In a world where Nazis are back in power.
One man had no limits to how far he would go to punch nazis.
The man could but the man in prison, but they couldn't silence his cause
>Warden: "Good luck in there Clanton. I'd be surprised if you make it a week."
>Claton: "That's where you're wrong warden. I'm not locked in here with them....THEY'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME!!"
Coming to theaters this summer
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hes about to get a whole lot of diversity in prison
I got quads once when I said "punch nazis" and nobody checked them.
Did he get arrested?
One firearm charges
oh yes
>Be white guy
>Go to jail for "punching Nazis"
>Only potential allies in jail are all skinheads
He's fucked right?
Feels good.
It'll be hilarious when he comes out of prison with a Size 10 asshole and a burning hatred of niggers. He'll be taking the redpill as a suppository
He can say he identifies as black.
Special snowflake so he probably won't get jail time. Suspended instead.
However if he does go to prison for some reason he is fucked. The whites obviously won't take him and he is a fucking moron if he thinks the blacks or Hispanics are going to take in his special snowflake middle class proper English speaking ass.
It would be the ultimate redpill on race relations.
when its known what prison he goes to we should do a letter writing campaign to the inmates warning them that this guy is a real badass and they need to stop doing offensive stuff around him. Send it from his mom.
>Eric is a good boy. Do not do anything to him or else we will tell the wardens.
But Nazis made them do it (him).
This is fucking genius. Or we could make up a story about how he is a pederast, fucking guy would get shanked
i picture "Berkeley Jail" as a non-Starbucks coffee shop that doesn't offer soy milk for lattes
>Clanton: 50 inches of Black
>proper English speaking
He has a lisp too
No screencap = never happened
Is there any point to go to the arraignment? I could probably go to it.
he might weep like a small babe
Why aren't there more threads about it.
Some bay area Sup Forumsster needs to go to the courthouse and get his mugshots.
What's funny is that prison segregates by race, naturally
So either he gets buddy buddy with nazis and white supremacists or he gets fucked
He'll be there for a couple months before he goes to prison
3 counts of assault with a deadly weapon lmfao
The was a clerical error
Mommy and daddy will post his bond.
I'd bet he's already out.
You have no idea how the justice system works huh
$200,000 bail.
10% cash + real estate collateral
What am I missing?
Nothing. That is how the justice system works
>been in american prison
>been in state prison and then federal before deportation
>if your white you stay with white if your black you stay with black if your a beaner you stay with the beaners
>if you dont you get fucked up by all 3
he is fucking dead
>200,000 bail
Damn, guess it's pretty serious
Do you get bail back once the trial is over?
personally, I want him fired, too.
Yvette Falarca, too. *amazing* she has not been fired.
anyway, this faggot also can now be sued by the guy he hit which I hope he does.
>>Warden: "Good luck in there Clanton. I'd be surprised if you make it a week."
>>Claton: "That's where you're wrong warden. I'm not locked in here with them....THEY'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME!!"
>mfw local Aryan Brotherhood members go missing in lockup
Fake news. He wasnt arrested
I'm not sure you can bring cameras
If you pay it yourself yes, if you go through a bail bond company you pay them 10% and they pay the rest but keep the 10%.
The bail bondsman takes a fee.
You get the rest back.
There is a possible $10,000 fine for what he's charged with.
I don't think they take it from the bail.
Bail is just a guarantee you will show up for court.
Type "Eric Clanton" into your favorite search engine.
>Violent fascists caught on tape beating innocent people
Do you suppose antifa believes their own bullshit or do they just spout it to maintain face?
>He didn't have a gun, he just assaulted some guy using a big chunk of steel
>He's innocent goys
no, there is another white group that is less extreme
but they will tell him to fuck off as well
>I'm too lazy to google this but I know if I just ask for a link no one will give me one so I'll just call it fake news hoping that Sup Forums's autistic desire to prove people wrong will cause someone to google it for me
>He didn't bring a gun
>he just hit some filth with a bike lock
>He just gassed some scum with zyklon-b
>He just broke some storefront windows belonging to scum
Do you suppose they'll ever see the irony?
One firearm charge, three non-firearm assaults.
Something is wrong with the firearm charge.
But, he is also charged with "non-firearm" ADW.
Wait I want to write a letter to Eric instead so I can make fun of him
I read that the firearm charge was a mistake and being changed.
Wow fellow Pede that sure is one Based black man!
Somebody get this Based black man a coat and my wife to fuck, am i right folks?
Both I assume. They'll lie about anything to boost their own morale
Someone should start a "ITT we write Eric Clanton a letter one word at a time" thread and then mail the letter to his jail cell.
Where did you read it?
I imagine the number of true believers thins out the higher you go up the chain of command.
>A reference on Clanton’s arrest record to a firearms violation appears only due to a clerical error, according to authorities. It should be listed as a possible sentencing enhancement tied to the infliction of great bodily injury.
>the cops were searching people like crazy
They where only searching the people who were attending the free speech event. The antifa who showed up later didn't go through any security.
>he hit some filth
He hit someone who had his arms outstretched trying to stop people from fighting, watch the videos.
Its like they pull their opinions straight out of jewish mouths.
Im Australian. We dont google
Thanks, makes sense.
These guys have a lot in common with jihadist suicide bombers
I got eight sevens once when I said punch all nazis and didn't get a single you
i just....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women. anti communist and socialist. can't you see just want what is best for everyone? true communism would be paradise the world over. but we are stuck with what i hope is "ironic" fascists.
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....
you scumbags think you can hide here with no history of your vile and toxic thoughts ?
itll all be over soon
were going to take each of you intolerant fucks to prison if we even bother taking you alive
youre days are number
I used to be a Trump supporter crash and burn nuclear codes his hands.
starring: old orangutan
Hi, Hillary.
I've seen this exact pasta in numerous threads. and no shill, "pasta" doesn't mean kiddies, put it back in your pants perv.
Nigger faggot!
>He'll be taking the redpill as a suppository
Once we find out his prison address start a thread