If you had to pick a side, Muslims or Jews?
If you had to pick a side, Muslims or Jews?
hard to pick when watching far away would be so fun.
jews. but then I'm somewhat jewish, too.
Sorry I mean Mudslides or the Jüden
Never Jews.
Muslims because I believe an Christan-Islamic religion is the final red pill.
Muslims, we will reach jannah soon my brothers insallah
i would kill myself,so i would win
I...can't pick.
Wasn't that the jewish plot? To make this decision hard?
Muslims and it is not even close.
Chooses double Jew religion
Why do we have to pick a side?
I say let that meat grinder keep grinding.
i would kill myself at the airport
but jews
Jews. They seem a bit more tolerant and won't behead me or blow up a venue.
>Do I side with the great evil that's sneakily plotting my end and making me enact it
>Do I side with the great evil that's openly advocating for my end and would not hesitate to stab me in the back if I had a moment of weakness during the battle
Nope, fuck both of them. Glass the middleast and genocide all kikes and shitskins.
Muslims. The sheep will scatter without a shepherd
Your degenerate western civilization is already being taken apart by you yourselves. You cheer as freedoms that are against God are curtailed and fall over yourselves not to insult Islam, while slamming the Jew media. America is a friend of the new caliphate and together we will retake the holy land.
Show them based magapede! XD
I will never be tired to say that Jews are our greatest allies
Unironically Muslims, pic related
Id rather be ruled by tyrnnical oligarchs than swarmed by goat fucking rapists.
Where my kikes at?
I got muzzies winning bigly
Jew as long as they don't cut my dick.
It's virtually reversible, while converting to Islam isn't.
t. jew
You never have to pick a side OP confirmed for JIDF.
Enjoy getting raped by Ahmed and then Muhammed blowing up your family
>what is a hypothetical question
they should both remain in their countries if not nuked
Shia muslims.
Sunnis are cucked by jews
Implying I dont hunt down wahhabists and wahhabist puppets with my sunni and shia brothers
Jesus was Jewish.
As a Christian, while the Jews don't believe in Jesus, they do believe in the same God, so they're alright in my book. Just ignorant.
Muslims actively are apostates, they deny that Jesus is the son of God, they deny the Bible, and they don't worship the same God. So Jews win in my book.
Muslims. That way when I immediately kill myself for having to make this stupid choice I could suicide a few Jews along with me.
Thats exactly what jews want
Jews 100%
Wtf are you talking about? The jewish god is identical to the islamic god.
>they deny that Jesus is the son of God, they deny the Bible, and they don't worship the same God. So
Like jews
Muslims believe in the same god as well, dumbass.
>inb4 Allah
Allah is a word, not a name.
That being said, muslims are still horrible.
Muslims do worship the same God as jews, Allah is just the Arabic word for God. They believe they are also from Abrahams line, the sons of Ishmael rather than Isaac.
Which actually fits the Christian / Jewish narrative as God also promised that Ishmael's descendants would be a kingdom, one that would be wild like a donkey and fight all others.
>Genesis predicted Islam being a plague to the rest of the world
Death to all Jews.
Muslims, it's not even close.
Gas the jews, send the muslims home when it's over.
Correct answer.
talmudic judaism is satanic in nature, as well as Islam is. and there aren't very many sects of old testament only jews around. but the Old Testament promised us the messiah, and the book is written of Jesus Christ.
thats the most humane thing to do. Jews arent human. And mudlsimes belong in the desert.
>what is propaganda
These kinds of questions exist to force the simple minded toward one side, this is JIDF tier kike mind tricks at their finest. It purports the idea that you're for one if your against the other. This same horse shit mentality has infected Sup Forums as of late and its the fucking kikes behind it, if someone claims something anti Israel you're definitely a pro Palestine goat fucking Ahmed.
Real whites support neither, to choose either is to become a pawn, whites need to fight for themselves not support someone else in their battles, we ought to reestablish Outremer and kick out both from the region.
Muslims would go home if we stopped bombing them for Jews and wouldn't care about race mixing with dirty STD filled white sluts
Jews. Without a doubt.
Jews or their puppets? How is that a choice?
2/8 thread at least put some effort in
>Muslims actively are apostates, they deny that Jesus is the son of God
They actualy don't and have him in the Koran. While Jews actually say he's burning in shit in the underworld. not even kidding
>Muslims do worship the same God as jews, Allah is just the Arabic word for God.
And God is a Germanic word for GOdin (Odin), what's your point?
No, because the "word of god" that they follow is actually the word of some sheep/child fucker in the desert who beats women. And sheep.
The don't respect the Bible. The Jews use the Old Testament, not the New Testament, and while that's not great, that's better than not using any of it.
"No God above Allah" is a saying they have. Technically it means "No god above God", but if it was really just the word, how come English-speaking muslims don't just say God?
Fucking sven.
Then why don't they use it?
At least Jews acknowledge that that's what God said, the muzzies don't.
Also, muslims kill people in terrorist attacks, whereas maybe a few Jew elites kill people from their ivory towers. Now, that being said, we're criticizing the religion, and nowhere in mainstream Judaism does it tell you to kill infidels.
>Jews: Responsible for Muslims
>Muslims: Tools of the Jew
The Muslims are the face of what the Jews are doing to the White race.
Why can't you see that?
I would kill myself because both choices are cancer
muslim because you can still kick jews ass
They do have him in the Koran, as a prophet. He wasn't a prophet, he was the son of God. Denying that is calling him a liar. And, Muhammad puts himself above the son of God, which is direct apostasy.
Here's a (you)
Muslims. Both are shit, but Jews are the ones responsible for basically all our problems today. We wouldn't even be talking about muslims if not for the kikes that constantly force our countries to go to war in the middle east on behalf of israel, or the kikes that are constantly advocating for our white countries to spread cheeks and allow millions of muslims in.
If not for the jews, muslims would just be another mostly-irrelevant group of shitskins fucking around in the desert. And more importantly, they'd all be getting colonized by european nations and getting stamped out. Colonization being something that the jews forced us to cast away, and instead being colonized by the 3rd world.
Jews are subversient, muslims are not.
Imo we couldn't live long with muslims if jews weren't perpertually bullying and neutering whites via medias, associations and entertainment.
Muslims literally believe Jesus will come back during the apocalypse and kill the anti-christ to save humanity. Jews think Christ is a heretic and is burning in hell.
Muslims, btfo the jews, they stop financing isis and other terrorists, wrecking any decent muslim country out there, and we might would be able to live in peace with the muzzies
jews, any day.
>but if it was really just the word, how come English-speaking muslims don't just say God?
Idk. Personally I've never heard a muslim say allah while not speaking Arabic.
But I can assure you they don't mean it as a name. It's forbidden to mention god's name in Islam.
Muslims. They would not even be that bad if they were white
I'm a jew and i don't see why you guys don't side jew. All the religious jews i know of hate muslims and always vote right wing in any election. (For example, in Denmark, Jews are big fans of Dansk Folkeparti, an anti immigration party (our equivilant of UKIP) There are jews who run for them, and they shill them at the synagogues here (at elections, you will see their posters up on notice boards and such) I have been to multiple events were the israeli ambassador uses any opportunity he can get to shit on muslims. Zionists are all for promoting the "all muslims are violent" narrative, just look at MEMRI.
that hilarious cartoon character with the big nose who wrings his hands together has provided me with endless hours of interracial porn
i think the choice is obvious
>based magapede
dont ever call me that you fucking degenerate.
No, they don't, actually. Even if that were true, they deny him being the son of God. That's also just something Muhammad said so he could conquer Christians more easily by not outright denying the true Christ.
Of course you're Egyptian. BTW, falafels are good, as are gyros.
What a surprise that the German is embracing Islamic Diversity.
Jews are the ones causing bullshit ZOG wars in the ME that create these muslim "refugees"
Jews are the ones who advocate to bring them all into our countries.
But what about the reverse situation, where we had no muslims but we still had jews? Well in that case, it would solve NOTHING, because the kikes would just pick non-muslim shitskin groups to flood us with. Instead of arabs and somalis, we'd have kenyans and el salvadorans. IS THAT ANY BETTER?
ahhh murica, fucking kike lovers
>Why dont they just say God then?
Because they want to be special snowflakes and using a different word sets them apart from "infidels". Theyre like the Tumblr of Abrahamic religions.
>And God is a Germanic word for GOdin (Odin), what's your point?
Im not really sure what yours is. I went on to further explain the relation between Islam and Judaism / Christianity but you just wanted to pick on that line out of context I guess?
If that was directed at me personally, I already lean towards Universalism, that all religions describe similar events / beings from different perspectives.
Jews. They contribute to science at least. Muslims are just low IQ sandniggers.
Fuck em both, I rather chose death
Almost two billion Muslims breeding like rabbits are a real fucking issue. There is no going back.
definitely Muslims, in Syria under Assad Christians and Muslims are living together in peace.
Jews are actively trying to subvert us with diversity, degeneracy and controlling us with interest rates and other bullshit.
How the fuck can you be "somewhat jewish"? Are you shrodinger's jew?
If I had to choose between Muslims or Jews, I would choose Muslims. The media narrative is trying to make us hate Muslims, and Jews control media. I don't want to sound like a liberal faggot but MOST MUSLIMS ARE NOT FUCKING TERRORISTS.
If there is some grand conspiracy i sure as hell haven't been let in on it. I guess that mean loads of jews are being led along like the goyim are.
jews enable muslims.
remove the jew, and muslims go back to being harmless and primitive desert goat herders.
Nah, muslims are shit and they come from a retarded death cult.
That said, they wouldn't be our problem if not for the kikes bringing them HERE.
No Jews = No Muslims in our nations
No Muslims = Jews import some other shitskin group instead
Lev Tahor are like the ISIS of judaism. They are as extreme as it gets. Their women wear hijab like headscarves and dress like muslim women. If jewdaism commanded its followers to convert everyone they would be blowing up concerts right now.
What a suprise that the jewish puppet state chooses his puppetmasters :^)
>They respect Christ as one of their prophets, but he wasnt son of god
>Christ was a heretic liar that burns in hell for eternity
>somehow kikes are better than muslims
>Radical strain of Hassidic Judaism
>Radical srain
It's really telling that Jewter's is willing to talk about them like some sort of flesh eating virus.
The side that shitposts on Sup Forums about it.
Rather be a Muslim. I'd be just as inbred. And while I might blow myself up, or do some stupid shit in the name of Allah Snackbar, at least I don't craftily take down western society through corruption of the young, and spreading vileness wherever I tread.
I mean at least as a Muslim I'd probably die for what I believe in. There's SOME amount of honor in that. Jews have none. And I'd rather live with twisted honor than none at all.
Muslims every single day.
Much easier to defeat muslims as well
i know right?
>side with jew
>side with victim of the jew