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>no more gibs
Oh no, what a tragedy.
So maybe they won't fuck without thought of consequence and breed a billion more hungry mouths ?
>Expecting this to trigger Sup Forums
As a rich person, i want more people to be poor so that i can buy their daughters' pussy on the cheap
Could not would?
Not good enough.
Leftists care about these things, but not enough to fund them out of their own pockets instead of the taxpayer's.
More americans suffering? This helps me out
I can't say if you are serius or not
>no more gibs
Yeah except for the wallstreet kikes and big industrie you mong.
What kind of bitch admits on a Chinese finger puppet forum that he has to buy something most dudes get for free?
What's with all the shills from Germany these days.
If you can't afford kids, don't have them. People better start living within their means. Just cos 90s movies shows everyone with a big house, car and a dog doesn't mean everyone is entitled to such a lifestyle.
if youre working at mcdicks flipping burgers making 30k a year, you wouldnt qualify for govt assistance for those programs anyway.
literally nigger gibs.
And if it's true, good. The weak should fear the strong.
Fuck you. I grew up in one of these families and the reason we had shit so bad was because my dad wouldn't get of the bottle long enough to work and my mom was too lazy to leave the house either. I still had 3 brothers and two sisters though because they kept having us kids even when they couldn't fucking afford it because more kids meant more fucking welfare. So fuck you. If they had done this when I was a kid they would have had to get off their asses and get a job or me and my siblings might have been put in homes that actually gave a fucking shit about us. So fuck you and your virtue signalling when you don't know wtf you are talking about.
"id lose meh healthcare"
You mean the crack and meth smoking parents, or the obese parents, or the ones who smoke 2 packs a day and give their kids asthma? Good, I think they deserve to die and I hope they burn in hell!!!!
Fuck the poor, let 'em starve.
Thats extremely wrong but I wish it wasn't. Fuck you. May want to learn how budgets work before posting the same picture over and over.
All of these things are good.
Taxpayer money shouldnt go to after school programs and food stamps, its all niggers who dont pay taxes anyway
>rich people have to buy pussy
>poor people get pussy for free
lol I don't envy you at all.
Gibs are happening you bluepilled faggot. They would be gibs to the kike faggots. Conservatives are confirmed useful retards for the jews.
you have to think about the long run equilibrium retard, when people lose health insurance, affordable housing and food stamps, they stop reproducing, less niggers are born, there will be less crime, less spending on police and everybody will be better off
>work for the state giving out senior citizen tax relief
>all these old fucks think they're owed something from the state
Say goodbye to your disability, pension, social security, and welfare, you greasy grey cunts, we need to build more f16s
Stay mad, shitskin.
I am whiter than you faggot, in fact my great great great great grandpa BTFO the south during the civil war, the only stay mads are the tradiors of the south, you faggot.
that sounds pretty fucking metal. I approve
>Expecting this to trigger Sup Forums
January 20, 2017
Trump inaugural adress
"We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.
From this moment on, it’s going to be America First.
Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. I will fight for you with every breath in my body -- and I will never, ever let you down.
America will start winning again, winning like never before."
please alert me when the winning part starts
I'm going to the bathroom to empty my bowels now
Healthcare was bound to happen. THe rising cost to th federal government was beyond ridiculous.
Food stamps are for the working able required to work a part time Obama job to keep up benefits.
Heating assistance. Same scam. Why work for 600 dollars when you can get 300 for free.
After school programs. We are not your babysitter.
Affordable housing. Also known as federal funded ghettos.
Survival of the fittest.
How the hell else can we afford to give the top .2% tax cuts amounting up to 2 fucking TRILLION?
>it's not taxpayers' fault you popped out kids you can't afford to care for
>stop spending money on vodka and smokes and you'll have money for food
>stop spending money on vodka and smokes and you'll have money for heat
>it's not taxpayers' fault you cucked the father of your children and can't be home when school lets out because you have to work for a living
>it's not taxpayers' fault your kids hate you and won't give you the steam off their piss
If you want nice things, find a way to pay for them. Most people manage it.
It's a good start.
>literally less money fo dem programz
and you expect us to believe that all this federal spending is 100% efficient? all i see is less section 8 and not enough money for fried chicken every meal, if someone starves to death because they have literally no money the liberal media will jizz themselves silly
chill out, how you expected this to trigger Sup Forums is beyond me
>people become reliant on gibs
>this is used as an "argument" to say we can't touch gibs
Trump is not cutting enough.
Is this going to be passed lads? Are we going to btfo the losers?
Sorry bro , we don't want to live in the gilded ages you dumb faggot
no, the same gibs, they just go to the military industrial complex and jew banks
What's even more fucked up:
My mother used to work at an inner city school in Houston Texas. She told me that she saw, first hand, the indoctrination of kids by their parents and grandparents in to the gibs culture.
She told me that her students were taught (by their parents/grand parents) how to purchase "high-dollar" food items that would sell on the street or door to door for cash. Then they could go get their nails done, buy drugs, etc.
Spotted the leftist millennial. Say hi to your mother for me, I'm sure she's upstairs preparing you a couple hot pockets.
Pic related. It's (You).
Randon number and macrocategories.
Try harder faggot.
We tried libertarianism kiddo , it doesn't work and makes the dissolves the middle class completely into serfs
Make Germany Great Again.
Fucking this. You mean if those people take some fucking responsibility to make things for themselves they might have a place to live and food to eat? No fucking way, what a novel concept. And then people will get on here and say Jordan Peterson's wisdom is useless and he isn't saying anything that people don't already know. It seems too many people don't know you can live a fucking life without handouts and assistance and affirmation of self at every turn.
And no proof that will literally happen
I want to.
During the gilded age there was a several 100% increase per decade in industrial capital.
MAGA bump. They'll be fine.
Oh no, millions are now force to work in order to live like the rest of us!
this is bullshit
>i demand deeper cuts
u can't lose that which you do not earn
fuck off, merkel supporting monkey
even if that is true, those people vote democrat anyway
12 million ((AMERICANS)) could lose food stamps
Weeding out the failures.
True, it's the right that volunteers more time and other resources to help people. The left can't seem to manage it without putting a bureaucratic chain in the middle to beat people with.
op's country is islam. btfo by the jew..again.
They forgot to mention that it'd be illegal immigrants that lose this.
I for one hope for the death of 17 million baby beans.
This budget has no sense without the TAX REFORM. Is Trump stupid? Why did he make the budget thing first.
> Drumpf supporters don't use government aid or Obamacare
None of those things should be provided by government.
Good, I'm fucking sick of paying for healthcare that I don't need or use.
>even if that is true, those people vote democrat anyway
They voted for Trump. Fuck 'em, reap what you sow.
Thats probably 1-2 million less Hillary voters next election.
And what about all the people who would benefit?
>that feel when I live in Oregon and I'm about to lose my healthcare
>not because of Trump, but because Oregon is going to pass a law requiring all health insurance must pay for abortions, and thus my insurer is leaving the state
Reminder that Democrats are the real destroyers of healthcare.
> votes against his economic interests because feels
Get a load of this retard.
Libertarian policy created the middle class. Leftist policy is turning people back into serfs.
Ok Pajeet. Keep telling yourself and your boss at shareblue that.
>Republicans are poor
The black community overwhelmingly voted Hillary.
Id be in support if they aborted the mom and baby, since it's usually the same retards who rely on abortion instead of contraceptives
6.8 million Americans don't know how to stay warm? Jesus Christ just let then die
> libertarians created the middle clas
> the USA was libertarian during the 50s
Go move to Somali If you want to live like aserf , Cletus
And we caused two world wars killing over 40 million people that accomplished NOTHING.
Cuck - all good Germans either emigrated or were killed in war.
Your point? There's way more poor whites than total blacks, and they voted trump.
Reminder that the top one (which pretty much encompasses the entire list) is about 4.7% of the population and is costing the US trillions in gibs for NEETs, spics, and niggers, none of which have any meaningful contribution to society.
See You stupid nigger.
Wow - even a Russian national gets that welfare shouldn't be provided by government.
Actually the FEDERAL government should only be involved in the national defense (from the constitution)...
Animals, man.
Taxation is theft
No source for that interesting drawiing , Cletus
>having to explain survival of the fittest to sausage niggers
Arent you guys supposed to be smart or something?
I hope it passes because the more Trump fucks things up, the better it'll be for the Dems in the midterms and beyond
where did this image come from i wonder
All of those are good things
Stop relying on big gov and feed yourselves
What does this chart represent?
Maybe big govt should move out of the way so they can have room to do it themselves.
great source, OP. Excellent statistics there.
Dumbass, Germany started NEITHER World War. Austria-Hungary started the first world war when they declared war on serbia and Russia attacked AH, great britain started the second world War when they declared war on Germany.