Why so blue?

How many people here use pharmaceuticals?
How many people know brain chemistry can't be measured?
Health through herbs is the only way that doesn't do more harm then good. Did you know sage drastically reduces inflammation from eating meat? Or that lemon balm is proven effective against all strains of herpes?
Put the petrochemicals down, learn the true way.

Other urls found in this thread:


I took the medicinal jew for 3 years for "adhd." Really fucked me up desu, it's been almost a year and I still crave it.

>diagnosed with depression
>take depression meds which cost a ton
>meds do fuck all

The earth provides cures to all ailments.

stop right there goyim. none of those plants have any empirical evidence supporting their supposed effects. now take this 3 dollar pill or you will have a stroke and commit suicide.

nah sometimes you just die and thats that. nu-males seem to be terrified of the concept, so they shill constantly for the (((pharmaceutical industry))).

i blame the atheism.

Diagnosed with depression, schizophrenia, had panic attacks, constant feeling of anxiousness throughout my body. Took a bunch of pills i got for free, i feel better now desu.

Get St. John's wort

1. brain chemistry can be measured
2. drugs do work, just not with 100% penetrance or always the desired level of efficacy. This is not to say you should take brain drugs, but they are a real option.
3. Herbs make food taste good and fuck all else.
4. eating meat does not cause inflamation
5. yeah, I would expect a neopagan fucktard to have herpes
6. Drugs are identified and isolated from plants or other organisms as often as they are synthesized, and most synthesized drugs are permutations of molecules found in nature

>3. Herbs make food taste good and fuck all else.
reddit skeptcuck spotted. you dont even know where some drugs are derived from lol.

Why are people diagnosed bipolar or schizo from behavior and no tests?

The side effects of petrochemicals are more disease the side effects of plants are more cures.

Everyone has herpes you idiots it's called cold sores and yes it does cure sexual herpes that big pharma cannot.

Eating meat does cause inflammation.


Anxiety and depression are 100% curable. If you feel either it is because you aren't living a fulfilling life. Happiness is the only cure. Live the life you want and your anxiety/depression will disappear.

Don't take meds for anxiety/depression! it makes it worse!!

>Don't take meds for anxiety/depression! it makes it worse!!
get ready for the brainlet REEEEEEout leaf, they really dont like when you say this

Its funny actually, the antidepressants i was taking as a side effect had depression, listed anyway. They helped me however

You obviously did not even finish my post. Yes, plants can have useful molecules, but almost never in pharmacologically meaningful concentration. Exceptions include tobacco, marijuana, coca, and poppies. Basically all others need extraction and concentration to produce a useful product

>No one actually has inhereted problems that screw up their brain chemistry
I've lived my life exactly how I wanted up until about ninth grade, and for 5 years I was suffering panic attacks just going to fucking school, then later I was put on medication and it ACTUALLY helped.

My brother's been on depression meds for like 8 years. He's still depressed. Every time he builds an immunity he gets a new prescription and feels fucked all over again. It's never worked.

I've felt depressed. I didn't go to the doctor. I just try new experiences, challenge myself, try to be the best I can.

When my mind is at work, I forget what depression even feels like. Do what you love.

I have a sage plant and I can't use it all to cook. I can I use it as a supplement? Put it in boiled water and drink it as a tea? Or make olive oil infusions?

microdosing exists you disingenuous turd. your problem is that you think that everything needs to be introduced in one huge dose to be effective, a common mental disease among the mainstream medical crowd.

If you listed some herbs that help, with evidence, that would be nice. Might be something worth trying out.

Hogwash, the isolation of a single chemical is what causes it to be less useful. Taking one part out and purifying it to extremes is unnatural. If herbs are so unhelpful why do animals use them? Birds poison themselves with certain seeds to rid sexual disease. Elephants eat gotu kola which is a brain tonic. Dogs love anise seed, cats love catnip. Valerian root calms a horse. What the fuck are you on about? Babies can smell the cures they need in herbs and seek them out. Look it up!

Bipolar is poorly understood, but schizo DOES have diagnostic tests.

Both drugs and plants can have postive and negative effects, but drugs are much more potent.

We already have effective antiviral medication for sexual herpes, shingles and cold sores, without side effects, but nothing, drug nor plant, is a cure.

Eating meat does not cause inflamation

>with (((evidence)))
it is not legal to collect said evidence.

Dry it out in a cold spot buy ever clear pour it on the dried herb. Set it in a cool spot then take the drops in a dropper as needed. Sage is not an all the time herb, but is helpful with indigestion and constipation.

there are a lot of studies done with illegal drugs, so I don't see why this would even be an exception.

I work in pharma and generally have a positive attitude towards drugs. But I think Psychological medication is over prescribed. We don't have enough knowledge of the brain to make precise changes in the chemistry. It may work for some, but I think most are better without it. Putting kids on SSRIs is one of the worst ideas; the majority of the few long term studies done have shown overall negative long term effects.

SSRI dont help depression. stimulants like adderall and drugs like shrooms and marijuana do, along with regular exercise, dieting, and social interaction

"Unnatural" is good. Humans in their natural state have a median life expectancy in the 40s. We doubled that with isolation and concentration of useful molecules. Animals are fucking retarded and eat everything. You think elephants intentionally consume a neurotoxin? Are you fucking dense?

Micodosing produces microeffects. You may as well go full homeopath

I've been on Adderall every day for 12 years now. I'm fine. I do meth sometimes too in combination with the Adderall but I only eat it (smoking it is for white niggers). I do it to give me an edge over the compitition and it works. I'll usually take a week off every month and I never get cravings and it still works as good as it did 10 years ago.

All other drugs are for teenagers, blacks, or degenerates.

ssris are horrible and rarely ever work. If I were to suggest medication for anxiety it would either be a benzodiazepine or pregabalin. If its for depression I would recommend like welbutrin or maybe even a stimulant.

because those drugs were legally obtained from the government by colleges and corporations. you are not allowed to collect and present scientific data without certain privileges.

The same reason wounded tigers roll in gotu kola to heal wounds faster. It's a wonderful herb that's been with us single the beginning. But hey let's pay (((pharma))) for those gene altering pills that I need to call a doctor when I feel suicidal from them.

lol please kill yourself you fucking retard. youre so locked up in your little skeptcuck bubble that you throw around buzzwords like 'homeopathy' when you are confronted with an argument you cant refute. go be a good goy on the reddit now.

SSRIs, like previously perscribed depression meds, work well in 1/3 patients, okay in 1/3, and not at all in 1/3. The side effects are less severe than in older drugs though, mostly they just kill your boner. But yeah, no reason to give it to kids, especially to treat anxiety, which is even more poorly understood than depression.

I'm not asking you to do a study. I'm just asking for a study that shows them being effective.

You didn't make an argument at all, you simply said "microdising exists", which I agreed with

strong sage tea is good for mouth ulcers and gum inflammation
lavender tea is quite a potent sleep-aid
yarrow can be used to staunch bloodflow in small cuts and nosebleeds
st john's wort helps with anxiety and stress

off the top of my head. there's literally hundreds more, ranging in efficacy of course.

If it worked, the companies you demonize would have extracted and bottled the active ingredients years ago

>Humans in their natural state have a median life expectancy in the 40s.
median doesnt mean shit you scared little pussy. we cannot sacrifice our humanity so that every baby can have a chance at mediocrity. humans that were strong and smart enough to survive the hardships of life lived well into their 70s and 80s before the agricultural revolution changed our dietary habits.

>How many people know brain chemistry can't be measured?
Pick one.

Check interactions though. That stuff messes with everything.

that study will not be allowed by current (((academic structures)))
ok, microdosing exists and can be effective. now get an argument.

then dont be a retarded goyim/genetic disaster????

You mean humans lucky enough to not get an infection or serious injury or cancer. And yes, the median DOES matter. Improving lifespan, healthspan, and quality of life is the point

They do help for sure. Lexipro for panic attacks. Haven't even feared one happening for quite a while now.

Only proper answers.

Problem with depression in particular is there are more reasons to being depressed compared to something like schizophrenia, youre not schizophrenic because your life is shit, youre depressed because youre life is shit. But you are schizophrenic because of the issues in your brain and you can too be depressed because of issues in your brain. And either way fucking around with your brain artificially is probably not a good thing for most people.

It helped me but it didnt help other people i was around in the psych ward some of those which i talked to after it.

Brain is the most complex thing in the nature and making it work as you desire is arguably the most complex thing in nature as well. And even if you somehow figure out your own brain, youll have as much struggle figuring another.

My refutation is, you're a fucking idiot, micodosing does almost nothing


Ineresting, there are studies done with xtc: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1071023/ . But nothing for your supposed miracle herbs.

Really so their whole (((goal))) is to cure?

'luck' has nothing to do with it faggot, infections are a result of a weak immune system, injury is the result of a weak mind or body, and cancer was much rarer among non-seniors before the industrial revolution

ps 'longer lifespan'=/='quality of life' you scared little brainlet.

Academic drug screening includes panels of literally thousands of unfiltered plant extracts. If one works, then they use mass spec to see what's in it

and why would they not be allowed in the current "academic structure"?

prove it without resorting to jewish memes
i already refuted your 'illicit drug' argument, stop bringing it up. these are two completely different situations you are trying to conflate because you are a weaselly little faggot.

Read #6 illiteracuck.


Blood samples of serotonin and melatonin don't mean shit over all. The gut has more neurons then the brain. Where herbs are integrated in whole and pills jam themselves into magnesium receptors to dull the symptoms.

Not only that, but not all depression, anxiety is caused by just serotonin, it could be caused by numerous other brain chemicals or possibly even vitamin deficiencies

>makes a point and refutes three points later

Meth is reserved for the biggest losers and white trash in the world

Many infections will kill you regardless of your immune function. Injury is extremely often due to luck, and cancer incidence did not rise until everyone got fat and started smoking. We did not even have diagnosis of cancer until relatively recently, people just fucking died.

You're right, lifespan isn't quality of life, which is why I said lifespan AND quality of life, you fucking retarded, probably literal nigger

Their goal is to make mad dosh, and the best way for them to do that is make a product that works

>implying that I use reddit
even if I did that's worthless personal attack and your argument is invalid.
I'm sorry, but you're a complete idiot.

you literally know NOTHING about the shit you are spewing from your mouth. maybe if you had knowledge beyond (((academic))) brainwashing and r/todayilearned you wouldnt be such a fucking worthless brainlet. now go fucking suck the jew-dick you crave so much.

I can't prove a negative, retard, you're the one opposing the null

Exactly, deciding whether the subject is depressed for example, because of a shitty life or his improper brain is 0 on the scale of difficulty. And if you see that its the brain, well good fucking look cause thats a 100 on the scale. There are probably things that affect your brain that we dont even know yet.

>I can't prove a negative
yes you can retard, quit assuming that your belief is the default

Just enough to keep the goy coming back each month. Never truly healed only placated as they spend outrageous amounts to not change their lifestyle.

you're the one that seems like you don't know anything.

It is not the case that not eating meat does not cause inflammation.

I'm literally a cancer scientist. You get your data from unsubstantiated kike websites selling you snake oil, then you call ME the jew because you're fucking braindead

>Me, who is a computer engineer making $126k at 26 yrs old

Keep smoking weed though you loser.

They could charge a completely arbitrary amount of money for a final cure to a chronic disease. In some cases they do. In others, it's because it has not yet been found.

>I'm literally a cancer scientist
lol you are a fucking waste. kill yourself.

>a bunch of pills i got for free
this triggers my flag

Ahahahahahah a cancer scientist!!!!

And who the fuck are you, a snake oil peddling kike, stuffing a half ounce of grass into a bottle and selling it to old people for 20 bucks

meth is directly neurotoxic you dolt

>Dem 'erbs mayn

I bet you think weed cures cancer too

Haha, well i assure you alot of people paid for it through their taxes. And through taxes i pay for little bits of whatever they need, feels good living in a community that helps each other, even if its artificial, the help is real.

Best cure is still alcohol. Russians had it right when they created vodka you can clean wounds and use it as a painkiller for both physical and mental pain.

>cancer scientist
why would you ever want to put yourself out of work by reducing cancer rates?


Kiddo. If what you think your doing is a good thing, then you really need to seek some serious help.

Dem leafs mayn


>brain chemistry can't be measured
>therefore do whatever

>meth is directly neurotoxic

it is? FUCK! I thought it was only dento-toxic which I was fine with after I bought all that pudding

Except weve "improved" it so much that natural selection no longer works. Humans are getting dumber and weaker every fucking year because even our dumbest and weakest survive now.

We need to let natural selection work even a little bit again

HCV (hepatitis C) has been cured, but the cure costs 80K. Still cheaper than a liver transplant, which you'll need eventually without the cure.

I'm a biologist, not an oncologist. I'm also working on new diagnostic methods for PDAC, not drug development. But most importantly, cures still need someone to administer them, and surgery + radiation will never be made unessisary. Hopefully though, one day we'll always be able to catch it early

yea, just stick to the adderall, it's not directly neurotoxic

Depression meds were like 5 dollars a month for me and worked alright. Got me to even begin to get better.

Making """lifestyle changes""" definitely made the real difference though. Of course.


Half the people in this thread remind me of those fucking rasta types who think weed and shit was banned because it can cure stuff better than medicine

>he doesn't know that benzodiazapines; the most widely prescribed anxiety medication, effect the exact same neural pathways as alcohol; GABA systems

I'd rather pop a Kpin than smell like alcohol.

yes, but consider the following:

I WANT to overclock my brain, over-focus it, I want to run it as hard and fast as I can, to succeed in modern life, so I'd rather have a mild, long half life benzo every now and then & keep my brain high-strung, than lower my environmental stressors, which would amount to not running businesses.


you're lying to yourself

the methyl ring attached to the amphetamine which changes it from adderall to methamphetamine is not toxic, it's just harder for the body to metabolize.

not saying meth isn't directly neurotoxic, but if it is, so is aderall, so deal with it.

Tell me more about sage and inflammation user
do you have a link to share that compiles the need-to-know info?
How about resetting gut fauna/digestive health?

OP I hear a shotgun to the head cures headaches. Will you try and see if it works?

stfu manufacutrered jew emphamisms every letter u wrote but the first are

concentrating doesnt mean pharmalogical either
Chemistry doesnt either

mostly just means clean to some standard thats checked usually go look it up itsnot utopia nigger