>one of the world's most powerful handguns
What did he mean by this?
Read it again, carefully this time
it said popular
i prefer revolvers desu
It said 'popular' not 'powerful you fucking retard.
That's enough
>Stupid nigger
No, you deserve to be bullied
I said enough
>Most of body completely unarmoured.
When will this meme end?
The electronics suite in his rucksack might have that capability...but he doesn't need it. There are other assets out there that can go "buzzer on" to eliminate signals in a chosen area. Everything else seems pretty accurate. Although I don't agree with his t shirt game at all. Need a lil Nomex when fighting pyros.
Why is his arm so photshopped?
What is this, caveman times BC? Just use a flashlight
Haha faggot.
gee they must have been raiding a daycare center, the only ballistic protection he has is a helmet? some "special forces"
He said popular you fucking illiterate fruit. .45 ACP master race reporting in.
Nah, pic is the real rwds
They are sweeping the city attempting to locate the missing children and co conspirators. It wasn't a lone wolf attack, there is a cell and they know it. That's also why the threat level is critical.
>vital organs and brain protected
He's special forces. You don't need a juggernaut suit to kick down doors
They're mostly just for morale reasons. People feel less afraid at war if they have a helmet, regardless of how ineffective it may be. Look at all the helmets from the Second World War, they didn't stop rounds but helped soldiers feel safe/protected.
Daily Mail had the photo with the tats yesterday but blurred them today
They just don't go in with much
>vital organs and brain protected
He's special forces. You don't need a juggernaut suit to kick down doors.
Im guessing hiding tattoos or maybe some skin to hide identity
i saw the live footage of this on sky news he has a tattoo sleeve so in the papers they shopped it out you fag.
>they didn't stop rounds
That's because they're designed to protect the wearer from falling shrapnel, not gunfire.
It only helps against debris as I've heard
You gotta remember, the British don't speak English. We're lucky they don't call it "Tube of sunny beamy."
You also don't need to be a juggernaut to get shot in the neck, face, groin or any other place that bleeds out heavily.
Getting shot through your guts isn't pleasant. Getting shot through your balls is even less pleasant.
>Getting shot through your balls is even less pleasant.
I can confirm.
>Hungarian trying to teach the English English.
>American trying to claim that half-ebonics is the true English.
It's so he doesn't bump his head on stuff and so he can keep his misc stuff like lights and NVG on his head. No helmets actually stop bullets. It isn't possible to completely armor anyone.
Read a book please.
there's nothing Master race about .45 Auto. John Browning himself thought it was outdated before he died
The helmet is probably to hide his face more than anything. I think a soldiers main protection is to shoot the enemy first
if i could be bothered with twatter i'd post this.
Guys on here found antifa bike lock professor with less
American English is the preserved 18th century English, British English is cocknified working class low iq gibberish
Look it up
no bully
Mate a helmet and armour is the difference between a low caliber bong round penetrating your skin and leaving a bruise. It also helps glancing shots glance instead of penetrating.
If you are doing a job where you are likely to get shot at there is literally no reason not to at least have a basic amount of protection covering your body. "I'll get lucky this time" isn't the way to make sure you come back relatively uninjured.
That's what the Americans claim sure. However a torch is a historical word while a flashlight (that doesn't even flash) is a modern word so the point is not only retarded but also irrelevant to this topic.
neck yourself, turbo tard.
we say torch so its torch m8
when you are the best soldiers on the planet you dont need protection
Looks fun, I would put my side arm on my thigh in case I was knocked to the ground.
Special African Service. Kek.
He's looking all tacticool. I thought real operators just used stock equipment and standard issue loadout?
That makes no sense
>best soldiers on the planet
>Beaten by farmers who didn't like a tea tax.
we say bin
yanks say waste paper basket
we say pavement
yanks say sidewalk
you cant even say aluminium proper m8 lol
He is probably a Geordie and so needs to wear only a T-shirt even in a hail of bullets.
>Right Wing Death Squads
Know the difference it may save your life.
>Also Britcucks will defend pic related.
Totally false. No helmet stops bullets. Helmets are for protecting your head from bumps and for sticking stuff onto.
Read a book.
lol britfags still use torches?
Ummm hello flashlights calling. Get with the times bongs.
>capping your own posts
>capping your own posts before even posting them
HK is best . pic related : anti-mudskinkommando helmet ( Bernd camo )
took you 10 years and you had help from the natives,french and spanish and even pirates m8
you are lucky we didnt divert all forces to the new world to stop the inept rustic uprising lol
thats what we get for spreading ourself thin taking on the world lol
Better to be light and fast than slow and dead. Reminder that these lads wrote the book on domestic counter terrorism and have a wealth of experience from Northern Ireland, they know what they're doing.
>.45 ACP
clown caliber
.50 African Eliminator is the only master race
we both know that meme is bullshit
The pic is old as hell dude. Most operators nowadays use Gucci shit like outdoor clothing that costs a grand for an outfit.
S&W .50 mocking you.
Why have they doctored and blurred the skin tone on the picture of the sas?
He's wearing a t-shirt and cargo pants
Most people die from artillery in war. Helmets are designed to keep the most people alive from the greatest threat. Which is not headshot snipers, but flying shrapnel.
tattoos that could identify him
>Won't cycle steel cased ammo
Visit an optometrist.
>he doesn't shoot a caliber so big he fractures the small bones in his hand with every squeeeze
>Americans call their tippity-top-sunshine-dispensers "torches"
Can we expect the enfield pitchfork soon?
Kek, what a whiny little bitch.
>not even the British military uses the SA80
They're called flashlights here dumb fuck.
Not a chance.
We call them flashlights.
>yfw the german police are just a bunch of larpers
>What is this, caveman times BC? Just use a flashlight
BRITAIN invented the flashlight so we can call it what the fuck we want so STFU
Not your pansy al-u-mi-ni-um
>Guy on the left
>No helmet stops bullets
o rly
I'll admit it's not always going to, but a kevlar and steel helmet is a hell of a lot better than nothing
>Everything else is -ium.
>BUT MUH -num.
>USSOCOM uses the SCAR and HK416
>The M16 must suck then
Bullshit. We call them "flashlights", because torches are already a thing.
What is this? It looks like Boba Fett fucked a Navy Seal.
Spaceballs. Great movie.
Only hire SAS when you need guys to drive down roads shooting civilians, like in Ireland and Iraq.
False flagging is a specialty especially when it comes to destroying popular support for local rebel movements.
10mm master race reporting in
Is that why you call them tactical spears instead of spears? Or assault rifle instead of rifle?
>This single shot weapon weapon is popular with US armed forces
>single shot
>The M16 must suck then
That's why the M4 has replaced the M16A4 in all but National Guard units.
Don't tell me, you're 1/64th Irish?
Could have swore this gentleman had a tattoo sleeve when I first saw hisb pic. Now his arm looks heavily shooped.
Yeah, that clip only holds one bullet thingee.
That's not even kind of true. Modern helmets can stop most pistol rounds.
>Helmets are for protecting your head from bumps and for sticking stuff onto.
Also retarded. The modern infantry helmet was developed in WWI to project soldiers from falling debris from artillery blasts.
Maybe you should read a book nigger.