>muh dishonest media
Isn't it time to accept that the media is way more honest than most of Sup Forums?
>muh dishonest media
Isn't it time to accept that the media is way more honest than most of Sup Forums?
Isn't it about time I fuck William in his little boi pussy
>x hates Sup Forums
>x wants to discredit Sup Forums
>y also hates Sup Forums
>they post and pretend what we do is fake
>an anonymous poster posts something
really activates my almonds
T_D will believe in every piece of bullshit we make up to troll the normies. Nothing to get worked up about.
The point is, just don't let that pic reach the media.
Bumping for justice.
The greatest strength of the anonymous imageboard is also it's one weakness- any faggot can post whatever they want to further their narrative, and it will resemble an actual post by real users. No way to trace them.
Can you provide any kind of evidence that any of it is real then?
>someone punches some literally who
It's more likely that it's fake than not
Making up seth rich? Making up pizza gate?
15 girls were literally missing after the bombing, the whole abduction thing was just speculation
What's worse?
A bunch of "nerd virgins in their parent's basement" publishing false accounts on a mongolian basket weaving forum, forcing users themselves to separate the wheat from the considerable chaff
A "legitimate mainstream media news" station doing the exact same thing and then being outraged at you attempting to do the same?
Pizza gate has nothing to do with that one shop, and it is real. There are numerous child sex rings among the elites.
Seth Rich was murdered by *them*.
fuck offs shills
Sup Forums became the jew a long time ago.
>Yes we are currently working on that, seems to be going good
literally no one talks like that, ESPECIALLY not when talking about some sort of operation.
What do you say, doesn't this seem too good to be true- tier for the MSM? like, just throwing out our evil plans on a heavily monitored site.
fukking sage this bitch
>Pizza gate has nothing to do with that one shop, and it is real. There are numerous child sex rings among the elites.
>Seth Rich was murdered by *them*.
Once again, reviving the debunked conspiracy theories with no evidence to prove them right.
I hope kremlin pays good wages for this.
Really alkalizes my water
Pretty sure this is just media shills spreading disinfo to discredit us. Just look at the speed of those replies and tell me it's not organized.