I was just reading that SCOTUS is currently talking about whether to hear Peruta v San Diego soon.
That'll be as big as the Heller decision.
Nothing he can do can be worse than Hillary
Like complaining about chemo making you bald - at least it's not cancer
if the wall doesnt get approved before 2018, im out
>what is a cult of personality
People seem to forget that being happy Hillary isn't president does mean you need to suck the organ dick and defend muh retarded 3d tic tac toe
>lefty memes
Why are they so fucking weak?
I already quit
What if it gets approved in 2019, fully funded?
What a dumb timeline.
A lot of people I know are issues voters. For me it is firearms. For my buddy it is keeping muslims out of the country and deporting as many that are here is possible.
THAT is how you win or lose an election. Check as many Issues boxes as possible and not break the promise of them. Trump could beat a puppy to death with a large spiked club, and Id still support him over an anti gunner any day of the week. If Clinton loved guns and hated muslims, the election would have been a lot harder for me and my friends
>>lefty memes
>Why are they so fucking weak?
They don't understand us. But we understand them.
Most of us "were" them at some point.
Get three scoops of ice cream
If you actually had proof that justified the global year long smear campaign from dems and msm.
As long as there is no proof i cant take msm dems or people like you as anything other than poor losers and a laughingstock that provides me with entertainment while at work.
So yeah.. Because as of right now the only thing you all have been offering was a global year long smear campaign with no proof to show for it.
>implying he hasn't been doing that for years
I'm not telling you aids skrillex..
What made you quit? I never supported him but I find it hard to believe someone would stop supporting him now rather than before
Bernie Sanders
It will be a nice step for sure. What really needs to happen is we need to get rid of 1 more Dem on the court, most likely Ginsberg, so the court will hear a case on Assault Weapons bans. The 4/4 court last year rejected the last case
If Trump pushed through a nationwide CC law with full Federal preemption however, Id quit my job and spend the rest of my life building a monument of him
starting a war
Running massive deficits
Selling weapons to terrorists/starting ISIS2
Regime change of country I like
He is terribly close to the 3rd option.
Bernie would be hiding in a closet with his head between his legs and crying, he's never actually worked for anything in his whole life
Refugee refugee go away!
Depends what you mean by "support." I did not support him as a candidate, but once he won the election I support his right to act as President and hope very much that he is successful.
I oppose the rabid over-reaction of the left to his existence, and oppose their efforts to manufacture impeachable offenses out of whole cloth.
I suspect, given who he is, that at some point he will run afoul of the Emoluments Clause, and IF that happens, or if he actually commits other impeachable offenses, I'd support his removal from office -- but that would have to be based on evidence, not just leftist hysteria.
I support his policies where I agree with them, I oppose them where I think he's wrong.
As he succeeds in instituting policies that I oppose, I hope it turns out that he is right and I am wrong, as the welfare of the country and the world are more important than my being able to be smug about being right.
That guys eyes being fixed
Bannon ought to go, though. His embrace of loopy apocalyptic theories of history needs to be done a bit further from a sitting President.
The impact of the Peruta case will be huge.
Basically they're saying states either have to be open carry or shall issue concealed carry.
I'd like RBG gone before the case is heard and just in general, too, but Peruta got 4 9th disctrict justices on board, which is huge.
If Peruta is a win expect the NRA to start really pushing lawsuits, they actually stayed out of Peruta at first because they thought it had no chance, then it won 2-1 before being heard en banc. The "assault weapons" bans will be coming soon, and I won't be surprised if some more come out of CA, including magazine restrictions, bullet buttons, etc.
but Peruta could result in not needing federal reciprocity for CCW permits or a national CC law as it might end with constitutional carry
>You guys have to start realizing at some point no matter how bad Trump gets in any area, he's still 1000x better than Hillary on her best d
This is true enough, and was relevant when he was running against Clinton.
But he is not running against her any more, she is no longer the other option.
At the moment, Trump or Pence are the only options really on the table.
Me, I'd as soon see Pence in there, but the ugliness of removing President from office would be pretty damaging.
>He would need to say...
What if he didn't SAY any of that, but never actually built a wall, etc.?
Ah, a pragmatist.
A candidate better than Hilary (shit candidate)
>The democrats introduce a worthy candidate.
>A third party introduces a worthy candidate.
A worthy candidate challenges him in a GOP primary?
Even if I stop supporting trump. I won't support ant democrat,liberal or progressive so tough luck.
Why the fuck would you want NeoCon controlled Pence in office?
You just love George W so fucking much?
fucking cuck
Who do you think made this abomination?
>What if he didn't SAY any of that, but never actually built a wall, etc.?
Oh, and doesn't matter.
Republicans, including your fucci-boi pence are all corrupt as fuck and want as many illegals as possible for slave labor.
At least voting for Trump, even if your owned House & Senate keep blocking him, is at least a vote AGAINST selling our country down the drain.
I dropped (((Trump))) months ago ever since it became obvious he's an Israeli puppet and went back on his promises on Syria by bombing them like a good goy and is being buddy buddy with the Saudi kid-fuckers. Anyone who still thinks Trump is based at this point is lying to themselves. That wall sure is coming along nicely, right?
Already stopped.
When leftists cease to exist.
If the left didn't constantly remind me how fucking insane they are, I would probably not like Trump. But constantly seeing the state of the alternative I will tolerate him as a necessary evil.
>not realizing that US politics are completely Israeli controlled
Come on faggots. Only Islam can save Western Civilization.
Hey he offered, you can't blame me for gibsmedat if OP clearly asked what would stop me from supporting Trump. Well and that would be the most straight forward way. Besides, I actually said a well paid job, not like today were you get peanuts compared to what our parents and grandparents got.
So I would still work for everything, only now I get what I deserve.
Not him, but anybody who supported him based on believing the list of things he'd do on "Day One" would have reason to fall away. Hillary is not locked up, China is not declared a currency manipulator, he has not released his tax returns "once the audit is completed" (and I could care less about that, but he said he would do it and has not -- now saying he may do it after he leaves office!), there has been no EO requiring the death sentence for cop killers, he has not brought back water boarding, etc.
So somebody who followed all his promises and believed he meant them all and that they were all things he could actually do, yeah, I could see them walking away.
>Why the fuck would you want NeoCon controlled Pence in office?
>You just love George W so fucking much?
No, but I think Pence would be a more thoughtful and effective President than Trump is likely to be. Note where I am setting the bar, and what the only options are.
That said, I do not think the damage removing Trump from office would do would be worth the marginal gain in Presidential quality. I hope Trump will stay within the law and become a decent President.
>stop supporting Trump and let the left win!
he's not perfect, and none of the GOP alternatives were even close, cept maybe Rand and he never had a chance.
>If the left didn't constantly remind me how fucking insane they are, I would probably not like Trump. But constantly seeing the state of the alternative I will tolerate him as a necessary evil.
This post is worthy of being read again.
Fuck off
The next election and a better candidate.
Be that as it may, I could see somebody who bought fully everything he said being disillusioned.
what a dumb thread
When he stops providing me material to photoshop myself into desu
Fuck off spic.
They probably didn't even vote in the first place if they are that fickle.
Then they jut got their first life lesson about politics. No one keeps their word.
Trump prevented another leftwing justice on the Supreme Court and kept Hillary and her cohorts out of power.
He's already accomplished what I voted for him to do, everything else is icing on the cake.
>What would it take for you to stop supporting Trump?
Joke's on you. I never supported Trump in the first place.
He's a Jew loving Zionist.
All politicians are ZOG.
The White race will never be allowed to free itself from the Jews through voting.
>It's a leftfag LARPing as a stormfag episode
if it turns out he has actually been Hillary Clinton wearing a full Trump suit all along
This. I will admit that I voted for the asshole just because I think Hillary is a piece of shit. I thought Trump was kissing kike ass just so he could win, now I realize he's a genuine shabbos goy.
it is asinine to blanket support anyone. I hope to support some of the things he does. he obviously has no intention of rocking the jew banker petro-dollar Saudi oil economy Ponzi scheme boat, so probably the best we can hope for out od Trump is an economic recovery and protection of the border. there is no longer any hint of red pill in him, seemingly.
it's an unfortunate truth.
>Implying there's literally anything wrong with Stormfront or being a White Nationalist.
>oy vey guys we're completely out of shilling ideas
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