>this is the face of white nationalism
This is the face of white nationalism
Other urls found in this thread:
>Alters pics in an attempt to cast pro-Whites in a negative light
Why are you anti-Whites such liars?
Sad that you've fallen so far. The victory of the Jews over your people is almost complete.
Why so people shill against Spencer so hard by photo shopping him into stupid looks?
Do they think white nationalists are as shallow as their liberal minds?
Textbook Alinsky tactic.
Is his forehead really that big or is this edited?
Dude looks like Nosferatu
His forehead looks very inclined without all that hair to cover it up
Really bashes my fash
spencer is based
stay ass ravaged charles barkley
>cropping out his titties
This is the face of the alt-right.
Photoshopped much?
Don't have to Photoshop him to show how fat he is though
fuck off kike
I am my own face
>Why so people shill against Spencer so hard by photo shopping him into stupid looks?
Divide and conquer.
Forum sliding.
Baseless vilification.
>Do they think white nationalists are as shallow as their liberal minds?
They want us in-fighting, distracted and not focusing on saving our race.
The sad thing is, with Sup Forums it almost always works because anti-Whites and non-pro-Whites are allowed to post here.
No, he's really a 1930's freak show pinhead.
Spencer is run by Paul (((Gottfried))).
If anyone is Jewed up, its Dick.
>Look kids nationalists are so lame, lmao!
This wouldnt be a problem if spencer wasnt such bitch, he for example doesnt black the gif spammers on twitter
You told them, Iron march! When are you converting to islam?
>Spencer goes to a gym
>Spencer gets kicked out by a feminist kike
>Complains that Spencer is "fat"
>Not posting the originals
Ad hominem is there only weapon we are going to win guys.
>implying he needs a gym to not shovel sugar and fats down his gullet
Cute memexcuse though
I hate the kikes so damn much
Yeah. If anything, shilling against him so heavily legitimizes him in my eyes.
lol good effort shill
>>implying he needs a gym to not shovel sugar and fats down his gullet
You aren't fat shaming him, are you user?
That is incredibly bigoted and intolerant.
This giant egg head is a shill. Only leftist retards /r/teh_donald_€dg¥ fags love him.
He's looking right at the camera in two of those pictures, HE thinks it looks good, and frankly it does compared to that bottom-right picture
Those are PECS you worthless troll,a prime example of a real man.
he's controlled opposition to make white people sound like retards
Literally who? Can't believe Sup Forums fell for the psyop and actually defend this living strawman
i have a question.
why do you guys love that guy so much if he is responsible for killing millions of whites?
he also tried to destroyed all of the different cultures in Europe by invading their countries.
why do you like him so much ? makes no sense
Is this /ourhaircut/?
kikes have never won in Europe or Germany .
we killed 6 mio. kikes - they believe what exactly ? the polacks kiss our ass 24 times a day because we removed the kikes from their ground , same thing in Russia and Ukraine - you niggerrednecks should get an education before China assimilates you fukks in its factory planet
It's German flag, what do you think? Sooner or later everybody gets picked on by Sup Forums, so as long as somebody defends him, he'll be fine. What Spencer needs to do is to do something that will give him white nationalist points, besides making speeches.
Yes I am. Spencer being tubby is "bad optics".
>tfw i have an undercut
i dont know for a lot for richard spencer talks and books but man he has funny shape for head on top is big hahah why he cut hair short for top he head? hahaha come on bro make grow your hair
oh well no one answers my question. this place is dull. bye bye
White nationalism is gay as fuck. This loser would actually be like a compliment to leading these pussies.
Why block them. People hate spammers, everytime I open the comment section of one of his twitter posts I get a rage boner and less compassion for everything that is left. Same with this thread.
who the fuck is this guy?
never saw him until after Trump won.
controlled op?
those haircut shoops will literally never get old
>Those are PECS you worthless troll
If thats what you think pecs look like then I can just imagine the gyno that you must have. Post your boiboobs.
Globalists trying sooooo hard. I don't even support that fag but this is a terrible attempt at trying to turn him into a joke. Go to sleep Merkel, you have refugees to let in in the morning.
divide and conquer...
Nah just a liberal whos only conservative view is that he doesn't like niggers.
He's the white Tariq nasheed. He only gets lined up to be knocked down. A real life strawman.
>why do you guys love that guy so much if he is responsible for killing millions of whites?
1. Hitler didn't start the war.
2. The Holocaust literally didn't happen.
3. The US/UK/France are responsible for killing literally millions of Whites.
>he also tried to destroyed all of the different cultures in Europe by invading their countries.
After the allies declared war on him.
>why do you like him so much ?
Because we don't believe your Jewish lies.
I honestly and unironically hated Spencer because he's an idiot screming about "children of the sun" and "heil victory", but all this shilling made him a bit more sympathetic to me
>Why so people shill against Spencer so hard by photo shopping him into stupid looks?
because it's funny
>Spencer being tubby is "bad optics".
You don't fucking get it. It doesn't matter how he looks. He'll be vilified by (((them))) regardless.
What the fuck do you think this thread is about? The faggot OP literally photoshopped images to make Spencer look bad.
>this is the face of white nationalism
oh look at me I want my hair to look like a Yamaka for my shaved head
This is the face of KGB you mean
I'm more of an Oswald Mosley fan
>I honestly and unironically hated Spencer because he's an idiot screming about "children of the sun" and "heil victory",
You mean he's trying to make people aware about the genocide of the White race? HOW DARE HE!!!
>but all this shilling made him a bit more sympathetic to me
You think it's bad with Spencer you should see what the kikes do to Hitler. He's the second most lied about person in human history.
great post
>Why so people shill against Spencer
they belong to a certain tribe of gold seeking hooked nose goblins
>Do they think white nationalists are as shallow as their liberal minds?
You're not a white nationalist. You're either a fucking traitor to your race or a shill shitskin or a kike.
Everyone knows who Spencer is now. He openly calls White Nationalism for the weak 'homebody"
>White people hate Richard Spencer
>WTF, I love kikes now!
>You think it's bad with Spencer you should see what the kikes do to Hitler. He's the second most lied about person in human history.
who's the first? Trump?
>saving the white race
He openly says the white race isn't a thing to save you fucking shill. Stop lying
He looks like someone pooped on his head. xD
What a cone-headed freak.
>who's the first? Trump?
Jesus of course. The only person the kikes hate more than Hitler is the person who made their entire faith and claim of being "God's Chosen People" defunct.
No, this is.
He looks tough in the bottom left hand one.
He should keep it like that.
>He openly says the white race isn't a thing to save you fucking shill. Stop lying
I've never said Spencer is perfect.
But if we stop defending advocates for our race from the kikes who want to destroy them, we've lost.
Anyone remotely pro-White that starts to make a name for themselves is vilified by the kikes. And you're siding with them because you don't agree with 100% of what Spencer says.
i have the same haircut. should i kill myself?
I'll shill for Jared Taylor. The guy will go into a conversation with other races and explain to them why whites don't mix with them and they have no choice but to agree with his logic or look like morons. I've never seen a conversation where someone gets the best of him. In this political climate, until the next step is accomplished, he's /our guy/
>You mean he's trying to make people aware about the genocide of the White race? HOW DARE HE!!!
it's a moronic way of doing that. You don't go in front of the press screaming heil victory, heil Trump, heil our people.
Jared Taylor is far smarter in his approach
Your pic is not wrong. Race mixing is a minor issue compared to immigration and birthrates. Despite all the pro race-mixing propaganda that you see, and even in a multiracial nation like the US, only roughly 7% of whites are in an interracial relationship, and many don't have kids
my experience so far with life: attractive people are nice, decent people while fuglies are bigoted assholes, tends to be sexist, racist.
He has a long way to go before he reaches pic related
I didn't care about Spencer at all before these threads started popping up. They obviously want very hard to isolate him from us.
>it's a moronic way of doing that. You don't go in front of the press screaming heil victory, heil Trump, heil our people.
You don't get it. He'll be vilified no matter what he says. Why should he do exactly what his enemies want him to do?
>Jared Taylor is far smarter in his approach
Doesn't Taylor ignore the Jewish question?
I don't understand why all the white nationalist don't just go to Europe and make it white again?
>You don't fucking get it. It doesn't matter how he looks. He'll be vilified by (((them))) regardless.
So he should keep being a tubby slob, then?
1.but hitler did start the war. He was a sore loser and could not take the fact that Germany lost ww1, as a result he invaded Poland (first) and the allies responded.
2.The holocaust didnt happen ? its probably one of the most recorded events on history with thousands of documents, witnesses etc
3. not really. if hitler knew his place in the world he would have never started the war and white people would have never died for nothing.
one more question. why whenever you guys are backed into a corner you pull out the Jew card ? why do you always need a escape goat to solve your problems/arguments. are you too incompetent to argue with someone without bringing up jews ?
he's the person they chose to represent the alt-right for the alt-right to lose. He's an idiot. Tariq Nasheed was made famous by the right, because he's a fucking negroid retard who kills the integrity of his POV everytime he speaks, he's the perfect opponents because he can't win. Richard Spencer is that guy for them.
but you already knew that, you fucking kike.
because they're fucking kike shills who have to be gassed
>Race mixing is a minor issue compared to immigration and birthrates.
Who cares if they live next to us if they don't mix. You're a fucking idiot and you don't America. Race mixing is HUGE now with the younger kids
Your stats are bullshit. And you're a traitor who needs to hang like Spencer
Not really
>1.but hitler did start the war.
lmao. Who declared war on whom?
>He was a sore loser
Baseless personal opinion.
>and could not take the fact that Germany lost ww1
He couldn't stand the fact that the Jews attempted to rape his country to death.
>as a result he invaded Poland (first)
Because of the treatment of ethnic Germans in stolen German territory.
>and the allies responded.
By declaring war.
>2.The holocaust didnt happen ?
It literally did not happen.
> its probably one of the most recorded events on history with thousands of documents, witnesses etc
There is no evidence for the Holocaust.
>3. not really.
Yes, really.
> if hitler knew his place in the world
You mean if "he did what the world's Jewish masters told him"
>he would have never started the war and white people would have never died for nothing.
You believe everything the Jews tell you, don't you?
>why whenever you guys are backed into a corner you pull out the Jew card ?
Because they're the ones responsible for it all.
this guy is fucking nothing, he is most likely an FBI plant or some shit and the only reason people know who the ignorant fucker is, is because you stupid faggots like posting e-celebs everywhere.
>You don't get it. He'll be vilified no matter what he says
It's one thing to be villified unjustly, it's another to openly feed the mass media machine with pseudo-nazi stuff.
At that point they can far more easily demonize you, since it's not a "see he wants to stop immigration! What a nazi!" situation, but a "see he screams heil victory while people do the roman salute! What a nazi!" one. It doesn't redpill anyone nor does it help our cause, because it's alienating to 99% of society.
>Doesn't Taylor ignore the Jewish question?
Yes, it's one of the few things he's weak on. He's still one of the most skilled pro white debaters out there imo
>.but hitler did start the war.
A State the size of Texas didn't try to take on the whole world you ignorant bitch.
>The holocaust didnt happen ? its probably one of the most recorded events on history
It's records of lies by Jewish and Soviet culture controllers. If it was so true, then you wouldn't be arrested, fired, mocked, attacked for even questioning it. You should see what happens to Jews who tell the truth. The Holohoax is the HANUKA 2.0
>. if hitler knew his place in the world he would have never started the war and white people would have never died for nothing.
Churchill said the war was started over International Finance. You think it was started over "blah blah crazy dictator monster hate blah blah".
White people (and Japs) were being round up in America and put into concentration camps by FDR in places like Texas. The League of Nations was already moving Muslims and Africans into Europe back the.
You're brainwashed by Baby Boomer mind control television
>He's still one of the most skilled pro white debaters out there imo
But he's anti-white and pro-race mixing and the efeminization of white males.
His wife is KGB, figure it out. Putin plants these fucking types all over Europe
>It's one thing to be villified unjustly, it's another to openly feed the mass media machine with pseudo-nazi stuff.
You say "Nazi" as if its a bad thing.
>At that point they can far more easily demonize you,
They're going to demonize him regardless, so he shouldn't play their game.
>, since it's not a "see he wants to stop immigration! What a nazi!" situation, but a "see he screams heil victory while people do the roman salute! What a nazi!" one.
And in both instances you should respond with "So what? You say that like it's a bad thing."
>It doesn't redpill anyone
Because acting like the typical Conservative Republican cuck does?
> nor does it help our cause, because it's alienating to 99% of society.
Look at Trump, the media still vilifies him regardless of what he does.
>Yes, it's one of the few things he's weak on. He's still one of the most skilled pro white debaters out there imo
And he's still vilified just as much as Spencer is (called a nazi antisemite). The difference is that Taylor doesn't hold as many events as Spencer.
>You're a fucking idiot and you don't America.
>Race mixing is HUGE now with the younger kids
Is it? In Europe it's not that widespread
>Your stats are bullshit.
Check for yourself if you don't believe me. What's even more important is that race mixed births have been pretty stable since the early 2000s, so it's not a growing trend.
Don't get me wrong, I still think race mixing is shit, but it can be fixed later. Your priorities should be stopping immigration and increasing white birthrates. Once you are well above replacement rate and not taking in a million people a year you can focus on the few coalburners and oildrillers you have
1. when hitler invaded fucking poland ? jesus christ dude did you even graduate middle school?
2. HE WAS a sore loser and could not take it that germany lost the war.
3. the jew card again lmfao
4. it was not stolen territory, it was conquered since they lost the first war. thats what happens in war
5.yea again, for the second time. they declared war after Germany invaded Poland (a fucking declaration of war)
6. it did happen. again, one of the most recorded events in history with witnesses and evidence
7.same as 6
8. yes really
9. the jew card again
10.the jew card again
11. the jew card again
are you brain dead m8?
No I won't post mine you pervert
I seriously doubt yids actually hate Jesus more than Hitler. They disrespect Jesus, they speak about him dismissively and somewhat spitefully, but to every pure-blooded kike alive today, Hitler is their boogeyman. The man who haunts them in their nightmares, the one man who knew the truth about them and succeeded, for a while, in overthrowing their control and the subversion of his people.
He manifested what they fear the most, someone being aware of their plans entirely and being able to bring them to justice.
>why do trolls troll their fellow trolls
>1. when hitler invaded fucking poland ? jesus christ dude did you even graduate middle school?
>4. it was not stolen territory, it was conquered since they lost the first war. thats what happens in war
Adolf Hitler Explains Reasons for Invading Poland
The Forced War - David Hoggan
Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland
The True Reason Why Germany Invaded Poland
>2. HE WAS a sore loser and could not take it that germany lost the war.
More personal opinion.
>3. the jew card again lmfao
>6. it did happen. again, one of the most recorded events in history with witnesses and evidence
>are you brain dead m8?
You're the one who can't think for himself and believes everything his Jewish masters tell him.