How do we stop white men from becoming women?
How do we stop white men from becoming women?
Other urls found in this thread:
>White men
>White faggots
Pick one
Men can't become women actually.
Maybe we should stop telling every man that puts on a dress that they are brave.
We have created value and attention in this type of degeneracy. So "men" ,who are too weak to compete on the dominance hierarchy, resort to mimicking women as a form of social attention and sexual interaction. They are parasites and weaklings.
we don't. White women are fucked, so who better to understand the whiteman, than other white men.
Let women fall from their pedestal and crawl through the mud, women need to understand actual equality.
slide thread detected!
sauce m8
>How do we stop white men from becoming women?
Have children. Be a strong positive father figure. Encourage masculinity in your sons and encourage your daughters to seek it.
why stop it
We dont? I'm 33 and have been feasting on young white pussy because younger guys are fucking beta. I'm thinking about addING cute boi pucci to my menu if I find some. What a time to be alive
How you know that this are slide threads? Actual solutions like yours are ignored.
Well, it's a mental illness that seems to be straightened out by injections of the hormone appropriate to the patient's biological sex (testosterone for men), so that should be the treatment of first resort.
We can't cus white bois are built for BBC. Blacks aren't effected by the estrogen in the water because they naturally have more testosterone. I think we should accept our fate and submit to BBC.
>How do we stop white men from becoming women?
Depressing to see we even have need to make such threads today.
b-but i love slide threads. i need a little banter in between my intake of depressing current events
How do we stop white men from spending time on an anime image board and getting triggered over trannies and gay people?
We can't cus white bois are built for BBC. Blacks aren't effected by the estrogen in the water because they naturally have more testosterone. I think we should accept our fate and submit to BBC.
>Have children. Be a strong positive father figure. Encourage masculinity in your sons and encourage your daughters to seek it.
what is this?
It's not my life. I don't care how you choose to live yours. I'm not paying for the surgery though. If capsule endoscopies aren't covered but reassignment surgery is, I'm going to have some nasty words, though.
ignore them
Shut the fuck up. Sup Forums isn't a board exclusively for activism. This place had debates about social or economic issues long before Sup Forumstards shat it up.
we cant
You're telling me that's not a female?
I'd hit it
nikki sapphire btw
it's got a dick and it hides it very well
people on the internet call these things "traps" for reasons no-one can possibly understand
It ain't gay.
Do you have proof that this is a male?
why stop it?
men don't become women
men cannot become women
xx xy
Are you the only uruguayan poster?
I only see one at most per thread.
Get rid of jewish influence in your nation.
we don't
artificial wombs are around the corner
finna get me a tradwife (male), settle down and have kids
map out their path to womanhood and, at each step, devise a countermeasure? As a last resort, you can bomb the hospitals where they get sex reassignment surgery?
In any case, it's a stupid thing to be concerned about because, at the end of the day, trannies are as loud as they are few. The vast majority of our race is heterossexual and perfectly ok with their gender identity, don't let the tumblrites get to you.
Who said they are women? They are fembois
sage and carry on
>f..for r..research purposes
Nah , i'm the most frequent though.
Where you live, senpai?
San Carlos , Maldonado , UR A GAY
We stop incentivising being a woman over being a man as well as stop humoring people with mental deficiencies.
Of course.
I spend all my day researching various topics.
Bane's voice.
Did you go to a private school? No way public education got you this level of english.
Second Post Best Post.
Public school.
Let natural selection get rid of them. Also ban xenoestrogens.
Why contain it?
Religion is the only answer.
You see, these people have no greater purpose in life. They live each and every day to satiate their mortal desires, but it's never enough and that's why they always end up on the excessive and extreme ends of the spectrum. Western people have lost their sense of greater purpose, there's no meaning to life anymore, hedonism reigns supreme and this is the end result, complete and total annihilation of the species. Men will become women, women will breed their genes away, pacified morons will welcome their invaders and all will celebrate their destruction.
Either we unite and thrive under God or we divide perish under Satan.
Actually it's an old issue dating from Soviet times. In English lessons in our schools, pupils are taught to use "of course" where native speakers would probably just say something like "sure" or "yes" instead. I've heard British and others are often offended, because they ask you something, and you reply "of course", and they feel like you consider them stupid.
All very sad, no doubt this issue contributed a lot to current international tensions.
good lord
it's all over already man
Prove that your God is real , otherwise why even bother making an effort to save the White race , amiright goys huhuhuhuhu?
show me proof that is a guy
Tell me where the two particles in the Big Bang came from.
That isn't a female dog?
Make it worthwhile to be a man again and stop women from mooching off men.
The only way to be sure that is done is to make women obsolete, then fling them on Darwin's dustbin with their beloved niggers and kebabs so men can have the nice things they earned.
It's a natural correction to women fucking up literally everything during the course of the 20th century, just roll with it.
I dunno. I ain't no astrochemist. My last name is not Tyson.
Prolly some deity.
Try this one on for size...
So basically you're telling us you're gay.
Hi. Religion is no bulwark against gender dysphoria. In fact, there does seem to be some support for us in the Bible itself, although I don't have time to cover it here (there's a nice writeup on Reddit if you're interested, in b4 gb2rdt).
Few actual trannies give one flying shit about the 'hedonism' of it. I'm not a hedonist at all, as I was raised Christian and maintain most of the variant morality of Christianity I was taught.
However, let's note one thing. There IS no 'greater purpose'. Good luck finding it in the Bible; the entire purpose is getting to know yourself and building a relationship with God, not building something transient to last in the physical world that you're to be apart of, not a part of.
You might consider emulating the Church of Berea and search your scriptures a bit more often. Sup Forums is mostly heretical as fuck. But I agree with your 'unite and thrive' notice. That's all we're asking for, too.
He's right u know
Easy, you fuck women and don't mind them. no attention, no degeneracy!
yeah it's a biological male
Kill them.
i keyl dem
the majority of trannies just want to live lives as normal people, they don't want attention
you just see the ones who do want attention because they're loud and insane
i am not a gay
you can't stop it
best you can do is make sure more non-white men are becoming women then white men, like a gender dysphoria M.A.D.
i am tha general , i kyled tha last general
Why contain it? Men are better at expressing femininity than most females.
Last time I checked where were more gay black men per capita than whites
that imprisoned south african nigger meme
Why should I care if some faggot wants to snip off his dick. Go ahead mate
Still waiting, btw.
You guys are just not as well versed in memes as i am.
It is a marketable skill in the internet age , you know.
>reddit spacing
go back
>crazy retarded tranny who mutilates his own genitalia
>There IS no 'greater purpose'
>I'm not a hedonist at all
you're part of the extinction of your own species
who would employ you ? and for what position ?
who cares
the feminine must fear the masculine
You are not wrong, but the weak are meant to serve the strong
Not gonna lie, I'd hit dat azz.
Give me one reason you should live.
i'm the bottom bitch , the main bitch
it is a prestigious position to hold , you know
No one has ever told me men that wear dresses are brave, I became a tranny because I wanted to be a girl ever since I was little. You know, I've only received ridicule for my decisions in the real world, acceptance for trannies is only pushed in kike media, the truth is EVERYONE thinks you're crazy. I pass as a girl now and no one I don't know can even tell I'm male, this path was much harder than just taking what you're born with, it took bravery to make the changes in my life that made the happy person I am today.
that tight , sweet , wet , warm , pulpous , smelly , boi pucci
It isn't becoming a woman, just well girled.
You have watched and admired woman for so long you tastefully rent from her style.
Long hair, just no pierced ears.
Well kept hands, but no nail polish.
One piece swim suit, no dress and red high heels.
You know... well girled. unlike HRC.