Czech, Poland, Slovák, Magyar and Uzbekistan
Thread theme: Smažák
Burgers, GTFO
V4 / V5 thread
Bump with Bogbiš
3 threads up right now, migrate into this one
we need more memes
Yes, this is the official, sanctioned V5 general
I didn't know your country had computers much less electricity, what goes on there?
What is a normal breakfast / lunch / dinner?
How much trust is there in police / government?
What are peoples vices? Drugs / Prostitution?
What do most people do for work?
Y u bully ;_;
Pretty much like any post soviet country.
I'm using 4G Internet right now, food is pretty normal I guess, but I'm vegetarian. Police are trusted, no idea about drugs. I'm a freelance programmer but I work internationally.
reporting in
you had it coming, because of your lack of security 2 Polish girls are orphans now
remove cuck and we may be friends
second soundtrack by based Omega - Girl with Pearl Coloured Hair
I cannot speak hungarian, so I subvocalize sounds and it is hilarious
Pity bump
vyprážaný syyyr
meme bump!
I gonna try and hitchhike all the way to Budapest this summer, is it doable?
Because you westfags need to shape up and help us defend.
I hereby claim this thread in the name of the Anglosphere, conquerors of the world, and bringers of civilization!
pieczony ser
Daily reminder that if you do not vote Okamura during fall elections you are literal eu cucks and leftists shills.
will we let austria join in, if they elect uncucked president?
you forgot eaters of crap, starters of wars, defenders of jews
go back to /ptg/
>bringers of civilization
>can't fix their teeth
smażony chyba
môžem dostat' zhrnutie o Bohbyšovi?
Things like this are literally cancer.
Just buy an eidam brick and make it yourself
kij go wie, wyprażany
never trust germanic
Back off, or we'll send Poland at you.
>conquerors of the world
Who makes the best cheese for burgers, and why is it the UK? Bonus:Explain why no country in this thread makes nice cheese.
Here's a quick rundown:
>newspapers bow to the Babiš
>in contact with tax evasion
>rumoured to possess hypnotic abilities
>control Česko with an iron, but fair fist
>own slaughterhouses and chicken coops all over the Republic
>direct descendant of the ancient financial blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Babišgrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every media editing research facility in the Czech Republic
>first designer EET terminals will be Babiš EET terminals
>said to have 9000+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
>owns EET R&D labs around the world
>You likely have EET terminals inside you right now
>The Babiš is in regular communication with the Archangels Agro and Fert, forwarding the word of EET to the Media
>learned fluent Japanese in under a week to communicate with Okamura
>Nation states entrust their donut reserves with the Babiš. There's no gold in Dunkin Donuts, only Babiš Donuts
>the Babiš is 98 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, he is a timrless being existing in all points of time and space from the Babiš bang to the end of the universe
>The Babiš will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and tax evasion
yeah no, fuck off we are full
third world shitholes with a inferior economy to germany, france and the UK.
someone has to do babis pepe
>When he's jealous of countries with civilization
>having any clue about cheese
enjoy your spray cheese
don't you have terrorrist to deal with?
Szekelyland is Visegrad clay.
give ma a pic with him
At least we arent arent cucks
You know, history likes to switch powers between countries. Let's see in 10-20 years
>if you ask later that you may come to Poland, because you're gonna be screwed then our answer will be: nie
Enjoy being the slave of the USA.
fuck off
reminder that succes breeds jealousy
Food of the gods. We even had our very own fried cheese burger made by McDonald's.
>against migrants
>votes for jap
but... it's just cheese
>Bomb has been planted
>tick tock
wait, you guys have some Japanese politician?
>ywf you will never have smažák at 2 AM in the morning while barely standing on your feet
Nice try eu shill
Hes against non civilized immigrants.
-Niggers, mudslimes, ukrainians, bulgarians and other shit tier beings.
UzBro, I was born in Tashkent but Never eben back to Uzbekistan since I was two. What places do you recommend to visit there without being akhbared
W-w-what if we wanna come visit?
Yes, He is head of the anti-migration/EU party. He got cucked by his own party while cooperating with other anti-migration parties so now he founded a new on.
Suprise people fall for that guy.
I made Zeman pepe yesterday for V4 thread, we need more OC
But it's F R I E D
He's half-Jap half-Moravian.
Yes, hes half japanese, half czech.
Hes currently at 7% at pools.
-Wants to ban islam by law
-Update our gun laws
-Exit eu
And... how does he stop them from coming here? He will be happy if he gets more than 5%
I say we gas the slezians, a bunch of inbred balkan monkeys if you ask me
Holy shit Uzbekistan so fucking rare I'ma go there bust some nuts mah nigga you feel me
hodil by se Dluhoš
možná jednoho udělám pozdějc
>If he was really Moravian he would be run with Moravané
Howbout we just "relocate" them to Poland?
When V4 becomes V6(Croatia + Slovenia) it will be first step toward Intermarium
visit you can, stay you cannot
sound like pretty cool guy
Do you guys also think that once we separate V4 from EU we should abandon jewish god and go back to our native white Gods?
Good luck winning anything here if you're not white, shit's not gonna happen no matter how good his policies may be
That's a bad ass picture. Just wish it wasn't of their asses.
Let's share food V4 bros.
Btw who should we let in. I vote for Croatia.
pepe version of this
but... we are atheist, user
u wot m8, get that shit out of here
let's just focus on strengtening ourselves right now, time for Intermarium and 3 Sea Initiative is nigh, but not right now
10/10 food
I vote Slovenia they are way better off and with
fucking RARE
How do we solve the gypsy question?
patrician choice
off to india with them
>we gas the slezians
I like this idea
heavy tax on junkyards and zastavárny, limit na max. podporu per dítě
no way it would happen
croats love dem some shitskin muzzies
heck they even fought as allies in every war
thats statue of Radegast, ancient slavic god, in Radhošť
That iconic statue is somewhere in beskydy mountains if im not mistaken
stop worshipping a Jew, please
Atheism is cool, it comes from Europe
My man
Looks like a dick. I can't respect a god that looks like a dick.
top tier
added to my collection
czechs, you disappoint me
atheism? it's 2017 guys
Not that I would complain but I'm just fine being an atheist... trinkets are nice though.
Is that Radagast?
Don't know man but we should do it soon
>be me teacher in elementary school
>teaching 5th graders
>there is a fucking gipsy kid who failed and had to repeat his class two times
>it is fucking impossible to teach anything because he can't behave, I usually lose my shit in 5 minutes and I yell at him
>police arrives with apeshit gipsy parents
>they are claiming that he has bruises and I beat the shit out of him during the lesson
>fucking police didn't even question the kids in the class they took me away like a fucking criminal
>I spent 3 hours at the police station when it turned out that the gipsy has a bullshit fake story