Jokes aside, we have to admit that the Muslims are justified in hating the West. We have colonized, funded despots...

Jokes aside, we have to admit that the Muslims are justified in hating the West. We have colonized, funded despots, invaded, and bombed their countries for a long time. Also the US keeps funding Jews to attack them. We are at fault.

Get fucked

kys mohammad mario atta

Go back to blowing Jews you dumb white trash.

>muh white guilt

Fuck off, spaghetti nigger, go suck nigger dicks in Africa.


they were doing all that shit on their own before we got there


Jokes aside, we have to realise that Muslims are subhumans who can't take responsibility over their atrocious actions and will always choose to blame others

I don't give a fuck if it turns out everything Muhammed said was 100% true and they're the most righteous people on the planet. Their still a bunch of filthy shitskins that murder white people and need to get gassed.

Have you done highschool Aziz?

That doesn't mean you should bend over for them, neither side need show any remorse.


>when a Turk has more common sense than most people itt

Back to morocco

And thus the liberal shows it's true colors.

Yeah, that doesnt mean its okay to import them into your country.

Its really they're fault. If they couldn't be fucked to have enough political power to form their own nations and secure them they have no one to blame but themselves if nobody but some drunk british guy with a straight edge ruler was available to draw up the borders of their countries.

We bomb them trying nominally to avoid killing civilians. They seek out civilians to kill and avoid combatants.

Europeans hate the west more than muslims do. The extreme selfhate of the leftists is something to behold.


Nah, they were literally scattered tribes that were part of the Ottoman Empire prior to WWI.

What we are seeing in the Middle East today is a modern violent manifestation of the 14 centuries-old schism between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It's been going on for Hundreds of years. Well before any Western Influence. As soon as their profit died their problems started

Such attitude deserves a kick in the groin, Mario,

Get fucked.

And then we entered the age of Modern Warfare. If they had RPG's and the technology that's available today to unite then it would have been exactly the same.

This is absolutely false and I've only ever heard American niggers say this. You are fed these lies by the CIA propaganda machine because your generals are too weak to take responsibility for their failure to stabilize the Mid East.

The Shia-Sunni split is nowhere near as violent when there are proper systems in place. It is when the USA goes in and demolishes those systems (like in Iraq) that the schism opens up.

Take your mind off the (((propaganda))) and pick up a book.

Look share blue I don't really have the time to really debate this so I'll keep it simple. Moors and the Ottoman Empire, they attacked and occupied European land way longer than we have been in the ME. They hit Europe first and did whatever the fuck they wanted when they were in power. As far as I'm concerned Muslim's have been invading Christian lands for 1400 years. Now tell your boss that these "we deserve this cause we bomb them" shit is an obvious shill thread. Sage you massive test and get a real job.

We have nothing to do with Shia vs Sunni warfare.
Nice try tho


Yup, history recorded hundreds of years ago was definitely influenced by the CIA. You are the one who is brainwashed by modern propaganda. I recommend you take your own advise and read some books, but more importantly, study actual history.

Fuck, she's hot.

It wasn't as violent because they weren't united by modern transportation and only had those gay curvy swords.

> Iraq in 80s fought with swords
> American education

Virtue faggot

>we are at fault

speak for yourself, greasball

For sure, I guess we will ignore their use of guns and artillery from here on out. In that case you are totally right. I'm just a dumb burger.

And we will definitely ignore their use of vehicles as well of course


Exuse me, why should muslim hate the countries that give them welfare, free education and stuff?

I can understand if you talk about people that live there, but who live in western countries should kiss the land under their feet.

The West is shit.

We didn't do anything, they did it to us. I am not America, I am American.

agree with op
if bush and blair hadn't invaded iraq and obongo, hillary, sarcozy and cameron hadn't destabilized libya we most likely wouldn't be in this mess today.

Worse then xtians in your persecution complex

Yeah, they hate our guts.
Why do we let them in our country?
We should just finish the job and kill them all then no one hates us anymore.

This is pretty much accurate. The West and in particular the US is so materially decadent, culturally bankrupt, and internationally aggressive, it is hard to imagine an underpriveleged nation NOT hating us.

This doesn't justify ISIS's insane violence but poverty and lack of well-rounded education will always lead to desperate insane behavior. Especially when your people are being exploited and sociopolitcally assraped by nations far more wealthy and fortunate, for shady-as-fuck reasons like oil and CIA drug cartels and defending federal reserve banking

>t is hard to imagine an underpriveleged nation NOT hating us.
you're a fucking retard. EVERYONE hates the USA (Jews).

they're PURE EVIL

Look at that Ariana Grande concert.

> Implying Canada can do anything on the world stage

culturally bankrupt?
You faggot.
Everyone has our culture because it's the best.
We have no culture because the world took it and claims they made it.

only then you wouldn't have been at fault

>Muslims are justified in hating the West. We have colonized, funded despots, invaded, and bombed their countries for a long time. Also the US keeps funding Jews to attack them. We are at fault.
You have it backwards goat fucker. It's Jews they should hate.

Muslims attacking the West fuels the power of the Jew more than Christians sucking their cocks and calling them "god's people"


> sheboons twerking on TV
> niggers rapping about ass and money
> kikes kvetching about their paranoia
> kikes spreading degeneracy
> produce porn
> produce degenerate modern art
> "muh American culture"

kys you idiot.

OP is a Liberal shill.
Take the "Oppressed", in this case, brown Muslims, and pin point oppression to the West. Blame the west for everything going wrong in the community, because we
>Colonized? Please explain.
>Bombed them for a long time? What does that even mean? You mean went to fucking war with them?

we dinnidonuffin
they just hate freedom

But why does the US do everything Israel says?

>only then you wouldn't have been at fault

prove anybody besides Britain and Rome are at fault

Muslims raped and pillaged your land for centuries. I have no sympathy for them, and theyre lucky whites are compassionate enough to even recognize the bad things theyve done.

Muslims are lucky we dont enslave every last one of them

Mudshits are chink tools.
Islam was invented by Chinese to fuck up their competitors.



Op, you may have realised by now, but Sup Forums is a pro-zionist board post -2014

Having food to eat.
Running water.
Farming machines.
Everything that's worth anything

Die in a fire fucking kike

lybia wasn't war
but manchester wouldn't have happened isf not for the illegal nato bombing
same with every terror act in the west, pretty much

White liberals are the worst race. We should put them down immediatly

I don't remember funding despots or bombing their countries

> thinks American invented food

damn Canada, you're even dumber than inbred trailer trash

>manchester wouldn't have happened isf not for the illegal nato bombing

those nigger cocksucking cunts deserved to get ripped apart by nails.

it would have happened 10/10 times the same way.

US civic culture (as in "muh Constitution") is just a bunch of pretty fictions made to pacify the unwashed masses and prevent violent revolt with the illusion of "freedom" and "representation". Meanwhile wealthy aristocrats and merchants can continue running the show and fucking everyone else over like they always have, now without any pesky monarchs to provide a counterweight

As for American popular culture - it is completely oversexed, hedonistic, shallow and consumerist. It is a cancer on the Earth that pushes a shallow form of "individualism" that helps corporations sell plastic garbage to lazy people trying to "express themselves" through "retail therapy" and mindless entertainment

stop being retarded

>Take great country
>insert degeneracy
>see how long you can last without true patriots killing all fags/kikes/degenerates
about 100 years it seems.

By that logic Russia is to blame. There is a reason why they almost exclusively use AKs and RPG's. And if we are going down that path then we can also blame the Germans for inventing the automobile.

Fuck off, Mohammed. You will die with the rest of them.

there was that thing where to fight commies US funded warlords

that was the first jihad and jihadists sort of won

i think the west having invented the word "jihadi" instead of the correct arabic mujahed/mujaheedeen is a sort of admission of guilt in helping create the modern jihad

Isis is like the KKK you see the cartoon character terrorists shout allegiance to them. you see the slick propaganda videos. Ridiculous stories in the news like

>ISIS tested 'chemical weapons' on live victims in horrific 'Nazi style' experiments, documents found at university in Mosul reveal

It is one big deception. Just like Bin Laden

Western civilization made machines that made it easier to make food fucking Libtard faggot monkey.
Learn history you fucking child.

Imagine what her feet taste like

Because land isn't what groups like ISIS want. If they wanted land they could easily have it right now, but instead they want to spread their religion threw fear

You are an idiot. The bomber's father left because Gaddafi put out an arrest warrant for him. Not because of "illegal bombing". Stay up to date you poor ass vodka drinking ugly concrete building living tracksuit wearing communist dumbfuck

>Take great country like Syria
>Execute all degenerates
>see how long you can last without some foreign government killing all your patriots because they're executing the fags/kikes/degenerates
about 100 years it seems

well sure soviets have their share of blame
but instead of blame for inventing, it's more about distributing, commies did support terror-ish groups worldwide

but pretty much never any islamist/jihadi groups, that's mostly on West and their Gulf buddies. and Iran for Shia ones though they're really just a fraction of sunni fags in terms of spontaniousy killing civillians

Stop being a nigger that lives day to day that doesn't know how to read history.
You have no concept of your own place in history.
You might as well be a turd.

Because the Jews have infested every part of our government.

shit was only great when it was rome, don't be delusional.

Nope. Got it backwards, shill.


also terrorists aren't killing patriots, you dipshit. they're killing cocksucking racemixing degenerates and fags.
I LITERALLY don't care.


Yea but the US funds Jews to attack them, because Jews have all the power in the US. They get TONS of foreign aid. Because the jews direct where that aid goes.

Furthermore, since the Jews control my nation, our recent wars ( and maybe no so recent ) were funded by them, on both sides. And they play it all like a fiddle.

Most people vote for less war in America. But the Jews make sure that isn't the end result. And all this conflict is only in their interest. Israel's interest. It does nothing for the American people.

father's innocent though
i was talking more about that sunni training cmp the son visited
you know the one that actually killed people you know, in a camp probably built with NATO support by jihadis that had full NATO air support back in 2011. maybe some of the bomb training was done by UK spec ops advisors, who knows.

must be reason brits went so bitter about NYT leaking that the guy had lybian ties and other details

The US majority fucked up by invading Iraq. It was the biggest strategic error since Vietnam. And perhaps worse. So a lot of this fallout can indeed be placed at the US's feet. Mission Accomplished, GWB!

But pray tell why there are terror attacks in Germany and Sweden too? Neither of them had anything to do with Sykes-Picot, and very little to do with the Middle East since then. Belgium too, although you could at least say that the EU parliament is in Brussels.

It's telling that every major power has a problem with Islam, specifically Sunnis.

were as justified in hating them as they are in hating us. Revanchism goes nowhere

>using "muh liberals"
>against someone openly naming Jews

Sure is reddit in here.

We are sadly at fault for a lot of chaos going on in the world right now... I don't know what to say. The Muslims immigrate here exactly because we bombed their nations, installed puppet dictators (Shah of Iran), destroyed functioning democracies (Iran), funded terrorists (Osama Bin Laden), funded multiple civil wars (Lybia, Yemen, Ethiopia/Sudan), and generally don't care about their wellbeing. We must change course

So lets just stop selling things to make money in order to produce new and better inventions. Distribution isn't the issue. Money and commerce is if we are thinking like that. People trade shit. We have for thousands of years and it's not going to stop. All I'm saying is that things would have been just as violent back then if they had the tech we do today. The disputes haven't gotten worse, the weapons have.

Go back one cycle and ask yourself why the Europeans took such drastic steps

nah those countries have troops on the ground around those places too.maybe a few dozen, some of them, but most of the west is implicated through a sort of frankpledge and through not speaking out when they had a major vote in most matters
belgium planes bombed Lybia as well, I think, so hello manchester again

Op remember to vote PD so you will be able atone for humanity's sins before you realize.

p.s. I think supporting africa is a terrible idea and colonialism should have gone so deep to make africa just another white continent. Africans are a dead weight.


If he didn't go to that training camp camp he would have gone to another. Hell, they can train them to push a button in a goddamn bathroom if they wanted. If the father is innocent why was he arrested and not just taken into custody? And even if he is, the bombing wouldn't have happened if he didn't run to the UK. Which as we know now, happened in 1993 due to an arrest warrant.

Islam has been invading the west (and everyone else) long before any of that. Literally not even close to paying Islam back. If you believe in collective societal punishment like your premise implies, then you must agree that we have every right to hate Islam.

History did not begin at the end of WW1

They can hate whoever they want to and anyone can hate them back. People are free to hate each other, PC police can fuck right off. If their hate results in them killing us, then our hate should result in us killing them, or do you believe that loving them will make them love you back? Really?


And your point is?
We fucked over Japan; they rebuilt and became peaceful
We fucked South America; they rebuilt and became joyful
We fucked over India; they rebuilt and became helpful

Point is, if you dwell in the past, you're going to create an eye for an eye mentality.

So fuck Muslims.

They are justified but I didn't make that decision and the people in charge of making that choice are the ones they should be taking their anger out on.

>And your point is?

Someone needs to fuck over you.

>the CIA can time travel to make primary sources but can't undo the Bay of Pigs

I like too believe that people that need systems put up to avoid killing each other and that has been going on for centuries are totally not subhuman.

that's the same cuck mentality as black apologists and liberals use when they suggest history is somehow relevant to today and there should be reparations. If islam was strong enough to attack europe and hold land in it in the pastthen they had every right to and the modern world can't judge them, Europe was the weak party.