Americans, why do you hate universal healthcare so much?
Americans, why do you hate universal healthcare so much?
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Revulsion to parasites.
because the media told us to
>don't want spend x amount of money per year on universal healthcare
>would rather spend y amount of money per year on individual private healthcare, even though y >>> x
it won't work here because a tylenol in a hospital costs $50
>because the media told us to
Yep. The healthcare industry spent two-thirds of a billion dollars lobbying in 2011. Easy to believe they've spent millions elsewhere to muddy the discussion.
I wonder why
Can you guys even read a graph? Americans are spending MORE PER CAPITA on health care that Europe, but have a LOWER LIFE EXPECTANCY
because healthcare should not be the responsibility of a government
I support universal healthcare for white people.
the only reason your hostpitals can jew you like that is because you have no coherent health system.
America has lower life expectancy because most of this stupid country is overweight to obese. If you take care of yourself, you can easily outlive most countries. My grandma lived to be 103.
>please tax me more so I can pay for ooga booga foreigners to live and breed like vermin on my dime
A weaker, sicker America is easier to defeat
Because being dependent on the government for ANYTHING makes some of us very uneasy. We don't trust it. We don't like it. We don't think it works for us at all. So why do we want to give it more control over yet ANOTHER sector of society. And they won't do it right. They never do anything right. Everything my government touches turns to shit. And there's no way I want these people having control of a damn thing, much less my fucking HEALTH.
So that's my reasons. I mean if I LIKED and TRUSTED my government, I might damn well be a socialist or communist or something. Give them all the power! They're saints! But they're fucking devils. An I want them having nothing if I could help it.
a discussion on universal healthcare on a politics board? it has to be a shill thread.
>spend 3 hours writing this
>realize life is short
Because it benefits parasites and non-Americans the most
We don't hate it, we just don't want the wrong sorts of people to benefit from it.
It is instead better to trust private companies that are even less transparent and accountable
Please help! They're farming us for labor, money, and organs.
Our governments do little to ensure our survival!
It is not a joke, something is seriously wrong here.
Don't kid yourself. Most of the white trash against it is dirt-poor
because of tens of millions of illegal immigrants that would use it
you will understand soon germany
>Sup Forums on Sup Forums is a slide thread
>Discussing anything other than retarded conspiracies and sucking Trumps dick is a slide thread
Fuck off back to r/the_donald you plebit faggot.
ACTUALLY, private companies can be FAR more beholden to the law than the government. Name the last politician who went to jail in my country. Almost never happens.
And transparent? Yes corporations are far more transparent than my government. By fucking far. Which is not to say they're transparent entirely, but a hell of a lot more so than my government.
And who the fuck do you think helps to run my shitty government anyways with their damn lobbyist and shit heads? Corporations. So you're kind of comparing apples to apples there dumb ass. Of course, one apple is 10x more rotten than the others.
>white trash being against gibs
Not an argument leaf, white trash lives on gibs
no source on pic
it is also ironic that the private system in the US is several times more bureaucraric than aocialized systems in other countries.
But the government can't do anything right
It is because Americans are so fat and unhealthy. The quality of care for most acute health problems is better in the US than other countries. i.e. same person getting a heart attack will get better treatment as the same person getting a heart attack in say Canada. Same with things like Cancer.
>the entire united states is represented monolithically while the EU member states are separated despite the US only being half as populous
really makes me think
Because fuck you, I'm not paying for your shit.
cancer treatment is largely a scam and a way to jew the last shekels off of dieing old people.
chemotherapy is over 90% ineffective. kills more people than it saves and costs a shitton.
Because it doesn't cover jack shit and raises the premiums of 'actual' health insurance. Also it's against our laws for the government to force anyone into buying a service.
I pose a question to you. Why do you people hate your own kind? You flood your nation with people who want you kill you and take over your country. That makes much less sense.
i lowballed myself. it is 97% ineffective
Maybe you need to actually do some research into why healthcare costs so much in the US before you start trying to say we need to do the same things you do. The cause of the high cost of healthcare is the reason universal healthcare wont work in the US right now. Fix the cause and universal healthcare could easily be a thing in the US. Only in the US is a pharma company allowed to block all other pharma companies from selling a drug for 20 years while at the same time charging 3000% the cost to produce that drug (including R&D) while they have total control of the production of said drug. Why do they have this when no other industry in the country has the same protection? They fucking lobbied for it! Why does healthcare in every other facet cost so much? The healthcare industry as a whole spends billions lobbying. This isn't hospitals and doctors lobbying usually. It is the pharma companies, health insurance providers and manufacturers of healthcare devices. Administrative costs brought on due to the complexity of what one insurance company will pay and what another wont mean there are often more billing clerks than beds in a hospital. Pharma lobbied not only for the patent protections but to also keep Medicare from negotiating drug prices so Medicare pays far more than Medicaid and the VA and most consumers do as well. Then you have things like malpractice insurance that doctors and hospitals have to pay because it is so easy to sue them in the US because of lax requirements for civil suits and lack of penalties for false claims. I could go on but this is already a wall.
TL;DR You idiots don't even know the cause yet think you know the solution to the US healthcare problem. So fuck you.
Japan is over 95% racially homogenous.
>handful of the weathiest of the wealthy Jewish Elite pushing for world domination in the form of global communism and ((open borders))
>wonders why Americans resist
if you have to ask..
before the mandate I spent $0 on healthcare
Healthcare is expensive for the average person because of the fat fucks who get diabetes, cancer, and heart problems. If you are healthy and exercise daily, it's affordable.
Now if we transitioned to universal healthcare, I would be responsible for the well-being of the unhealthy fat fucks.
Have you retards seen how many fat fucks we have walking around?
Why the fuck would we want to socialize healthcare and PAY for people like Boogie to soak up thousands of dollars all because he lacks the self discipline to diet properly.
Fuck off. It's like none of you niggers have step foot inside America. Those pictures you see of those troglodytes walking around in Walmart really is common place here.
We're already too socialist as it is. Abortion to grave government control is death.
There could be other confounding variables causing the presence of an outlier, besides the healthcare system.
Mammograms are 50% reliable. You know what else is 50% reliable?
A tossed coin.
67% of the US health spending is by the government. Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, and Children's Health Insurance programs.
But let us get abortions please.
It's a real mystery.
It's his own fault. He keeps saying he's all right.
>live in country with 3rd world healthcare
>have to buy private insurance or die on a government waiting list
>criticize US for using private insurance
>import more immigrants and give them preferential treatment and benefits
really gets your noggin joggin
>pay for parasites that can't look after their own health
Yeah no
Because we have a ton of free loaders that will abuse the fuck out of it the same way they're abusing the fuck out of the welfare system.
If someone chooses to live an unhealthy lifestyle, they aren't entitled to have others pay to deal with the consequences of their shitty decisions.
Cause most are right wing retards
We're not completely consumed in socialism yet, Yuro-poor. Fuck off.
>Muh leeeegs.
part of the reason America's life expectancy is so low is because of how each country defines their infant mortality, there's not really a universal standard
some count this into their life expectancy and some don't
I also hate fat people and think we need a fat tax
but uninsured people are still getting healthcare, they aren't just dying off
please remove gang violence from that chart.
I want to live if I get cancer. I want to keep more of my income rather than paying for someone else's life choices.
There ya go.
You realize the resounding chorus since I was a child has been Universal Healthcare is best from the media, right?
The stats are what makes me not want it. I don't want to be tax cattle for parasites.
need to change the diets to the one on the right to immigrant semen to be more accurate.
fat tax should be implemented but would be universally opposed by fat retards driving pickup trucks and fat liberal body acceptance feminists
if you're so revolted by parasites, kill yourself.
A fat tax. I like that.
I think we should just kill everyone that's extra stupid, unhealthy, or fat and then see if we still have a left and a right side on healthcare.
you're a parasite, you're on Sup Forums. kill yourself.
being on Sup Forums does not mean you use government to seize private property from others to redistribute to you
Sup Forums is a privately owned business
With freedom comes responsibility, cucko!
When Germany reach the 40%+ shitskins we can talk. I guess in 4-5 years