>Your monthly income
>Whom you vote for
>Alternative für Deutschland
>Your monthly income
>Whom you vote for
>Alternative für Deutschland
This time it'll be Tory because I'm fucked if I'm not voting against the vile commie that is Corbyn. Normally I'd abstain.
National Front
There's an American National Front?
> 4.5k europoorbux
> tfw too intelligent to waste time voting
> spend time prepping for habbenings instead
I want to vote AfD but they're a bunch of retards.
Will probably just focus on getting some guns to prepare for the inevitable war of the Sandniggers that they're gonna start here.
>475 €
>Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS)
$3.1k (pre-tax of course)
$0 per week
Mickey Mouse
6.852€ (after tax)
AfD or NPD, haven't quite decided yet.
$3000/mo after tax
Proof? Paycheck or bank account?
Forum voor Democratie.
still at uni tho
160 euro
Golden Dawn
Platforma Obywatelska
NPD is a fucking wasted vote. They wont get into any parlament.
$2760 leafbux pre-taxes
green party (to take seats from liberals as much as possible, there literally are not right-wing options in my riding)
Fuck you, I'm not posting shit on here. If my employer ever found out I'm full on NatSoc authoritarian I'd get term'ed by next weekend.
I quietly redpill everyone I work with.
This year I am only making 120k, last year was almost 300k.
I work in finance in FFM.
Vote for them anyway. You need to unite the masses somehow. Even if the AfD becomes controlled opposition you still have the people who voted them for certain goals and these goals won't disappear. People should see that there are millions who oppose this jeiwish plot.
$1100 USD / Month
Macri / Conservative
you fucking jewish motherfucker
John McCain fan club
Don't go for NPD they are compromized by the Verfassungsschutz. The NPD is just a nazi honeypot to make sure nazis never organize or give their vote to other parties. NPD is a literal meme party.
To się panowie PoPiS-aliscie
Fuck off, data mining kike.
Don't you hate germany so fucking hard as I do?
>150€ this month after sanctions
>don't vote at all
Fucking poorfags
im about to be homeless and full 14/88, get on my level. hope you enjoy my speeches at the beerhall
>$4100 after taxes
>I quietly redpill everyone I work with.
The AfD is a complete disaster. After Petry got knocked down a notch or two -- they had the opportunity to elect someone who is charismatic and has a real "fuck you" attitude.
The AfD needed someone charming, charismatic, good looking, but brutally intelligent and someone that can dissemble everyone when they get a seat on "Hart aber Fair" and make the others look like imbeciles.
The AfD needs someone who looks like the only adult in the room. Instead we got a Lesbian who bought two kids as they attempt to shake the stigma.
AfD needs to go full on D. Trump and own every single slur that gets thrown at them, dominate the media at their own games and refuses to apologize for anything.
The AfD will continue to be a clusterfuck until that happens.
didnt vote because i moved to south america and live like a god
kys Nazi
My man
>€ 1650 after taxes
>FvD (Forum voor Democratie)
Vote the AfD in a symbolic sense of uniting people. They defintely have organization problems and someone should clean up the mess they are in but voting for a meme party or not at all won't make things better.
> 5500 $
> Hitler
>$3,056.63 p/ month (18.81 hourly, 37.5 hours p/ week) or $36,679.50 p/ year unironically working for my county welfare department, doing poor people's health insurance/Medicaid
>straight Republican ticket except for Obama vs Romney where I voted for Gary Johnson
i don't hate them senpai, we brought this on ourselves
>I don't vote because all the options are cucked. I might vote conservative next election though because I really don't want trudeau.
£2237 (no overtime this month otherwise £3000+)
National party
Same except engineer lol
fuck me hahaha
5,000 a month
$5K Hillary
Student: 540 euro
Vlaams Belang
Implying the mess isn't caused by the Verfassungsschutz and their V-men which have already infiltrated the AfD as they did with the NPD.
All these rich americans. Wow.
All these europoors. Wow.
How do you live on 404€ per month? You are either a welfare bitch or live with your parents
what do you do, hand?
didn't vote
Radical Centrist Party
Another Wendy's manager?
Is this before or after tax?
we have men inside the vs as well , if we find them inside the AfD we will send them to hell ( when we had fun with their families ) - thanks to FSB consulting
Whats an Aleppo
>I'm a recent graduate
>Estimate $3.5k/month when I have one
Everyone thinks you're a fuckin creep for trying to """"""""redpill"""""""" them, that's why you took a supposed 170k pay cut. Which I definitely don't believe.
Might or might not be but it is worth a shot. The point is to get people behind a movement.
I like how you're more worried about that than why he makes 900 pounds a month in America
Performance based bonuses .... how do they work?
It's an insider joke, actually.
€404 is the exact amount German welfare recipients get, on top of housing and health care covered.
>Fianna Fail unfortunately
well most europoors have way better and numerous public services too
healthcare or education (college included) for example is free or almost free
most students even have gibs
Die Partei
>don't vote
Don't judge me
Vote UKIP, it'll push the Tories further right.
404 salary not found
housing is covered ?
wtf ?
no wonder "refugees" want to go to germany lel.
1300 €
Pirate Party or "Die Partei" (satire party from the guy of the "Titanic" magazine) whichever of both is still on the ballot.
I would vote "Die Linke" but their stance on russia and despot Putin is reason enough the stay away.
The system itself isn't too bad but it won't last long if you import millions of violent welfare leeches.
It's like that in most first world countries.
Bernie Sanders
In America it's called HUD and it is scammed to no fucking end
Want an apartment?
£800 hundredish
$8000 US/mo gross
White. Work for big pharma, watch how the poison is made you people take. kek at the shekels you pay us to poison you with "anti depressants".
The question is: have agents from BND or Verf𝔞ᛋᛋungsschutz infiltrated NPD and AfD or is it more likely vice versa, judging by all the stuff that came out about NSU and other things.
IMO we need a new "Entnazifizierung" and have to smash Verf𝔞ᛋᛋungsschutz and BND like we did with the Stasi-criminals before.
1400 CAD
Justin Trudeau
Did not vote
$2200 a month from gov
mirrion birrion
Why are you dropping the as?
literally how?
i thought germany had good wages
How do you get that much in the US?
Are you on gibs or do you actually work for that worthless amount?
around 3500 after taxes
How can we spaniards send all brown ppl to getmany?
You need workers to pay for pensions
1500 usd
Not white