>the man who put 20.000 kebabs on spikes to scare the incoming muslim hordes and saved Europe is known as a literal vampire
What the fuck? Is this one of (((their))) tricks?
The man who put 20...
met a romanian dude at uni (he was from transylvania). said he had great respect for vlad tepes. that made me happy
I was under the impression that Vlad was basically a local folk hero in Romania
He literally created one of the best and iconic monsters in history, without even trying, why are you complaining?
I knew a crazy ass Bosnian or Romanian named Pavel, said his village was within view of Vlads castle.
He said Vlad was a national hero because he kept out the invading Muslims.
He also said when he was a boy, the Muslims would go house to house killing Christians in some war, Idk which I'm American afterall, but he hated Muslims because of this. That's probably where the love of Vlad locally comes from.
Fuck that gypsy. He will be impaled up the ass on a foot thick spike for all eternity in Hell
He is. I don't think there is anyone that dislikes him for whatever reason
You would have a foot thick Muslim cock up your ass if it wasn't for him
Netflix Castlevania is going to redeem him.
Bosnia is not even close to Romania.
Oh,'murica flag...
>do some spooky creepy shit to scare mudslimes
>get a spooky creepy reputation
mystery solved
I support Islam you americuck brainlet.
The Jews are the bloodsucking monsters, not the Knights of Europe
He held the kebab invasion single handed for decades.
That alone is worth praising.
They still got europe at the end though.
Really I doubt it musl*ms are only 0.1% in your country
>iconic monster
>stopping muslim hordes
you can see how equating a monster to stopping invaders be bad
In modern Romania, is Vlad treated as a hero?
It's really simple. He was a very loyal subject of Mathias Rex, and was very well respected due to his achievements while fighting the Ottoman forces
After the king died the Habsburgs took back the power and he was very vocal about disliking them, as most transylvanians were known to do. They couldn't just oust him due to his strategic importance and popularity, so they started spreading rumours of him being a monster and torturer in their fancy high-class salons like modern liberals and it spread to the folklore
If by (((them))) you mean the eternal kraut, then yes
All in due time.
>Portrays Vlad as an African-Romanian
These legends came because of Vlad's conflicts with the German merchants from Transylvania who would never help him repair the economic status of the land or lower their prices in times of war. They were greedy you could say, he was punitive with them (as was his way with the sword) with certainty and they sent letters all over the German speaking world telling stories of him killing pregnant women, drinking blood, etc. There's lots to say about it.
In any case, merchants started this propaganda campaign and we do have jewish cemeteries around and in Brasov where the most powerful merchants were located. Take your conclusions!
Yes,everyone who killed turks is treated as a hero.
I thought he was
If the literal skinheads in your country find out they will kill you
We need the great evils, something which makes niggers shit their pants.
>Written by Victor Frankenstein
It was (((them)))!!!
He tried to save his people.
wtf i love hungary now
I love it. Did the 'merchants' happen to be jewish? I'd actually not be surprised if this was their technique many years ago too.
It's funny how that works. They get smacked down, and their solution is always to make up some horrible shit about their opponent, and hold grudges for centuries. They did it with Hitler, and basically all of the nazis.
murder your enemy's in one of the most brutal ways possible and dine while wachting your inpaled enemy's slowly die.
be known as a bloodthisty vampire.
its not hard op.
If vlad got turned into a vampire by (((them))) what fantastic creature would Hitler be?
Didn't Bram Stoker write Dracula?
The Eternal Aryan started the anti-Vlad memes during his rule because the first people he kebabed were the Transylvanian Saxons (i.e. Germans settled in his land.)
no OP Vlad was really fucked up. He spent his childhood as a slave in the turkish court where he was raped repeatedly, That shit wil make you a socipath.
His brother got stockholm syndrome and joined the turkish castrated slave army.
He was a tyrant big time, even to his own but yeah guy done good
>Dracula was written by Frankenstein
What kind of abstract b8 is this
Bram Stoker is the pen name of Victor Frankenstein who also wrote as Mark Twain when he moved to America.
It's bram stoker. Frankenstein is a gothic novel by Mary Shelley. Contary to popular belief, Frankenstein was the fictional name of the creator of the monster, and not of the monster itself. Both authors did not suffer from American education.
i mean, if this guy isnt joking, look how deluded bozgors are, how are you guys so eternally cucked bro?
Lmao not really
I traced back my ancestry and found out they were transylvanians, must explain my blood "fetish"
You know I never learned much about this guy, all I ever heard was he was right the prick. So what's the two scoops? They were being invaded by kebab? I never learned that growing up
We all know about Vlad Tepes though; as long as we're discussing vampire inspiration, someone tell me about Elizabeth Bathory.
Because Bela IV thought diversity was our strength and you needed immigrants to replace the declining population
>samuel clemens was victor frankenstein
go back to fucking canada, leaf, vacation's over
The turks basically made his bride kill herself rather than be captured by the ottoman rape brigade. Good old Vlad had his vengeance, the thousands of dead ragheads couldn't fill the void in his heart however. True hero
Why are you even responding? This faggot's been here for a long time to be easily recognizable
shut the fuck up you fucking monkey, he wasnt a tyrant at all lmao. Jesus christ some people are actually insane. Having opinions about shit they know nothing about, also the "rape" meme was just a jew assuming he was raped because he studied at a turk school or some shit. He was no slave you fucking retard.
abstract cancer bait
They learned with their mistakes.
They wouldn't want to make Hitler any more famous or cool.
Dude in the lower left is clearly whistling while he works.
>wew, lad.
> die by millions for a thousand years protecting Europe from Muslims
> get called gypsies by cuccs who invite said Muslim in to rape their wives
Also, it is important to note that the lies about him were sent to important German culture centers and this happened about the time when Gutenberg's press was the hottest thing. Most published material were pamphlets about travel (ars apodemica grew this way), fantastical sightings and stories about bloodthirsty tyrants. These things sold and the editors knew this.
Well deserved (You), user.
Summer's just beginning my dude
He also killed a load of Germans.
But anyhow, I guess having breakfast amidst a dozen dudes impaled through their assholes while they writhe and bleed and shit themselves kinda makes you look sadistic.
*builds mudhut*
*gets raped by muslims*
*gets raped by gypsies*
*betrays his allies*
*gets purged by commies anyway*
Of course we never learned that growing up. Just like we never learned why the Jews were so hated.
t. atila horsecum
>make Hitler any more famous or cool
as if this is even possible
Vlad si a nigger look at him we wuz bloodsuckers and sheit
I'm going to guess all muslim killers throughout balkans are heroes. Well, except bosnians, they are retarded and love muslim dick.
Vlad was based. Too bad his retard brother betrayed him.
alerta judiada has done it
>remove kebabs
>doesn't remove migrant poo-in-loos
read history morons.
this guy was literally raised in ottoman palace school in istanbul (named enderun) by turks.
he was sent to romania as ottoman governor since romania was vassal state at that moment.
he revolted against ottomans and managed to defeat small ottoman troops located in romania in a surprise attack.
ottoman main army arrived in romania and literally destroyed his rebel army. according to various sources, this moron either beheaded by turks and his head displayed on the walls of istanbul or he ran away but failed and killed by another ottoman-romanian governor.
entire romania kept being ottoman vassal for another 300 years after his death.
>Bosnian or Romanian
>this is the same thing
oh i didn't see the flag sorry
Vlad literally converted to Catholicism and went to live in Budapest for 20 years. He was the ultimate Magyarboo.
Too bad the Ottoman empire turned to such shit that nobody wanted its dirty asshole in the end.
that pic is wrong. they all got it through their anuses.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, good one roach.
Now get outta here, im surprised you even have the courage to show ur face after what romania has done to you. They shat on you every single war every chance they got and you ate it up. Remember Vaslui?
all empires rise, corrupt and fall. nothing new.
What are you talking nigger?He comes from Basarab line and ruled Wallachia, did not have any interactions with Transylvania.
He was almost right.
Dragula was cannon written by Frankenstine's doctor not the monster himself.
explain why romania had been ottoman vassal state for fucking 400 years? do you know any idea how long is 400 years?
roachie pls, the only thing the ottoman army destroyed was each other's hairy kebabholes
>Bosnian or Romanian
So he could see Vlads castle from this far?
enough ti remove all kebab fro premises
Transylvania is Hungarian land. Romanians are only good at stealing. want my shit back. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Geographically they're pretty close desu, Europe isn't that fucking big. Guarantee Dalmatians have assisted Romanians throughout history.
How's it going with that totalitarian ideology?
Bram Stoker created Dracula as a character to symbolize the wandering JEW. It had fucking nothing to do with Vlad.
Who made that "connection"?
>(((Radu Florescu)))
>In a phone interview, Florescu's brother, Radu Florescu, who lives in the Boston area, said that his family has been trying for more than a decade to retrieve artwork stolen from them by the Nazis.
Total cohencidence that the bolsheviks banned all vampire stories, because everyone understood it to be talking about kikes.
Same way that (((Frankenstein))) warped into being focused on the monster rather than the degenerate kike trying to make a golem.
>allowing Heimeywood to reshape the stories that everyone used to understand, and being too cucked to say shit about it because muh 6 gorillion.
Yes, (((they))) demonize him. In Romania, he is hailed as a hero.
is this you in the video? lol
Go back to washing dishes, traitor
entire romania, moldovia and other neighbouring areas had been ottoman vassal territories FOR 400 YEARS.
now go to wiki and masturbate to some minor clashes won by rebels. but never read aftermath where ottoman main army fucked you all because by doing this, you have to learn how and why your ancestors had been our slaves for 400 years.
Better than modern Britain m8. You want some nails with your concert?
sounds like a rocky horror picture show character
Vlad is Duerte's past life avatar of his soul
The ottomans did not destoy anything, they were terribly bad at war.It was more of a diplomatic game.
must have been a big castle.
>be me, a Turk
>spend 600 years building vast "empire"
>whewww, finally completed
>get all gains wiped out by Anglo gunboat and a battalion of Brits to unfit for Western Front
>back to being roach.