Criminals don't obey laws so banning guns is pointless

>criminals don't obey laws so banning guns is pointless
>terrorists obey laws so banning immigrants is smart

Really makes you think

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how tf u gonna get on a plane to the us if there are none going to the us retard

wtf I love open borders and free flights to my state now

>implying I can't fly to Mexico and walk across the border

Apples and beavers.

Nice non-sequitur, unfortunately my logic is sound

why do we outlaw pressure cooker bombs when criminals will just make them anyway?

immigration is harding than illegly purchasing a weapon

Tell that to the millions here illegally

If it was so hard why do you fuckers keep clamoring for a wall? Checkmate, Drumfpkins.

they all came in by air plane and overstayed their visas
wall = maginot line 2.0

>illegal immigrants obey laws so banning immigrants is smart

we are getting almond activation levels that shouldnt even be possible

>closed borders
>terrorists cant get in

what part of that concept cant you understand?

Agreed. I see guns walking around all the time planting bombs and blowing people up.

banning immigrants is smart regardless of terrorism because I'm sick of subhuman shitskins sucking up my tax dollars

Ban all means of producing guns and confiscate all existing guns

Checkmate, Republitards


good luck, most guns in the US are unregistered and untraceable

1 is protected by the Constitution
2 is a mandate of the Constitution that our federal government protect our borders.

Your logic is plain fucking retarded.
>babbys first 4chin troll

>criminals don't obey laws so laws are pointless

>implying terrorism is the only reason to ban immigrants

almond status: not activated


Not possible to have fully closed borders without going Soviet Union-tier.

gun owners are in the country
muzzies are not
they can be banned
they physically cant come and obey or disobey the law

you will always have criminals on your soil, but you won't always have terrorists. that is, if you're not a totally self-defeating idiot when it comes to foreign and domestic policy.

It's easier to tell when a shitskin is where they do not belong than it is to tell whether someone is carrying a pistol or not.

just because the constitution says you should have guns doesn't meen it is objectivly good

Right. Because those people who killed in Orlando, San Badnino (not to mention many other places and not to mention 9/11) were such law abiding citizens.

>muzzies are not
>implying the US isn't filled with muslims
retards BTFO

>San Badnino

Your nation says migrants and mass immigration are good, and you actively took in a shitload of them. Given the total wreck you've become, is that objectively a good thing too?

Just because your "leaders" say you should have mass migrants doesn't mean it's objectively good either. An armed populace makes for a nice deterrent to a lot of things, and when it doesn't deter, they have the ability to enforce.

but i learned on law & order that you need a license to buy a gun..

>criminals don't obey laws so banning guns is pointless
It is, since criminals would still have weapons (knifes e.g.) and use those to commit crimes against gunless/defenseless people. Given you magically could make the black firearms market disappear
>terrorists obey laws so banning immigrants is smart
That is full retardism, but hey I have time right now. If you ban immigration from muslim countries and inculde extreme vetting of even legal immigrants and then punish illegal immigration hard, by deporting them to island camps to starve there terrorism issue is solved. See Poland as example.

You think we don't want immigrants from Muslim countries because they're terrorists?

No you fucking idiot. It's because they're not white. God. How new are you?

you probably do in jew york

Inside the mind of a terrorist according to a Polish person

>Hey I want to blow up some shit in America
>But immigration is banned so I guess I won't go

Full fucking retard

How could he enter you country, if he was jailed at the fucking airport?

How can a criminal buy a gun if they're not sold in stores?

Btw have you heard of illegal immigration?

he can make one

Well a terrorist can smuggle himself into the country so we shouldn't bother trying to ban them or build a wall

That'll just hurt the law abiding and good ones

On the black market or make one himself. And even if you manage to summon the wishes fairy who did away all guns even the illicit ones, there still are knifes, baseball bats, hammers, hands and feet.
There can't be illigal immigration when there are fences and walls and strict checkups and shooting dead EVERYONE who even tries to touch those fences and walls.

There can't be gun crime if we confiscate all guns and prevent all methods of manufacture and vigorously enforce the laws

there are no law abiding or good terrorists

there are plenty of law abiding and good gun owners

>every car gets controlled by border guards
>every plane passenger gets controlled by terminal guards
>every boat gets controlled by coast guard
No illegal could smuggle himself in. Legal immigrants should have to go through extremely strict meassures. They shoudl have to prove over months that they will be useful, and never ever commited any crime and be under surveillance for years.

Yes let's spend billions more on taxes so that a terrorist can bribe a border guard to let him in

You cannot confiscate stuff you don't know its whereabouts, and even the fucking numbers. The numer of illicit firearms is almost double of the number of legal ones. Also legal firearm owners are the most law abiding citizens and the only ones who would ever register their firearms.
>prevent all methods of manufacture and vigorously enforce the laws
So ban 90% of all tools. Stop pretinding to be retarded.

yes because stopping people from entering your country is the same thing as taking L E G A L L Y
owned guns from citicens. Oy to the fucking vey!
We can put a stop to I L L E G A L immigration by banning illegals from our country, but how the fuck do you think we can take criminals guns if the police

>bribe a border guard
Do you have any fucking idea how much border guards get paid? They get paid a lot so they don't even think about taking bribe money. Especially not from some third world fag who offers him what? A few 1.000 bugs? Fuck off to plebbit.

Good luck with that. Mine was built with an 80% lower. No numbers. And I reload ammo. Browse /k/ more.

I made this eagle Pepe. It's such a lovely feeling to watch your memes sprout about, like watching your children grow up and get out in the world.

That's why we do it Paco.

That's a cuckservative faggot talking point.

Everyone knows legal guns increase homicides (although they probably reduce other crimes). The whole point is that this is necessary for the protection of liberty.

Only to own a handgun. Long rifles is just a background check that takes less than 5 min

Trump's travel ban wouldn't fix the issue, true. All muslims should be deported or interned in detention centers until they self deport (in case they are already citizens)

shouldnt that document say 'We the pepeple'?

that really made me think


The ban is not for terrorists to follow but Airline and immigration officials to follow. it is about denying access

try looking up child porn on google, you don't get anything.
try looking up child porn on TOR, you might get results.

Same with stores and the black market.

>prevent all methods of manufacturing
this would litterally put the arms industry out of business, destroying the economy, but would kill our military.