Must be the manlet rage
France is winning.
this tells trump all he needs to know.
>Macron has a good handshake drumpf btfo
Wew lad getting pretty petty now are we?
>muh height
Fuck off snownigger
>get cucked by based chin justin
>now cucked emannuel "fuck a teacher and cuck her mister" macron
how will this fatass EVER recover?
Your fatass was BTO
More like the French president smells so bad Trump doesn't even want to touch him
Lets me honest, France will never pull a second de Gaulle.
Don't try lie to yourself.
That's not how you give a handshake you French faggot
oh little drumpflet, shame your mommy wasn't around to hold your hand to make sure you spelt it right.
>Trump is over
>Brexit was a mistake
Macron is the only one that can save us.
>didn't post archive link
fucking kys faggot. fuck europeans are so fucking pathetic.
wow that was violent.
It looks like the French guy is making a pussy with his hand and Trump is fucking it with his. Only in France would being on the receiving end of a hand shake fucking seem powerful.
It was a normal handshake. The photo is from the exact moment Trump wanted to stop doing it so that's why his hand is extended.
He told him that he'd be more flexible after the election. ... oh, wait. ...
That was 0bama to RUSSIA.........
Oh boi, i wonder what Napoleon would say about your degeneration.
Macron says " we stop doing it when I decide it "
It's pretty petty and embarrassingly sad to freeze frame every photo op till they get the bad photo they want.
kek now thats autism
Based france!
Drumpf btfo!
You're telling me that a 38 year surprised grabbed the hand of a 70 year old, the douchiest move in handshakes and actually shows inferiority, but makes for a good media photo? Not surprised for the Illuminati's saboteur.
>the guy who literally said "get used 2 terrorism senpai lmfao" is the only one who can save us
The only one who could save us was pic related.
The Frog is in a submissive position the overhand shake is dominant in western culture
he's thinking of the germs
Forget Macron, guys a sell out uncle tom , not exciting or Trendy at all
Whatched the video. The picture is taken just before Trump slips his hand out and the handshake is over
>Sup Forums have a new /ourguy/
La mort n'est rien, mais vivre vaincu et sans gloire, c'est mourir tous les jours. youtube.com
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com
fuck this obama puppet
I weep for you France, and also look how HARD he is trying to clasp in that zoom.
Your millennial will NOT turn France around like he hopes, but rather simply pave the way for the NWO. He played with fire, and France will burn.
lol manlets
Not only Macron vote with the marxist vote but he's actually a jew banker, holy fuck french you're going to to be so fucked.
he won't do shit he's a fucking PC pussy
What's up with fascists and Nazis and /fa/shion?
i am not very aware about what sources in english are clickbait.
just a little aggression for those email leaks
Youre a faggot. Leave already. Sage
He's not my president.
Wtf do you think you are ?? Is this buzzfeed to you? And why are all of you retards even replying to these people??? Have you nothing better to do? That picture and text dont belong on here.
well meme'd user
To bad that illuminati piece of shit can't do a normal person hand shake and had to show off his elite secret shake skills, proudly displaying his autism for the world to see.
Must be hard for Trump not to laugh at this faggot. You can tell he feels bad for him.
>Wtf do you think you are ??
Macron is the next leader of the free world. Deal with it. It is not my fault that the US has a fragile president and the rest of the world does not stand by.
>ok, now let go of my hand faggot
And they said it was Trump who had the cringyiest handshakes...
pls get out of your country
srsly m8te
>illuminati piece of shit
Sure trump...
Is dahnald homophobic? The only ones he doesn't crush with his palms are faggy metrosexuals like macaroni and trudeau.
it's almost like he wants to touch them as little as possible because he knows where those hands have been.
>muslim infested france
>free world
Or he is weak and they are strong.
Trumpcucks, everyone!
Delusional as always
This has to be bait.
You're so cringy, holy shit.
It hasn't been a month and his government is already appearing for what it is, a scam. theres a new "affair" about some minister almost every other day now. Just wait till the end of the vacancies in september, your dear faggot president isn't gonna govern shit.
>A new affair about some minister almost everyday
You lying faggot
When will they learn?
This is what news articles have come to?
>EPIC! French President outmaneuvers Trump in handshake battle! Alleged collusion with Russia may be the reason
And don't try to say there haven't been a few cases this week alone faggot.
Macron is literally perfect for now.
>Merkel is in love with him
>He is acclaimed by the English for his behavior after the terror attack
>NATO members cheered him on his arrival
>He defeated Trump.
Hugo Boss is extremely fashionable.
>literally perfect
>Owned by the Rothschilds
Yes because it's TRUMP. You know, the baby president.
For serious business, we will discuss with Trump's advisors.
Kek not sure if baiting or actually shilling.
Literally none of this is meaningful nor "good".
Wew ok; this is no bait anymore. Zis iz a serious case of degeneration.
That is the face of a man who knows the guy on his left is going to completely fuck over France.
LePenis or Drumpfy, same denial.
dont forget to help your kids with their arabic homework. Oh what am i saying, youre childless.
Little frency, thx for taking a break from getting cuucked. Please do check on your wife tho, think she will need some groceries now.
t. kissless virgin
France literally hates its own culture. They suppressed (and keep suppressing) regional identities while they praise multiculturalism and import muslims
I ain't gonna comment on that.
I have better things to do, bye ya french cunt.
And we are still largely ahead of Spain in terms of military, economic and political power.
>Really makes you think
Honest question. Why do french smell like shit? Even the Africans and Arabs living in your country don't smell as bad as you.
How many time before the next attack?
I wanna laugh.
Not the greatest achievement
Do you feel this little ball in your throat? This is when you attend the end of a great leader (the USA) and the birth of another (Macron)
Trump looks like he is touching a revolting shite... oh wait thats because he is doing that